Center for Psychological Science (CPS)
Facilitating and Supporting Research Opportunities
The William James College Center for Psychological Science (CPS) was created in 2020 to facilitate the integration of psychological science into all aspects of the William James College Community and ensure that research is conducted in accord with best practices for research design, methodology, and ethical conduct. The Center provides a single access point for the College's Institutional Review Board, institutional grants and awards, dissemination of information on current research studies and presentations, and standards, policies, and procedures for the conduct of psychological research.
Institutional Review Board
William James College maintains a Federally Qualified Institutional Review Board (IRB) operating as an independent body to ensure the protection of the rights, safety, and well-being of human subjects involved in research studies.The IRB operates in compliance with the guidelines of Federalwide Assurance (FWA #00017733) and Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 46 (45CFR46).
The IRB is charged with the institution-wide responsibility and authority to review and approve all human subjects research conducted by or with members of the William James College community prior to beginning any research-related activities.
Support and Recognition
William James College aims to facilitate, support, and recognize the scientific and scholarly activities of its faculty, staff, and students through the Research Support and Recognition Program within the Center for Psychological Science. This is accomplished through a portfolio of internal research awards designed to support the entire research pipeline from project inception to conference presentations and publications.
In addition, the CPS provides information on external resources such as obtaining external research funding, locating archival data, and selecting a target journal for publication, as well as opportunities for student research assistantships in faculty labs.
Research Dissemination
The Center for Psychological Science seeks to encourage dissemination of WJC community publications, presentations, and ongoing research studies. To this end, CPS publishes lists of:
- Doctoral Projects in Process
- Recent and Upcoming Faculty, Student, and Alum Publications and Presentations
- Upcoming Professional Psychology Conferences and Submission Dates
- Upcoming DP Colloquia Schedule
Current Research Labs
- Asian Mental Health – Vuky and Xiu
- Assessment, Developmental Trauma, and Neurodevelopment Disorders – Moncata and Xiu
- Character Strengths and Mental Health – Forgeard
- Clinical Supervision – Peterson, VanMattson, Block
- Communication and Empathy – Briner
- Critical Thinking – Osher, Axelrod, Fishman, and Block
- Critical and Liberation Psychologies – Morrill
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy – Ryan
- Exposure Therapy and Anxiety Disorders/Eating Disorders – Ott, Venkataraman, Waters
- Gender and Sexuality Lab – VanMattson
- Global Behavioral Health/Kenyan Intervention Project – Fialkov
- Global Mental Health – Bloom
- Global Equity – Cort and Turner
- Health Disparities – Pagan-Ortiz
- Human Trafficking – Contreras
- Health Psychology – Rabin and Peterson
- Intersectional Geropsychology Lab – King
- Juvenile Justice Research and Policy Lab – Fass and Larson
- Mood, Emotion, and Trauma (MET) – Dutra
- Neuropsychology Research – Osher and Zink
- Personality and Forensic Assessment – Kelley
- Race and Gender Justice – Davis
- Resiliency – Prajapati
- SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) Recovery – Dutra and Ott
- Social Cognition – Fishman
- Social and Emotional Development – Soto
- Social Media and Diffusion of Responsibility – Ott
Research Standards, Policies and Procedures
CPS coordinates the setting of standards, policies, and procedures for research at the College. The center advises and consults to institutional and departmental committees regarding the integration of psychological science into all aspects of curricula. The center aims to ensure quality of research studies conducted in all academic departments, facilitate the formation of research labs, and encourage use of open science approaches.
CPS provides centralized access to doctoral project and capstone manuals and accompanying forms, a list of faculty research labs and interests, intellectual property policies, and information on open science approaches.