William James College News

Category Listing

A Message from Dr. Alan Beck: My Heartfelt Thank You and Goodbye

These simple words are not easy to write after almost 40 years of immersion in this unique institution that is your alma mater. I will be retiring from William James College in June, 2018. It has been my privilege and my pleasure to have been a faculty member

President’s 38th Commencement Remarks

On behalf of our Trustees, Faculty, Staff, Students and our honored guests, I welcome you to the 38th Commencement Exercises of William James College.

William James College Commemorates LGBTQ Pride Month

Here is a sample of scholarly projects focused on LGBTQ topics by our students...

LGBTQ Youth: Magnifying the Splendor of the Rainbow

"This past weekend, William James College hosted a day long CE event entitled LGBTQ Youth: Magnifying the Splendor of the Rainbow. We heard from a diverse tapestry of voices, both from within the LGBTQ youth community and from those that support and champion them. We assembled a wonderful group of psychologists,...

Parkland: A Call for Gun Control

Like many of you, the tragic events in Parkland Florida remain. It is beyond frustrating to witness another episode of needless destruction of innocents in this country. There really are no words to offer, this time, that do not seem empty.

Students, Faculty and Community Explore Diversity Through Art and Conversation

It’s one thing to talk about diversity; quite another to put it into practice. William James knows how to do both as demonstrated by several events the

Celebrating the Life of Dr. King

There are a few people who come to prominence at just the right time. Their words, their actions and their relationships interact with the existing social conditions

Serving the Mental Health Needs of the Underserved Scholarship

The Serving the Mental Health Needs of the Underserved Scholarship established in William James College’s Center for Multicultural & Global Mental Health

William James’ First Undergraduate Program

Meeting the Need for More Highly Trained First Line Staff

New Masters in Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health

In August 2018, William James College will launch its Master of Arts in Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health program. This is a two-year, 36-credit, fully online and work-friendly program. The program draws on the expertise of the College’s already renowned Forensic Psychology and Counseling faculty...


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