William James College News

Category Listing

Managing Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are common among children and adults, affecting an estimated 5 to 10% of the population with varying levels of severity. Learning disabilities are characterized by specific difficulties with aspects of formal learning, such as reading, math, and writing, despite otherwise normal...

Positive Psychology: Cultivating Strengths

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of what makes life worth living by exploring the positive emotions, thought, behavior patterns, and relationships that contribute to human flourishing. Positive psychology is not about being happy all of the time, but rather about valuing positive emotions,...

Successful Aging

Getting older has its challenges. The iconic bumper sticker “Old age is not for sissies” had it right. It’s not. The good news is that older adults are


Many of us provide help to older, ill or disabled friends or family members, thereby becoming caregivers. While we are often authentically willing to help out

Managing Loss

The experience of loss, and its frequent companion, grief, have perhaps always been captured most poignantly by poets and lyricists, yet mental health care providers are often left with the daunting task of trying to help those who have suffered a loss comprehend it, work through it and eventually come...

Facilitating Your Teen's Transition Into College

Few events are as poignant (and anxiety provoking) for parents as seeing a child off to college. Transitioning into college is a gradual process that

Appreciating Diversity: Living in a Multicultural World

In a global economy, diversity is a given and cultural awareness is essential. Diversity is the mosaic of people whose varied backgrounds, styles, perspectives

Reflections on National Coming Out Day

Happy National Coming Out Day!! National Coming Out Day is celebrated annually on October 11 to remember the 1987 March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian

Healthy Children, Healthy Families

In today’s fast-paced and information-saturated culture, parents often juggle multiple responsibilities and demands on their time. One of the best gifts we can give our children is to spend quality time with them; this is more meaningful than the actual quantity of time we are able to spend together....

Preventing Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults

Violent acts committed by youth are complex and often misunderstood phenomena. For example, many believe that rates of violent crime committed by youth


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