William James College News

Category Listing

Successful Aging

Getting older has its challenges. The iconic bumper sticker “Old age is not for sissies” had it right. It’s not. The good news is that older adults are

When there is an Illness in the Family

The diagnosis of a chronic or life threatening illness in a family can pose significant challenges for the patient and for the entire family. Initially

Positive Psychology: Cultivating Strengths

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of what makes life worth living by exploring the positive emotions, thought, behavior patterns, and relationships that contribute to human flourishing. Positive psychology is not about being happy all of the time, but rather about valuing positive emotions,...

Managing Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are common among children and adults, affecting an estimated 5 to 10% of the population with varying levels of severity. Learning disabilities are characterized by specific difficulties with aspects of formal learning, such as reading, math, and writing, despite otherwise normal...

Understanding and Interpreting Your Child's Behavior

Young children are not always very good at telling us how they feel, but they often communicate very effectively through their behavior. Unfortunately,

Preventing Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults

Violent acts committed by youth are complex and often misunderstood phenomena. For example, many believe that rates of violent crime committed by youth

Using The Arts To Enhance Your Life

All of us look for ways of staying well in mind and body, and the arts can be a wonderful means of connecting our body with our mind. Art forms such as

Using Relaxation to Manage Stress

Stress is something familiar to all of us. If affects us both physically and psychologically. Although the human body is designed to withstand stress,

Surf Your Anxiety

Our bodies have an emergency system that does a wonderful job helping us survive life- threatening situations. It works automatically and involves the

Do What You Love, Love What You Do

As the quote from Confucius implies, finding an occupation that one loves has been linked to occupational satisfaction. But how does one find such an occupation


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