Juvenile Court Clinic Operations
Juvenile Court Clinic operations
Operating in Norfolk and Suffolk Counties of Massachusetts
William James College operates Juvenile Court Clinics (JCC) under an agreement with the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH) and the Trial Court of Massachusetts. WJC staffs the JCC covering Norfolk County while the JCC covering Suffolk County is jointly staffed by WJC and DMH. The JCC provide court-ordered evaluations of youth and families in Care and Protection cases (alleged child maltreatment), Delinquent and Youthful Offender cases, Child Requiring Assistance cases (runaway, truancy, stubborn child, habitual school offender, sexually exploited child), and Involuntary Civil Commitment for urgent inpatient psychiatric care or substance abuse treatment.

Learn about the Juvenile Court Clinic Operations
Our primary goal is to aid the court in understanding and responding to the socio-emotional and mental health needs of court-involved youth and families.
How Our Students Train at the Juvenile Court Clinics
JCCO Training Program
Juvenile Court Clinic clinicians train and supervise graduate and post-graduate students from WJC, as well as other advanced graduate training programs in social work involved in juvenile forensic mental health practice.
Learn More HereJuvenile Court Clinics Team
The clinic staff are comprised of psychologists, social workers, and other professionals who have been trained in forensic evaluations and case management services.
Meet Our Staff HereQuestions? Contact the Program Director
Pooja Khialani, PsyD
Suffolk Office: 617-788-6472
Norfolk Office: 781-320-1244
and 781-320-1251
WJC to Operate Norfolk and Suffolk Juvenile Court Clinics
In 2017, the Center of Excellence for Children, Families and the Law at William James College secured the contracted Juvenile Court Clinic operations in Suffolk and Norfolk Counties.
Read More HereInclusion and Engagement
The Brenner Center has a longstanding commitment to welcome and serve our whole community. We offer all people high quality, culturally responsive services while honoring race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex and fluidity of gender, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic, immigration, or veteran status. Our staff strives to support and protect all people in an atmosphere that respects differences of all kinds. We believe it is the responsibility of the Brenner Center staff, partners, and patients to work toward greater inclusion, multiculturalism, racial justice, and equity.