William James College News

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The tragic shootings of innocent people this week in Orlando bring a cluster of feelings to each of us. Americans mourn the deaths of 50 vulnerable people

2016 Commencement Speech from Joan Wallace-Benjamin

President and CEO of The Home for Little Wanderers

President’s 36th Commencement Remarks

“For those in need, you are the Ambassadors of Hope”

Student Spotlight: Christine Smith

Health and Behavioral Medicine

Student Spotlight: Stephanie Buslovich

Health and Behavioral Medicine

Michelle Harris: Expressing a Powerful, Long Journey on Canvas

The language written into Michelle Harris’ bold paintings is unfamiliar. So is the name of the Native American tribe in central California from which she descends. But the power of her attachment, the strength of her connection and the emotional tug of her Coast Miwok people are clear. She’s a member....

Beyond the Comfort Zone

The Power of Immersion in Unfamiliar Cultures

Update: Campaign for William James College

Making a Greater Difference Where it Matters Most

William James College Embrace Need for ABA Professionals

Right now, we are seeing a worldwide shortage of professionals who possess the expertise to develop behavior analytic programs for individuals with autism

Spring 2016 From the President and Board Chair

William James College took ownership of its first permanent home in January of this year. Thanks to the collective work of our supporters, faculty, staff


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