William James College News

Category Listing

Technology, Children, and the Internet

A recent national survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 8-18 year-olds spend an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes using media across a typical

Parenting Advice and Support

Parenthood can bring joy and sorrow. It can make one feel proud, tired, bored, and overwhelmed - sometimes all at once. It is the most important, most wonderful, and most difficult job ever.

Things to Know About Diversity

Whether you're looking to build relationships with others from whom you differ, create a workplace that's inclusive of people from different backgrounds

Using The Arts To Enhance Your Life

All of us look for ways of staying well in mind and body, and the arts can be a wonderful means of connecting our body with our mind. Art forms such as

Understanding and Interpreting Your Child's Behavior

Young children are not always very good at telling us how they feel, but they often communicate very effectively through their behavior. Unfortunately,

Welcoming Our Vets Home

Many veterans returning from Afghanistan, like those who served in Iraq and other wars, come home with invisible wounds. They often look the same, but

Spirituality in Daily Living

It is not uncommon for people to feel a lack of meaning in their lives, whether following a difficult life event, reaching middle age or just plain too

Valuing Your Value

Values determine the choices, actions and attitudes we bring to our lives. They determine what we care about and what gives our lives meaning. Research

Seeking Mental Health Assistance for Children

When a parent or parents decide that their child would benefit from a mental health referral, it can be challenging to find the right provider. Here are

Oregon Shooting

Dr. Nadja Lopez, Associate Director at the Freedman Center for Child and Family Development, explained the psychological impact of the mass shooting that took place on October 1st at the Umpqua Community College in Oregon. The segment aired on Telemundo Boston at 6:00 pm on October 2, 2015.


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