International Association for Firesetting Intervention, Research, and Education (IFIRE)
International Association for Firesetting Intervention, Research, and Education (IFIRE)
The International Association for Firesetting Intervention, Research, and Education (IFIRE) is an international multidisciplinary professional organization that promotes sound research on the causes and costs of misuses of fire, educates the public and policy makers, and provides professional development training and cross-training on prevention, assessment, and intervention strategies to reduce misuse of fire. The IFIRE team is distributed internationally. The organization's “virtual” home is here at William James College.
IFIRE supports professionals who serve individuals and communities in reducing harms caused by reckless and intentional misuse of fire through prevention and intervention strategies. How professionals reduce harms associated with misuse of fire varies widely. Members may be in fire services, law enforcement, emergency medical services, outpatient or inpatient medical and/or behavioral health care, researchers and academics, policy-makers, or other professions.
IFIRE Mission Statement
The mission of IFIRE is to reduce the physical, financial and societal harms caused by deliberate firesetting and the misuse of fire. By bringing together multidisciplinary groups of professionals and community stakeholders we:
- Raise the profile of deliberate firesetting and the misuse of fire as a public health issue
- Advocate for the development of comprehensive and effective strategies for prevention and intervention.
- Promote sound research into the causes and costs of deliberately set fires
- Educate the public and policy-makers about the problem of deliberately set fires and misuse of fire
- Disseminate information and provide training for fire service, medical, behavioral health, law enforcement, court, and other professionals

2025 IFIRE Conference
International Perspectives on Child and Adult Firesetting: Advances in Research and Practice
The International Association of Firesetting Intervention Research and Education (IFIRE) is excited to announce the first IFIRE Global Conference on “International Perspectives on Child and Adult Firesetting: Advances in Research and Practice.”
The conference will take place May 7–9, 2025 at the Worcester Recovery Center and State Hospital, Massachusetts, USA.
This represents the first international multidisciplinary conference dedicated to advancing and sharing knowledge around research and practice on adult and youth firesetting.
Register Here