William James College News

Category Listing

Valuing Your Value

Values determine the choices, actions and attitudes we bring to our lives. They determine what we care about and what gives our lives meaning. Research

Seeking Counseling

All of us go to see a physician and a dentist on a regular basis for preventative care and/or when we have physical and dental pain. So it is only natural


Bullying is aggressive behavior that is usually repeated, involves a power imbalance, and occurs with a goal to cause harm.

Healthy Eating

Eating is an essential and everyday human function. Everyone knows how to eat; but not everyone knows how to eat well, that is, in a way that promotes health. Healthy eating requires taking into account not only on what we eat, but also on how we eat it - and why.

Spirituality in Daily Living

It is not uncommon for people to feel a lack of meaning in their lives, whether following a difficult life event, reaching middle age or just plain too


Many of us provide help to older, ill or disabled friends or family members, thereby becoming caregivers. While we are often authentically willing to help out

Soliciting and Using Feedback

It’s really hard to see ourselves as others see us, and this can be a serious liability for individuals such as leaders, whose effectiveness depends on

Things to Know About Diversity

Whether you're looking to build relationships with others from whom you differ, create a workplace that's inclusive of people from different backgrounds

Healthy Children, Healthy Families

In today’s fast-paced and information-saturated culture, parents often juggle multiple responsibilities and demands on their time. One of the best gifts we can give our children is to spend quality time with them; this is more meaningful than the actual quantity of time we are able to spend together....

Parenting Advice and Support

Parenthood can bring joy and sorrow. It can make one feel proud, tired, bored, and overwhelmed - sometimes all at once. It is the most important, most wonderful, and most difficult job ever.


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