William James College News

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School Psychology Department Chair Conducts First National Survey of Supervision and Mentoring Practices for Early Career School Psychologists

Dr. Arlene Silva, Chair of the School Psychology Department at William James College, served as Principal Investigator of the first-ever national survey

Helping Children Cope with Stress

Today’s children are growing up in an increasingly complex world. They routinely encounter multiple sources of adversity and stress in their homes, schools, peer groups, communities, and the media. Despite this, however, children can be highly resilient, and there is much we can do to help them cope...

Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is a common experience. Mild amounts are adaptive in that anxiety is the body’s way of alerting us to possible environmental danger. Anxiety can motivate positive action such as preparing for a presentation or even avoiding spiders. It only becomes problematic when experienced in excess, such...

Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence

Domestic violence expresses itself in many ways. Among the most common are physical aggression, emotional or psychological threats or intimidation, and

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a discipline of mind training, and it has been variously defined by many different groups over the centuries. A good contemporary definition taken from Mindfulness and Psychotherapy by members of The Insititute for Meditation and Psychotherapy is "awareness of present experience...

Welcoming Our Vets Home

Many veterans returning from Afghanistan, like those who served in Iraq and other wars, come home with invisible wounds. They often look the same, but

I am getting divorced. Do I need a GAL, and what is that?Research & Advocacy

In Massachusetts, a “GAL” (Guardian ad Litem) is a person (in the past often an attorney but at present almost always a PhD/PsyD psychologist or LICSW) who is appointed by a court.

Facilitating Your Teen's Transition Into College

Few events are as poignant (and anxiety provoking) for parents as seeing a child off to college. Transitioning into college is a gradual process that

Technology, Children, and the Internet

A recent national survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 8-18 year-olds spend an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes using media across a typical

Seeking Mental Health Assistance for Children

When a parent or parents decide that their child would benefit from a mental health referral, it can be challenging to find the right provider. Here are


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