Organizational and Leadership Psychology Course Catalog
Course Descriptions
- ORG HU675 - Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry
- ORG LP740 - Adaptive Leadership and Immunity to Change
- ORG LP741 - Adaptive Leadership and Resistance to Change
- ORG LP737 - Adult Development
- ORG LP704 - Advanced Dialogic Interventions
- ORG LP703 - Advanced Integration of Leadership: Self and System
- ORG LP910 - Advanced Leadership Fourth Year Seminar I
- ORG LP716 - Advanced Leadership Seminar 1
- ORG LP717 - Advanced Leadership Seminar 2
- ORG LP730 - Advanced Leadership Seminar 3
- ORG LP731 - Advanced Leadership Seminar 4
- ORG LP917 - Advanced Leadership Seminar 5
- ORG LP918 - Advanced Leadership Seminar 6
- ORG OP550 - Advanced Methods for Whole-System Diagnosis
- ORG LP855 - Advanced Neuro-Leadership Seminar
- ORG OS900 - Advanced Organizational Psychology Seminar
- ORG HE510 - American Higher Education: Past, Present, and Future
- ORG FP730 - Applied Organizational Psychology
- ORG FP731 - Applied Organizational Psychology (continued)
- ORG PA650 - Assess, Interv and Eval Org Dev
- ORG AC715 - Assessment and Treatment of Individuals of African and Caribbean Heritage
- ORG EC525 - Assessment in Executive Coaching
- ORG LP712 - Becoming a 21st Century Leader
- ORG TM610 - Business Strategy and Organizational Life Cycle
- ORG PR851 - Capstone 1 (MAOP, prior to Fall 2024)
- ORG OP950 - Capstone 1 (MAOP, starting Fall 2024))
- ORG PR852 - Capstone 2 (MAOP, prior to Fall 2024)
- ORG OP951 - Capstone 2 (MAOP, starting Fall 2024)
- ORG MP675 - Capstone Course
- ORG PR850 - Capstone Course and Field Project
- ORG PS675 - Capstone Seminar: Methodology in Higher Education
- ORG LT601 - Clinical Concepts for Equitable Instructional Practice in the Classroom
- ORG MP610 - Cognitive Psychology and Media
- ORG PS612 - Cognitive, Social, Career Development of College Students
- ORG LP930 - Community Resilience after Trauma 2
- ORG OP620 - Consulting Skills
- ORG OP520 - Consulting Skills and Organizational Psychology Practice
- ORG HE540 - Counseling I: College Student Development Theories in Higher Education
- ORG HE545 - Counseling II: Theory and Practice in Higher Education
- ORG LP745 - Creative Change and Transformational Leadership
- ORG OP675 - Creative Problem Solving and Transformative Leadership
- ORG AC700 - Cultural Foundations: The Experiences of African and Caribbean Groups
in the U.S.
- ORG DBT710 - DBT Theory and Practice
- ORG LP788 - DEI Interventions and Facilitation
- ORG RS700 - Demystify Dissertation: Preparing Doctoral Projects
- ORG ST501 - Designing Organizations, Groups and Teams
- ORG OP515 - Developing Groups and Teams in Systems
- ORG ST502 - Diagnosis, Intervention, and Evaluation in Organizational Development
- ORG CC602 - Difference, Inclusion and Respect in Organizations
- ORG LP904 - Dissertation
- ORG LP801 - Doctoral Dissertation Design Seminar
- ORG LP802 - Doctoral Project I
- ORG LP919 - Doctoral Project II
- ORG LP902 - Doctoral Project II: Leadership
- ORG LP920 - Doctoral Project III
- ORG LP400 - Emerging Issues in Leadership
- ORG LP914 - Empower, Excite, Engage: Leadership and Motivation
- ORG LP705 - Ethics and Standards of Practice in Leadership
- ORG EC571 - Executive Coaching Practicum
- ORG EC575 - Executive Coaching Practicum and Supervision
- ORG EC576 - Executive Coaching Practicum and Supervision (continued)
- ORG EC565 - Executive Coaching Skills and Techniques
- ORG EC500 - Executive Coaching; Principles, Theory and Practice
- ORG EC523 - Executive Coaching; Principles, Theory and Practice (continued)
- ORG OL601 - Exploring the Darkside of Leadership: Ethics and Power
- ORG LP921 - Field Experience 1 – LPsyD Seminar / Practicum
- ORG LP922 - Field Experience 2 – LPsyD Seminar / Practicum
- ORG LP923 - Field Experience 3 – LPsyD Seminar / Practicum
- ORG LP924 - Field Experience 4 – LPsyD Seminar / Practicum
- ORG LP925 - Field Experience 5 – LPsyD Seminar / Practicum
- ORG LP926 - Field Experience 6 – LPsyD Seminar / Practicum
- ORG CS720 - Field Placement
- ORG FP734 - Field Placement 1 (MAOP, prior to Fall 2024)
- ORG OP900 - Field Placement 1 (MAOP, starting Fall 2024)
- ORG FP735 - Field Placement 2 (MAOP, prior to Fall 2024)
- ORG OP901 - Field Placement 2 (MAOP, starting Fall 2024)
- ORG CS721 - Field Placement In Executive Coaching
- ORG HE535 - Field Placement: HESPA
- ORG HE536 - Field Placement: HESPA (continued)
- ORG FP732 - Field Placement: MAOP
- ORG FP733 - Field Placement: MAOP (continued)
- ORG MP545 - Field Placement: Media
- ORG MP546 - Field Placement: Media (continued)
- ORG LP101 - First Year Seminar
- ORG HU670 - Foundations of Appreciative Inquiry
- ORG ST500 - Foundations of Organizational Development
- ORG MP540 - From Entertainment to Educational Media: Development, Persuasion, and
- ORG AC710 - Fundamentals of Global Mental Health
- ORG LP814 - Giving and Receiving Feedback with the Brain in Mind
- ORG MP520 - Global Media
- ORG AC800 - Global Mental Health: Program Development and Evaluation
- ORG LP800 - GCSL Capstone Project
- ORG CC564 - Haiti Service Learning and Cultural Immersion Experience
- ORG HC001 - Health Coaching Principles and Practices
- ORG HC002 - Health Coaching Skills and Techniques
- ORG HE550 - Higher Education Leadership
- ORG OL602 - Identifying High Performance Leaders: Assessment and Practicum
- ORG LP742 - Immunity to Change in Organizations
- ORG LT602 - Inclusive Teacher Leadership
- ORG CP600 - Institution, Program, and Distance Learning Orientation (for GCEC)
- ORG CP600 - Institution, Program, and Distance Learning Orientation (for MAOP)
- ORG OP555 - Integrated Organizational Intervention and Evaluation
- ORG LP803 - International Organizational Systems, Theory and Leadership
- ORG LP915 - Internship 1
- ORG LP916 - Internship 2
- ORG FP617 - Internship in Community Mental Health II
- ORG AC620 - Introduction to African and Caribbean Mental Health
- ORG AC610 - Introduction to Global Mental Health
- ORG OP500 - Introduction to Organizational Psychology, Development, and Change
- ORG EC501 - Introduction to Professional Executive Coaching
- ORG OP580 - Introduction to Talent Management Systems and Strategy
- ORG TR604 - Kenya Immersion: Relational Development and Well-Being in Kenyan Communities
- ORG LP767 - Leadership and Employee Well Being
- ORG LP710 - Leadership and Followership: Theoretical Bases of Leadership
- ORG OP680 - Leadership and Strategic Thinking in Organizational Change
- ORG LP748 - Leadership and System Approaches to Wicked Problems
- ORG OP600 - Leadership and the Use of Self
- ORG LP711 - Leadership Development and the Use of the Self
- ORG LP708 - Leadership of Educational Institutions
- ORG LP713 - Leadership Pro-seminar: The Self and the System
- ORG LP763 - Leadership, Use of Self, and Multicultural Competence
- ORG LP912 - Leading Non Profits and NGOs
- ORG OP590 - Learning and Development: Empowering Organizational Growth
- ORG CC560 - LMH Immersion Seminar
- ORG OP999 - MAOP Program Comprehensive Exams
- ORG MP535 - Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship
- ORG AC600 - Mental Health Disparities: Multicultural and Global Perspectives
- ORG LP787 - Multicultural and Inclusive Leadership
- ORG ET670 - Multicultural and Trauma-Sensitive Expressive Arts Therapy
- ORG MP510 - Narrative and Immersive Media
- ORG LP811 - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
- ORG LP724 - Neuroanatomy
- ORG LP750 - Neuroleadership
- ORG LP758 - Neuroleadership Research Lab
- ORG LP850 - Neuro-Leadership Seminar
- ORG LP760 - Neuroscience and Leadership
- ORG LP736 - Organization Development and Change
- ORG LP728 - Organizational Assessment and Intervention
- ORG PA550 - Organizational Assessment: Qualitative and Quantitative
- ORG GR600 - Organizational Behavior: The Individual and Team
- ORG EC521 - Organizational Development in Executive Coaching
- ORG OP505 - Organizational Psychology Theory, Models, and Assessment in Practice
- ORG HU676 - Participatory Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry
- ORG TM615 - Performance Development and Management Psychology and Training
- ORG MP641 - Positive Psychology and Media
- ORG EC561 - Practice Seminar in Executive Coaching
- ORG LP753 - Practicum - Leadership in Business Organizations
- ORG LP756 - Practicum - Leadership in Government and Public Sector
- ORG LP755 - Practicum - Leadership in Health Care Organizations
- ORG LP752 - Practicum - Leadership in Higher Education
- ORG LP751 - Practicum - Leadership in K-12 Education
- ORG LP754 - Practicum - Leadership in Non-Profit Organizations and NGOS
- ORG LP789 - Practicum 1
- ORG LP790 - Practicum 2
- ORG LP715 - Practicum 1: Leadership
- ORG LP718 - Practicum 2: Leadership
- ORG LP719 - Practicum 3: Leadership
- ORG LP720 - Practicum 4: Leadership
- ORG FP404 - Practicum: Leading Transformative Mental Health in the Classroom
- ORG FP405 - Practicum: Leading Transformative Mental Health in the Classroom
- ORG HC005 - Practicum in Health Coaching
- ORG OL603 - Principles and Practices of International Leadership
- ORG LP761 - Process Consultation and Facilitation
- ORG LP909 - Process Consultation and Facilitation Skills for OD Practitioners
- ORG MP530 - Professional Orientation: 21st Century Media Psychology
- ORG MP526 - Professional Orientation: 21st Century Media Psychology (Theory and Practice)
and Year Long Field Project
- ORG HE525 - Professional Orientation: 21st Century Student Personnel Administration
- ORG LP913 - Promoting Community Resilience after Trauma
- ORG OP650 - Proseminar
- ORG MP650 - Proseminar in Media Psychology
- ORG HC004 - Psychology of Health, Illness and Wellness
- ORG OP560 - Psychology of Leadership Dynamics in Organizations
- ORG HC003 - Psychology of Learning, Growth and Change in Adulthood
- ORG LP725 - Qualitative Methods I
- ORG LP735 - Qualitative Methods II
- ORG LP723 - Qualitative Methods of Naturalistic Inquiry
- ORG OP510 Self as an Instrument
- ORG LP707 - Shaping School Culture
- ORG LP812 - Shaping Your Consulting or Leadership Practice
- ORG LP813 - Shaping Your Consulting or Leadership Practice 2
- ORG MP525 - Social Psychology and Media
- ORG LP729 - Statistics 1: Survey Design and Analysis
- ORG LP722 - Statistics 2: Quantitative Research Methods
- ORG LP726 - Statistics and Research Methods I
- ORG LP727 - Statistics and Research Methods II
- ORG TM601 - Talent Acquisition and Management
- ORG OP585 - Talent Stewardship: Unlocking Pathways to Higher Potential
- ORG LP810 - Team and Group Development for Leaders
- ORG OL606 - The Brain in Business: Neuroscience of Leadership
- ORG LP815 - The Business Side of Starting or Growing Your Practice
- ORG LP706 - The Crux of School Leadership: Managing Dilemmas, Paradoxes, and Complexity
- ORG HE620 - The Law and Higher Education
- ORG LP764 - The Neurobiology of Leadership
- ORG LP757 - The Neuroscience of Leadership
- ORG LP749 - The Neuroscience of Prejudice
- ORG HE520 - The Practice of Student Personnel Administration
- ORG OL600 - The Psychology of 21st Century Leadership and Followership
- ORG LP762 - The Psychology of Leadership and Followership
- ORG LP786 - The Psychology of Racism and Discrimination
- ORG LT600 – Use of Self in Leading Transformative Mental Health: Adult Social Emotional
Competencies and Cultural Humility