Non-Matriculating Students
Non-Matriculating Students: Course Options
Non-matriculating students (students not in a degree Program) seeking professional growth, licensing compliance, credit transfer, career advancement or to explore William James College are welcome to apply, providing they have met the prerequisites at the appropriate academic level. Courses are available if space permits. Enrollment in specific courses may require prior Academic preparation and or professional experience. Therefore, if you are considering a course for transfer of credit to an institution other than William James College, be sure and check ahead of time with that institution to insure that you will be able to receive credit for the course. Please contact the Registrar’s Office if you require additional assistance during the application process.
Following are courses that non-matriculated student may register for provided there are available seats. Courses are not taught every semester or summer session. Please consult the course schedules available from the Registrar's Office web page.
CLI CA601 - Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior (credits: 3)
CLI CC522 - Diversity and Cross Cultural Psychology (credits: 3)
CLI CX520 - Child Psychotherapy (credits: 2)
CLI DP500 - The Psychology of Divorce (credits: 2)
CLI FX621 - Couples Therapy (credits: 2)
CLI FX600 - Infant, Toddler, Parent Intervention (credits: 2)
CLI GE552 - Aging and Mental Health in Social Context (credits: 3)
CLI GE520 - Selected Topics in Clinical Geropsychology (credits: 2)
CLI HP530 - Theoretical Foundations in Clinical Health Psychology (credits: 2)
CLI HS520 - Human Sexuality (credits: 2)
CLI HU635 - Spirituality, Jung and the Use of Images in Psychotherapy (credits: 2)
CLI LS659 - Lifespan Development (credits: 3)
CLI MH515 - Advanced Topics in Forensic Psychology (credits: 2)
CLI MH520 - Law and Mental Health (credits: 2)
CLI PA602 - Personality Assessment (credits: 3)
CLI PS600 - History and Systems (credits: 2)
CLI PS603 - Social Bases of Behavior (credits: 3)
CLI PY521 - Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence (credits: 3)
CLI PY522 - Adult Psychopathology (credits: 3)
CLI PY621 - Advanced Seminar: Childhood and Adolescence Clinical Practice (credits: 2)
CLI RS526 - Statistics (credits: 3)
CLI SB700 - Treatment of Substance Use Disorders (credits: 2)
CLI TR530 - Trauma and Resilience: Family, Community, and Global Perspectives (credits: 2)
CLI TR540 - Meeting the Needs of Returning Veterans (credits: 2)
COU CC524 - Diversity, Difference and Inclusion (credits: 3)
COU CX510 - Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy (credits: 3)
COU FS612 - Forensic Mental Health Counseling (credits: 3)
COU GR501 - Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (credits: 3)
COU LS659 - Lifespan Development (credits: 3)
COU PS635 - Professional Issues and Ethics (credits: 3)
COU MH531 - Mental Health and Counseling in the Legal System (credits: 3)
COU CN520 - Psychopathology (credits: 3)
ORG LP762 - The Psychology of Leadership and Followership (credits: 3)
ORG LP763 - Leadership, Use of Self, and Multicultural Competence (credits: 3)
ORG LP705 - Ethics and Standards of Practice in Leadership (credits: 3)
ORG LP736 - Organization Development and Change (credits: 3)
ORG LP764 - The Neurobiology of Leadership (credits: 3)
ORG LP741 - Adaptive Leadership and Resistance to Change (credits: 3)
ORG LP810 - Team and Group Development for Leaders (credits: 3)
ORG LP803 - International Organizational Systems, Theory and Leadership (credits: 3)
ORG LP704 - Advanced Dialogic Interventions (credits: 3)
ORG LP737 - Adult Development (credits: 3)
ORG LP912 - Leading Non Profits and NGOs (credits: 3)
ORG LP913 - Promoting Community Resilience after Trauma (credits: 3)
ORG LP811 - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (credits: 3)
ORG LP909 - Process Consultation and Facilitation Skills for OD Practitioners (credits: 2)
ORG LP914 - Empower, Excite, Engage: Leadership and Motivation (credits: 2)
ORG LP786 - The Psychology of Racism and Discrimination (credits: 3)($880 per credit and $50 student service fee)
If you are interested in taking any of these courses as a non matriculating student,
contact the Program Director, Dr. Suzanne Devlin,
SCH BC521 - Behavioral Assessment, Intervention, and Consultation (credits: 3)
SCH BL622 - Biological Basis of Behavior and Learning (credits: 3)
SCH LS659 - Lifespan Development (credits: 3)
SCH PH501 - Preventive Mental Health in the Schools (credits: 2)
SCH PY521 - Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence (credits: 3)
SCH RS526 - Statistics (credits: 3)
SCH RS555 - Research and Evaluation Methods (credits: 3)
SCH SB523 - Addressing Substance Abuse in Schools (credits: 2)
SCH SN512 - Educating Children and Adolescents with Special Needs (credits: 3)
African and Caribbean Mental Health
CLI AC620 - Introduction to African and Caribbean Mental Health (credits: 2)Application and Registration
Application and Registration is just one form: Non-Matric Application Form. Non-matriculation registration does not begin until after formal new and continuing student registration has been completed. A non-matriculated student may be bumped from a course if a seat is needed for a matriculated student. The final approval for a non-matriculated student registration into a course is the decision of the academic chair/director whom will be contacted by the Registrar's Office after a non-matriculated application/registration form has been received.
Refer to the Academic Calendar for class start dates and school closing information.
Please click here to learn about tuition and fees for courses for a non-matriculated student.
Non-matriculating students who take courses for academic credit must meet all course requirements and will be evaluated on the same basis as matriculating students.
If you are considering applying for admission to a program at William James College, please be aware that, while satisfactory performance as a non-matriculated student is a prerequisite to admission, it does not guarantee admission to a program. Students who plan to apply should note that applicants are allowed to have previously enrolled in no more than 4 courses while a non-matriculating student. Courses successfully taken by non-matriculating students may later be counted toward William James College program requirements, as transfer credit, provided that they are taken within the relevant time frame.
Additional questions may be referred to either the Admissions (617-564-9376) or Registrar's Office (617-327-6777 x1525).
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