

Inclusive Excellence at William James College provides strategic direction for current and future initiatives, ensuring that all programs promote equal employment opportunities and merit-based practices for all.

We focus on three major areas: developing equitable and innovative curricula; establishing and supporting diverse recruitment, hiring, and retention practices; and fostering an inclusive campus climate and community.

We believe that through broad, knowledgeable, and humble collaboration, we can learn from one another and build on each other’s strengths to achieve shared results. We recognize that to truly be inclusive, it is essential to highlight, acknowledge, and appreciate all members of our community.

We live in a time of dramatic changes in Higher Education, including shifts in the demographics of the student population, the integration of technology in instruction, the need to ensure both physical and psychological safety for students, staff, and faculty, and the rethinking of college financing. We also face important pressures to better assess the impact of our curricula and to demonstrate the value of our educational and student life experiences that promote a sense of belonging. Although these changes present significant challenges for college leadership, they also offer opportunities for prepared and skilled leaders to understand and respond effectively to the emerging needs of the various constituencies within Higher Education.

We encourage you to explore our website as a resource to learn more about Inclusive Excellence at William James College and to discover ways to engage collaboratively with our community. Our dedicated staff is here to answer any questions you may have.

We warmly invite you to join us in our pursuit of Inclusive Excellence and to support a community where everyone belongs.