On-Campus Curriculum and Course Sequences
On-Campus Core Curriculum
Required Orientation Course: 1 course required
COU CN500 - New Student Counseling Program Orientation (credits: 0)
Required (Core) Courses: 16 courses required
COU CX510 - Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy (credits: 3)
COU LS659 - Lifespan Development (credits: 3)
COU PS635 - Professional Issues and Ethics (credits: 3)
COU PA535 - Psychological Assessment for Counselors (credits: 3)
COU CN520 - Psychopathology (credits: 3)
COU SB515 or COU CN515 - Substance Use and Addiction Evaluation and Treatment (credits: 3)
COU CC524 - Diversity, Difference and Inclusion (credits: 3)
COU CN501 - Clinical Skills and Practicum I (credits: 4)
COU CN502 - Practicum II (credits: 3)
COU CN503 - Continued Practicum (credits: 0)
COU CD501 - Career Counseling (credits: 3)
COU FX510 - Introduction to Family Therapy (credits: 3)
COU GR501 - Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (credits: 3)
COU CO500 - Consultation, Collaboration, and Community Partnerships
Note: students may also take:
COU FS651 - Consultation, Collaboration and Testimony OR
COU FX680 - Collaborative Consultation with Larger Systems (credits: 3)
COU CN601 - Mental Health Counseling Internship I (credits: 4)
COU CN602 - Mental Health Counseling Internship II (credits: 4)
COU CN603 - Continued Mental Health Internship (credits: 0)
COU CN695 - Counseling Comprehensive Examination (credits: 0)
Elective Courses: 3 courses required
Students who do not elect to have a concentration, may take 3 electives of 3 credits
each from any of the concentrations (as long as they meet pre-requisites if needed),
or from any of the following courses:
COU HU535 - Spiritually-Oriented Psychotherapy (credits: 3)
COU CN635 - Eating Disorders, Weight, and Health (credits: 3)
COU TR602 - Trauma: Theory and Treatment (credits: 3)
COU PR624 - Capstone Project Seminar (credits: 3)
Curriculum Summary:
Total number of courses required for the degree: 19 minimum
Total credit hours required for the degree: 60 minimum
Recommended Course Sequences:
Full-time Sequence (2 years)
Part-time Sequence (3 years - no summers)
Part-time Sequence (3 years - with summers)
Part-time Sequence January start (2.5 years)
Part-time Sequence January start (3.5 years)
Area of Emphasis Requirements
Couples and Family Therapy Area of Emphasis: 12 credits
Degree Total: 63 credits
COU FX635 - Advanced Family Therapy (credits: 3)
COU FX650 - Therapy with Couples (credits: 3)
COU FX675 - Trauma and The Contemporary Family (credits: 3)
COU FX690 - The Role of Intimacy and Human Sexuality in the Family (credits: 3)
Note: Students in this area of emphasis also meet the requirements to obtain the Licensed
Marriage and Family Therapist credential in Massachusetts.
Forensic and Correctional Counseling Area of Emphasis: 9 credits
Degree Total: 60 credits
COU MH531 - Mental Health and Counseling in the Legal System (credits: 3)
COU FS612 - Forensic Mental Health Counseling (credits: 3)
Plus one of the following 3-credit courses:
COU CN640 - Assessing and Managing Risk of Sexual Violence (credits: 3)
COU FS501 - Sex Offender Evaluation and Treatment (credits: 3)
Health and Behavioral Medicine Area of Emphasis: 9 credits
Degree Total: 60 Credits
COU PC522 - Counseling in Behavioral Health and Medical Settings (credits: 3)
COU PC611 - Behavioral Medical Interventions (credits: 3)
COU PC620 - Topics in Public Health: Epidemiology, Health Disparities, Program Design
and Evaluation (credits: 3)
Substance Use and Addictions Area of Emphasis: 9 credits
Degree Total: 60 Credits
COU TR602 - Trauma: Theory and Treatment (credits: 3)
COU CN621 - Approaches to Comprehensive Addiction Treatment (credits: 3)
COU CN622 - Family and Community Interventions for Substance Use and Addictions (credits: 3)
College-Wide Concentration Requirements
African and Caribbean Mental Health Concentration: 5 credits + 1 immersion experience
Clinical Mental Health Counseling MA: 60 credits
Degree Total: 65 credits*
*Add 3 credits if majoring in the Couples and Family Therapy Area of Emphasis
Plus one of the following 2-credit courses:
- COU AC600 - Mental Health Disparities: Multicultural and Global Perspectives (credits: 2)
- COU AC715 - Assessment and Treatment of Individuals of African and Caribbean Heritage (credits: 2)
Plus one of the following 1-credit immersion courses:
Note: Students in this concentration need to have 25% of their total caseload experience working with African and Caribbean individuals or families. Students who take this concentration will add 5 credits to their program.
Asian Mental Health Concentration: 5 credits + 1 immersion experience
Clinical Mental Health Counseling MA: 60 credits
Degree Total: 65 credits*
*Add 3 credits if majoring in the Couples and Family Therapy Area of Emphasis
- CLI AM600 - Introduction to Asian Cultures: The Asian Experience in the United States (credits: 2)
- CLI AC600 - Mental Health Disparities: Multicultural and Global Perspectives (credits: 2) OR CLI AM602 - Clinical Work with Asian/Asian Americans (credits: 2)
- CLI AM603 - Vietnam Service Learning and Cultural Seminar (credits: 1)
- CLI AM604 - Vietnam Service Learning and Cultural Immersion (credits: 0)
Note: Students in this concentration need to have a minimum of 25% of direct services with Asian populations by date of graduation (cumulative).
Global Mental Health Concentration: 5 credits + 1 immersion experience
Clinical Mental Health Counseling MA: 60 credits
Degree Total: 65 credits*
*Add 3 credits if majoring in the Couples and Family Therapy Area of Emphasis
- COU AC610 - Introduction to Global Mental Health (credits: 2)
Plus one of the following 2-credit courses:
- COU AC600 - Mental Health Disparities: Multicultural and Global Perspectives (credits: 2)
- COU AC710 - Fundamentals of Global Mental Health (credits: 2)
- CLI AC800 - Global Mental Health: Program Development and Evaluation (credits: 2)
Plus one of the following 1-credit immersion courses:
- CLI CC564 - Haiti Service Learning and Cultural Immersion Experience (credits: 1)
- CLI TR604 - Kenya Immersion: Relational Development and Well-Being in Kenyan Communities (credits: 1)
- CLI CC568 - Guyana Service Learning and Cultural Immersion Course (credits: 1)
- CC563 – Ecuador Summer Immersion (credits: 1)
Note: Students in this concentration need to have 25% of their total caseload experience working with refugees or immigrants. Students who take this concentration will add 5 credits to their program.
Latino Mental Health Concentration: 4 credits
Clinical Mental Health Counseling MA: 60 credits
Degree Total: 64 credits*
*Add 3 credits if majoring in the Couples and Family Therapy Area of Emphasis
- COU CC549 - The Hispanic/Latino Experience (Introduction Latino Culture) (credits: 1)
- COU CC562 - LMH Summer Immersion I (credits: 0)
- COU CC560 - LMH Immersion Seminar (credits: 1)
- COU CC550 - The Experience of Latinos in the United States I (credits: 1)
- COU CC551 - Clinical Work with Latinos in the United States (credits: 2)
Note: Students in this concentration need to have 25% of their total caseload experience working with Latinos. Students who take this concentration will add 4 credits to their program.
Military and Veterans Psychology Concentration: 7 credits
Clinical Mental Health Counseling MA: 60 credits
Degree Total: 67*
*Add 3 credits if majoring in the Couples and Family Therapy Area of Emphasis
- CLI MV545 - Military Psychology and Culture (credits: 2) (spring semester)
- CLI MV515 - Military Families and the Cycle of Deployment (credits: 1) (spring semester)
- CLI MV522 - Substance Abuse and Addictions in Military and Veteran Communities (credits: 1)
- CLI MV555 - Trauma Theory and Treatment with Emphasis on Military and Veteran Populations (credits: 3) (fall semester)
Note: Students in this concentration need to have caseload experience working with veterans or related populations. Students who take this concentration will add 5 credits to their program (if their program allows for the TR602 course); otherwise, they will add 8 credits to their program.
Course Sequences
Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Core Curriculum
Full-time Sequence (2 years)
Part-time Sequence (3 years - no summers)
Part-time Sequence (3 years - with summers)
Part-time Sequence January start (2.5 years)
Part-time Sequence January start (3.5 years)
Couples and Family Therapy Area of Emphasis
Full-time Course Sequence (2 years)
Part-time Course Sequence (3 years)
Forensic and Correctional Counseling Area of Emphasis
Full-time Course Sequence (2 years)
Part-time Course Sequence (3 years - no summers)
Part-time Course Sequence (3 years - with summers)
Health and Behavioral Medicine Area of Emphasis
Full-time Course Sequence (2 years)
Part-time Course Sequence (3 years)