Windows Project
Exterior Windows Being Replaced in Phased Two-Year Project (2022-2023)
A planned two-year project to replace the College's exterior windows began in the Spring of 2022 and will continue through 2023. The first phase of the project (Spring 2022) will address the South face (the main entrance and side of the building facing the front parking lot) and the West face (the side of the building facing the wood line and the Charles River). The North and East faces of the building will be addressed starting in Spring 2023.
During construction, certain areas of the building will be restricted from access. Please pay attention to posted signage. Do not enter work zones. Noise is to be expected. It is anticipated that the elevators will run a little slower, but other systems should not be impacted.
Occupants of spaces and offices directly impacted will need to temporarily relocate while some work is being completed. The windows team will notify and assist impacted individuals and teams with relocation.
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