Academic Resource Center

The Academic Resource Center (ARC)

The ARC offers writing, organizational and study skills support to students in all William James College programs. The ARC also assists students with documented disabilities to obtain reasonable accommodations which allow them access to the curriculum and the school environment.

ARC Research and Writing Resources

The ARC website connects you to resources on:

  • APA style and paper formatting
  • Research strategies
  • Research management tools
  • How to write various types of papers
  • Avoiding plagiarism
  • Grammar and writing tips

About ARC Tutorial Services

The ARC is available to all enrolled students.

ARC tutors can provide help with:

  • Editing documents for language use, missing words, misused prepositions, missed punctuation, inconsistencies in tense, sentence fragments, etc.
  • Mastering study and preparation methods (e.g., note-taking, organizing thoughts)

Tutorial sessions can be provided in face-to-face meetings at school, on the phone, using online communication tools like Zoom and editing tools like "track changes." Typically, tutors will have an initial face-to-face appointment with a new student to understand the student's needs. Subsequent meetings are arranged based on the format which best suits the student's needs as well as the student and tutor schedules.

Tutoring is provided by William James College students who have been selected because of their communication, writing and organizational skills. An effort is made to match a student's need with a tutor's skills and training. Tutors receive training through monthly topical workshops and consultations.

Academic Resource Center

Joan Axelrod, MEd
Director, Academic Resource Center
617-564-9325 (office)
617-477-2003 (fax)
Room 450

Email Joan

Daniel Kason, PhD
Assistant Director, Academic Resource Center

Email Daniel

Matt Kramer, MLIS
Research and Writing Specialist
Room 454

Email Matt

Kristen Toohill, PsyD
OLP Tutor, Academic Resource Center

Email Kristen

How does a student access ARC tutorial services?

A student interested in ARC services should complete the ARC Referral Form. Once this is submitted you will be contacted by the ARC coordinator with an introduction to a tutor.

What accommodations are available for students with documented disabilties?

In keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ARC personnel will insure that students with temporary or permanent documented disabilities are provided with reasonable accommodations which allow them equal access to course content. Depending on a student's needs, accommodations may include adaptations such as:

  • Extended time on exams
  • Extended assignment deadlines for medical reasons
  • A quiet, distraction-free room for exams
  • Texts available digitally
  • Option to leave the classroom for short breaks when necessary
  • Transcription of dialogue on audio or video clips

A reasonable accommodation does NOT require a program to alter curricula in order to meet academic needs.

Students with Disabilities

How does a student obtain accommodations?

Students who believe they may be qualified for an Accommodation Plan under the ADA, should contact Please visit our Accessibility Services page to learn more