Certificate Requirements
- 18 total credits
- 3 semesters: Online format (asynchronous/synchronous)
- 500 practicum hours at school site
- Capstone
- The curriculum is designed to prepare you for the MA PAL state assesment for licensure.
Overview of Curriculum
Educational Leadership, Equity and Transformation (6 credits)
ORG LP708 - Leadership of Educational Institutions (credits: 2)
ORG LP707 - Shaping School Culture (credits: 2)
ORG LP706 - The Crux of School Leadership: Managing Dilemmas, Paradoxes, and Complexity (credits: 2)
Anti-racist Leadership, Interventions and Actions (9 credits)
ORG LP786 - The Psychology of Racism and Discrimination (credits: 3)
ORG LP787 - Multicultural and Inclusive Leadership (credits: 3)
ORG LP788 - DEI Interventions Effective Communication (credits: 3)
Practicum (2 credits)
ORG LP789 - Practicum 1 (credits: 1)
ORG LP790 - Practicum 2 (credits: 1)
Capstone (1 credit)
ORG LP800 - GSCL Capstone Project (credits: 1)
A capstone is required for those earning a principal certification. A capstone is
not required for PsyD students.
Total Credits: 18
Course Sequence
Semester 1 - Summer 2023
ORG LP786 - The Psychology of Racism and Discrimination (credits: 3)
ORG LP706 - The Crux of School Leadership: Managing Dilemmas, Paradoxes, and Complexity (credits: 2)
ORG LP789 - Practicum 1 (credits: 1)
Semester 2 - Fall 2023
ORG LP788 - DEI Interventions Effective Communication (credits: 3)
ORG LP707 - Shaping School Culture (credits: 2)
ORG LP790 - Practicum 2 (credits: 1)
Semester 3 - Spring 2024
ORG LP708 - Leadership of Educational Institutions (credits: 2)
ORG LP787 - Multicultural and Inclusive Leadership (credits: 3)
ORG LP800 - GSCL Capstone Project (credits: 1)
Additional Program Components:
Practicum oversight, advising and placement support.
Career Pathway to a Doctorate
William James College also offers a PsyD in Leadership Psychology. As a graduate of this program, you will be eligible to transfer up to 8 credits to the Leadership PsyD program if you decide to apply and pursue it. This doctoral program requires that you have previously earned a master's degree.