President's Welcome
A Message from President Covino
"Ours is a college committed to educational excellence...and to developing the next generation of culturally sensitive professionals to make a difference in our community."
- Nicholas A. Covino, PsyD (bio)
For more than 50 years, our talented faculty and dedicated staff have been educating professionals to bring psychological theory and skills to businesses and organizations, health care systems, correctional facilities, community mental health centers, schools, and consulting rooms. Ours is a College committed to educational excellence in applied psychology and to developing the next generation of culturally sensitive professionals to make a difference in our community. Professionals are the instruments of change.
An education at William James College is as much about developing self-knowledge as it is acquiring command of psychology research and theory. Our programs equip professionals to work as consultants and clinicians in schools, courts, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, substance abuse recovery programs, community mental health centers, business, and private practice with children, adults, and families. The faculty and the student body across all degree programs support each other by sharing research findings, clinical experience and insight from their specialty areas of mental health.
With 75 percent of children failing to receive necessary mental healthcare; businesses and organizations requiring leadership and alignment of needs to create healthy and productive work environments; anywhere from 18-30 percent of our troops returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan experiencing significant anxiety, depression, and substance abuse disorders; 80 percent of those in prison estimated to have mental illness and less than two percent of mental health providers able to offer language and culturally sensitive mental health services, there is a critical need to attract and to educate professionals with strong sense of social responsibility.
Students, friends, and community members: We welcome your interest, your ideas, and your energy—and we welcome the opportunity to work with you to create your future, and to shape the futures of the individuals and communities we each serve.

Our Board of Trustees
The William James College Board of Trustees is a diverse group, representing a variety of professional backgrounds including finance, psychology, healthcare, education, business, and marketing.
Administrative Offices
William James College staff members support students through graduation and beyond.