Clinical Psychology Course Catalog
Course Descriptions
- CLI BX701 - Adult CBT Theory and Practice
- CLI MH513 - Adult Forensic Psychology
- CLI PY522 - Adult Psychopathology
- CLI GE552 - Aging and Mental Health
- CLI AM605 - Arab American Mental Health
- CLI AA600 - Advanced Assessment: Integrated Team Clinic
- CLI FP925 - Advanced Clerkship/Fieldwork
- CLI FP935 - Advanced Clerkship/Fieldwork (continued)
- CLI CS806 - Advanced Clinical Practice
- CLI FP830 - Advanced Clinical Practicum I
- CLI FP835 - Advanced Clinical Practicum I
- CLI FP850 - Advanced Clinical Practicum II
- CLI FP855 - Advanced Clinical Practicum II (continued)
- CLI PA801 - Advanced Integrated Assessment: Adult
- CLI PA802 - Advanced Integrated Assessment: Child
- CLI NP701 - Advanced Neuropsychological Case Conceptualization
- CLI HP550 - Advanced Topics in Clinical Health Psychology
- CLI AP900 - APA Prep Course
- CLI HP541 - Applications in Clinical Health Psychology
- CLI AC715 - Assessment and Treatment of Individuals of African and Caribbean Heritage
- CLI BX702 - Child/Adolescent CBT Theory and Practice
- CLI MH512 - Children, Families and the Law
- CLI FP940 - Clinical Internship I
- CLI FP945 - Clinical Internship I (continued)
- CLI FP950 - Clinical Internship II
- CLI FP955 - Clinical Internship II (continued)
- CLI CS706 - Clinical Practice I
- CLI CS707 - Clinical Practice II
- CLI GR523 - Clinical Practice of Group Therapy
- CLI FP630 - Clinical Practicum I
- CLI FP635 - Clinical Practicum I (continued)
- CLI FP750 - Clinical Practicum II
- CLI FP755 - Clinical Practicum II (continued)
- CLI CS790 - Clinical Seminar in Assessment with Latino Population I
- CLI CS791 - Clinical Seminar in Assessment with Latino Population II
- CLI AM602 - Clinical Work with Asian/Asian Americans
- CLI CC551 - Clinical Work with Latinos in the United States
- CLI CA601 - Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior
- CLI PA601 - Cognitive Assessment
- CLI NP630 - Cognitive Rehabilitation
- CLI CX540 - College Mental Health Practice
- CLI PT701 - Contemporary Psychodynamic Theory and Practice
- CLI PR950 - Continuing Doctoral Project
- CLI PR951 - Continuing Doctoral Projec
- CLI CN900 - Consultation
- CLI FX621 - Couples Therapy
- CLI AC700 - Cultural Foundations: The Experiences of African and Caribbean Groups in the US
- CLI DBT710 - DBT Theory and Practice
- CLI CC522 - Diversity and Cross Cultural Psychology
- CLI PR800 - Dissertation I
- CLI PR801 - Dissertation II
- CLI PR901 - Dissertation III
- CLI PR904 - Dissertation IV
- CLI PS801 - Ethics, Standards, and Professional Practice
- CLI ET705 - Exposure Therapies for Anxiety Disorders
- CLI FX701 - Family Systems Theory and Practice
- CLI MH625 - Forensic Assessment
- COU CN631 - Foundations in LGBTQIA+ Mental Health
- CLI NP550 - Functional Neuroanatomy
- CLI CP500 - Fundamental Clinical Practice Skills
- CLI AC710 - Fundamentals of Global Mental Health
- CLI NP570 - Fundamentals of Neuropsychological Assessment
- CLI LD550 - Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning Design
- CLI GE540 - Geriatric Psychopharmacology
- CLI AC800 - Global Mental Health: Program Development and Evaluation
- CLI GE551 - Grief and Death in Clinical Practice
- CLI GR524 - Group Psychotherapy: Theory, Practice and Clinical Application
- CLI CC568 - Guyana Service Learning and Cultural Immersion Course
- CLI CC566 - Guyana Service Learning and Cultural Immersion Seminar
- CLI CC564 - Haiti Service Learning and Cultural Immersion Experience
- CLI PS600 - History and Systems
- CLI HS520 - Human Sexuality
- CLI AA615 - Integrated Psychological Assessment
- CLI FP960 - Internship
- CLI FP965 - Internship (continued)
- COU CN632 - Interventions When Working With LGBTQIA+ People and their Families
- CLI AC620 - Introduction to African and Caribbean Mental Health
- CLI AM600 - Introduction to Asian Cultures: The Asian Experience in the United States
- CLI CS606 - Introduction to Clinical Practice I
- CLI CS607 - Introduction to Clinical Practice II
- CLI AC610 - Introduction to Global Mental Health
- CLI RS501 - Introduction to Psychological Research
- CLI TR604 - Kenya Immersion: Relational development and well-being in Kenyan communities
- CLI MH520 - Law and Mental Health
- CLI ST850 - Leadership and Management of Systems
- COU CN633 - LGBTQIA+ Intersectionality, Public Policy, and Advocacy
- CLI LS659 - Lifespan Development
- CLI CC560 - LMH Immersion Seminar
- CLI CC563 - LMH Summer Immersion
- CLI CC561 - LMHP Local Service Learning and Cultural Immersion Course
- CLI AC600 - Mental Health Disparities: Multicultural and Global Perspectives
- CLI MV515 - Military Families and the Cycle of Deployment
- CLI MV545 - Military Psychology and Culture
- CLI ET670 - Multicultural and Trauma-Sensitive Expressive Arts Therapy
- CLI NP670 - Neuropathology
- CLI NP601 - Neuropsychological Assessment
- CLI NP650 - Neuropsychology of Aging
- CLI CX525 - Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
- CLI PS602 - Pediatric Psychology
- CLI PA602 - Personality Assessment
- CLI PP641 - Positive Psychology
- CLI PY740 - Preventive Mental Health Programs for Children and Families
- CLI PD850 - Program Development and Evaluation
- CLI PM625 - Projective Methods in Psychological Assessment
- CLI PA604 - Psychological Assessment of Child and Adolescent Disorders
- CLI MH632 - Psychology in the Legal System
- CLI PA603 - Psychometrics
- CLI PY521 - Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence
- CLI PH521 - Psychopharmacology: Theory and Practice
- CLI CC571 - Refugee Service Learning and Immersion Preparatory Course
- CLI RS525 - Research Methods I
- CLI RS535 - Research Methods II
- CLI GE520 - Selected Topics in Clinical Geropsychology
- CLI FS601 - Sex Offender Evaluation and Treatment
- CLI PS603 - Social Bases of Behavior
- CLI CC573 - South Africa Service Learning Immersion Program
- CLI CC572 - South Africa Service Learning Preparatory Course
- CLI RS526 - Statistics
- CLI MV522 - Substance Abuse and Addictions in Military and Veteran Communities
- CLI SU900 - Supervision
- CLI PY750 - The Ecology of Child Behavioral Health: Prevention, Intervention and Public Policy
- CLI CC550 - The Experience of Latinos in the United States I
- CLI CC549 - The Hispanic/Latino Experience (Introduction Latino Culture)
- CLI HP530 - Theoretical Foundations in Clinical Health Psychology
- CLI TR530 - Trauma and Resilience: Family, Community, and Global Perspectives
- CLI MV555 - Trauma Theory and Treatment with Emphasis on Military and Veteran Populations
- CLI SB700 - Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
- CLI CC570 - Trinidad and Tobago Service Learning and Cultural Immersion Experience
- CLI SUI700 - Understanding Suicide: Prevention, Intervention, Postvention
- CLI AM603 - Vietnam Service Learning and Cultural Seminar
- CLI AM604 - Vietnam Service Learning and Cultural Immersion