William James College News

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School Psychology Department Chair Conducts First National Survey of Supervision and Mentoring Practices for Early Career School Psychologists

Dr. Arlene Silva, Chair of the School Psychology Department at William James College, served as Principal Investigator of the first-ever national survey

Geriatric Volunteer Corps (GVC) Hosts Coleman House Visitors

On October 20, 2015, enthusiastic members of the Geriatric Volunteer Corps (GVC) welcomed our neighbors from across the street, Coleman House

Mental Competency still a murky concept

William James College's Dr. Jason Osher was featured in an article in Fortune Magazine. He discussed the difficulty in defining competency and how Mental Competency tests in the C-suite are common. The article focuses on Sumner Redstone, the 92 year-old executive chairman of Viacom. Osher highlights...

Threads of racial bias may be entangled in computer models for child protection

The Boston Globe, Letter to the Editor

I am getting divorced. Do I need a GAL, and what is that?Research & Advocacy

In Massachusetts, a “GAL” (Guardian ad Litem) is a person (in the past often an attorney but at present almost always a PhD/PsyD psychologist or LICSW) who is appointed by a court.

Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence

Domestic violence expresses itself in many ways. Among the most common are physical aggression, emotional or psychological threats or intimidation, and

Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is a common experience. Mild amounts are adaptive in that anxiety is the body’s way of alerting us to possible environmental danger. Anxiety can motivate positive action such as preparing for a presentation or even avoiding spiders. It only becomes problematic when experienced in excess, such...

When there is an Illness in the Family

The diagnosis of a chronic or life threatening illness in a family can pose significant challenges for the patient and for the entire family. Initially


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