Recent and Upcoming Faculty, Student, and Alum Publications and Presentations

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Recent and Upcoming Faculty and Student Publications

  • Blais, M.A., Kelley, S.E., Ruchensky, J.R., Richardson, L.A., Massey, C., & Stein, M.B. (2024), Deriving the transdiagnostic scales from the Personality Assessment Inventory and SPECTRA: Indices of Psychopathology: A demonstration. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 31(2), e2967.
  • Black, S. (2024, March). Examining the impact of Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) on mental health preparedness among an urban police population. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Boulos, S., & Ennis, S. (2024, October). How to run a successful practicum [Poster presentation]. Northeast Conference for Teachers of Psychology Annual Meeting
  • Cardwell, M., Fass, T., & Contreras, P. (2024, March). Impact of power differential on juror identification of sexual assault. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Cardwell, M., Fass, T., & Contreras, P. (2024, March). Impact of power differential on juror identification of sexual assault. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Chaudhry, T., Oyewuwo, O.B.; Mokhtar, H., & Friend, K., Hashem, H. (2024, February). Examining IPV trends in American Muslim communities: Findings from the 2021-2023 AMIPV Study [Poster presentation]. 2024 American Muslim Health Professionals National Public Health Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States.
  • Crain, E., Davis, L. S., St. Louis, G., Jensen, H., Robertson, I., Meade, G., Carrasco, S., Overbey, D., & Alves, L. (2024). “Are you supposed to be here?”: Formerly incarcerated men of color navigating positions of authority. Journal of Social Issues.
  • Davis, L. S., & Crain, E. (2024). Intimate partner violence in the LGBTQ+ community: Implications for family court professionals. Family Court Review, 62(1), 45-67.
  • Demanarig, D. L., Cokley, K., Beasley, S. T., Hita, L., Hashem, H., Mujica, C., Mamidanna, P., & Mercado, A. (2024). Mending fragile alliances to fight racism: Developing a framework for cross-racial/ethnic solidarity. American Psychologist, 79(4), 553–568.
  • Demanarig, D. L., Cokley, K., Beasley, S. T., Hita, L., Hashem, H., Mujica, C., Mamidanna, P., & Mercado, A. (2024, September). Combating racism through cross-racial/ethnic solidarity: Presenting a framework towards accompliceship. Paper presentation at 2024 Diversity Challenge Conference, Toward an Anti-Racist Psychological Science: Epistemic and Methodological Considerations in Boston, MA, United States.
  • D’Olympia, J. (2024). Veteran Suicide Prevention: An Innovative and Depolarizing Approach to Lethal Means Counseling. Presentation for APA Division 19: Society for Military Psychologists at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Seattle, WA.
  • D’Olympia, J., Taveira-Dick, A., Matlock, P., Polanco, M., & Bright, L. (2024). Women Warriors Not Damsels in Distress: Intersectional Issues in the Wellbeing of Women Veterans
  • D’Olympia, J., Hamner, K., (2024) Understanding Variation in Well-being Among Women Veterans in the United States. Presentation for Division 19: Society for Military Psychologists at the American Psychological Association annual meeting, Seattle, WA.
  • D’Olympia, J. (2024). Shedding Light on the Innovative Help with Employment, Agency, Risk, Transition, and House (HEARTH) Project. Panel Discussion at National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Conference, Washington D.C.
  • D’Olympia, J., Ball, J. (2024). Addressing Veteran Suicide Prevention Through Safer Firearm Storage: A Training, Implementation, and Evaluation. Presentation at Second Annual Co-Response Conference, Cambridge, MA.
  • D’Olympia, J., Suri, S., Ball, J., Lambert, K., Tiamuh, Z, Ford, A, Lawson, J, Lawson, Ph.D., Jacob Kolodney, B.S. (2023). Addressing veteran suicide prevention through safer firearm storage: A training implementation and evaluation. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • D’Olympia, J., Lambert, K., Taveira-Dick, A., Liu, Y., Ginsburg, Z., Suri, S., Ball, J., Tiamuh, Z., Ford, A., Lawson, J., Kolodney, J. (2024). Addressing Veteran Suicide Prevention Through Safer Firearm Storage: A Training, Implementation, and Evaluation. Presentation at APA Division 19 Military Psychology Summit, Washington, D.C..
  • Fass, T. L., & Larson, K. (2024, October). Demonstration study 1: The impact of language on juvenile justice-involved youth. In K. Larson (co-chair) & T. L. Fass (co-chair), A two-year approach to student research for clinically oriented doctoral programs: Model and Example Projects. [Symposium]. New England Psychological Association, Springfield, MA
  • Fialkov, C. (March, 2024) Education as a Path to Gender Justice for Maasai Youth. Presented at the Gender and Public Health Working Group, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
  • Fialkov, C. & Haddad, D. (December, 2024) Appreciative Clinical Training for Mental Health Providers. Presented at the Shamiri Institute, CMS-Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, December 12-13, 2024
  • Fialkov, C. (March, 2024) Education as a Path to Gender Justice for Maasai Youth. Presented at the Gender and Public Health Working Group, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
  • Fialkov, C. (2024) Education as a Path to Gender Justice for Maasai Youth. Presented at the Gender and Public Health Working Group, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, March 13, 2024.
  • Frechette, J. D., Murphy, L., Castro, R., & Boyle, K. (2024). Differential diagnosis: Understanding nonverbal learning disorder and autism spectrum disorder. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 1–11.
  • Friend, K.; Oyewuwo, O. B.; Chaudhry, T.; Mokhtar, H.; Hashem, H. (2024, March). Examining Intimate Partner Violence Prevalence and Coping Strategies in American Muslims Communities: Findings from the AMIPV study. Oral presentation at 16th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference in Palo Alto, CA, United States.
  • Haddad, D., Fialkov, C., Ndungu, M., & Kibuga, R. (2024) Promoting Gender Equity through Menstrual Health and Hygiene Education. African Journal of Gender, Society and Development, Vol. 13, No. 3, 387-400,  
  • Haddad, D., Fialkov, C., Ndungu, M., & Kibuga, R. Promoting Gender Equity through Menstrual Health and Hygiene Education. African Journal of Gender, Society and Development, Vol. 13, No. 3, 387-400,  
  • Hashem, H., & Awad, G. H. (2024). Hijab, Solo Status, Discrimination, and Distress among Muslim Women in the U.S. The Counseling Psychologist, 0(0).
  • Hashem, H., Hashem, H., Dossani, H., Ghani, M., Ahsen, A. S., & Morshed, C. (2024). Belonging as a predictor of substance use for Muslim American emerging adults. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 17(2).
  • Irizarry, N. (2024, March 28). Culturally Responsive Clinical Practices: Inviting an Ongoing Process of Self-Reflection. DMH 2024 Southeast Area Annual Conference, Westport, MA. 
  • Jackson, S., Fass, T. L., Burda, T., & Purgavie, M. (2024, March). The effects of eyewitness age and role on credibility and jurors’ verdicts. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA
  • Kim S, Spear HJ, Ghosh S, Brito R, Hodge SM, Nicholas S, Moore Simas TA, Byatt N, Rhein L, Broder-Fingert S, Kennedy DN, Frazier JA. The infant brain’s response to social cues: Associations with maternal postpartum anxiety and depression. Poster presentation accepted for Annual Meeting, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Phoenix, AZ
  • Kim S, Spear HJ, Ghosh S, Brito R, Moore-Simas TA, Byatt N, Nicholas S, Rhein L, Broder-Fingert S, Kennedy DN, & Frazier JA. Using infant fMRI to study the developing social brain in the first year of life. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seoul, Korea
  • Kaye, C & Kaplan, J. (2024, February). Leaving bias behind during special education eligibility determinations. Presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.
  • Kaplan, J & Struzziero, J. (2024, February) Effective and efficient ethical practice. Workshop presented for the New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists.
  • Larson, K. [co-chair], & Fass, T. L. [co-chair] (2024, October). A two-year approach to student research for clinically oriented doctoral programs: Model and Example Projects. [Symposium]. New England Psychological Association, Springfield, MA.
  • LaRose, E., Fass, T. L., & Larson, K. (2024, October). Demonstration study 3: Analysis of the psychometric properties of an adaptation of the Bogardus Social Distance Scale. In K. Larson (co-chair) & T. L. Fass (co-chair), A two-year approach to student research for clinically oriented doctoral programs: Model and Example Projects. [Symposium]. New England Psychological Association, Springfield, MA.
  • Levitt, H. M., Hamburger, A., Hill, C. E., McLeod, J., Pascual-Leone, A., Timulak, L., Buccholz, M., Fuertes, J., Frommer, J., Iwakabe, S., Martinez, C.,
  • McCreedy, R. T. W. (2024). Change on the Brain? The Neuroscience of Organizational Transformation. International Journal of Applied Research in Management and Economics7(3), 30–44.
  • McCreedy, R. T. W. (2025, January 5). How Al Innovations Can Address Workforce Challenges, from Upskilling to Creating New Job Opportunities. Presented at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - Transportation Research Board annual meeting, Washington, DC.
  • Miles, M. Villalpando, B., Peluso, A., Cardwell, M., Fernandez, A., Fernandes, K., Kidwell, M., Blacker, D., Liles, B., Niendam, T., Tully, L., & Galvez, V. (2024, May). High comorbidity in trauma and psychosis screening in Sacramento systems involved youth: Preliminary data from the Trauma and Adolescent Mental Illness (TAMI) services project. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Sacramento Valley Psychological Association, Sacramento, CA.
  • Morrill, Z., Knox, S., Langer, P., Muran, J. C., Oddli, H., Řiháček, T., Tomicic, A., & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2024). Broadening the evidentiary bass for clinical guidance: Recommendations from international qualitative psychotherapy researchers. The American Psychologist.
  • Morrill, Z. (In press). Genuineness in Humanistic-Existential Psychotherapy. Invited chapter in L. Hoffman & Lac, V. (Eds.), Evidence-Based Foundations of Existential-Humanistic Therapy. APA Books.
  • Morrill, Z., Guterres, K., Rietti, S., & Goodman, D. (In press). Making sense of being and transforming: Introduction to the Psychology and the Other special issue on Gender & Sexuality. Studies in Gender and Sexuality.
  • Morrill, Z. (2024). Book Review: Life-Enhancing Anxiety by Schneider, K. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Online First.
  • Morrill, Z. (2024, August 8-10). Discussant in T. Bryant, D. Kawahara, L. Comas-Diaz, & G. S. Belton’s (Chairs), Feminist Alchemy: Psychologist of Color’s Testimonios [Feature Stage Symposium]. American Psychological Association annual convention in Seattle, WA.
  • Morrill, Z. (2024, July 13-14). On being and knowing from the in-between: Interstitial onto-epistemology [Keynote Address]. Psychology and the Other Conference in London, UK
  • Morrill, Z. (2024, June 14-16). Methodological integrity in reviewing qualitative research. In Z. Morrill’s (Chair), Gender & Sexuality in Psychology: Behind the Scenes with ECP Co-Editors of a Special Issue [Roundtable Presentation]. Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology in Chestnut Hill, MA.
  • Morrill, Z. (2024, June 14-16). Critical epistemology and the psychological humanities. In M. Freeman’s (Chair), Qualitative Inquiry Through the Psychological Humanities: Opportunities and Challenges. [Roundtable Presentation]. Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology in Chestnut Hill, MA.
  • Morrill, Z. (2024, March 28-30). On a humanistic praxis and its possibilities. In S. Rubin & L. Hoffman’s (Chairs), Keeping Humanistic Psychology and Psychotherapy Relevant in the 21st Century: Recent History and Future Directions [Symposium]. Society for Humanistic Psychology in Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Nicholas, S., Stelmaszek, M., & Trask, C. (2024). Neurocognitive Late Effects: Impact on Processing Efficiency in Child Cancer Survivors. The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
  • Nicholas, S., Spear, H., & Kim, S. (2024). A Systematic Review: Parent-Child Inter-Brain Synchrony Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Psychology Day, UMass Chan Medical School.
  • Nicholas, S., Corrigan, J., Hastedt, I., Kelley, S., & Holler, K. (2024). A Cross-Sectional Comparison of the Impact of ACEs on Executive Functioning in Child Versus Adolescent Inpatients. American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Nathanson, R., Larson, K., Fletcher, J., & Fass, T. L. (2024, March). The kids’ court school competency remediation program: Overview and update on analyses of efficacy. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Palmer, C., Fass, T. L., & Burda, T. (2024, March). The effects of subject of pretrial publicity, media source, and political beliefs on verdict. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA
  • Pace, D., Barrows, H., Ott, B.D., & Venkataraman, S. (2024, November). A Meta-Analytic Study of Eating Disorder Treatment with and without Exposure and Response Prevention Components. Paper presented at the Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies Annual Convention, Philadelphia PA.
  • Rabin, C. (2024). Longitudinal Study of the Role of COVID Worry versus General Anxiety in Predicting Vaccination and Other COVID-Preventive Behaviors. Psychology & Health. Online ahead of print.
  • Reed, K., Fialkov, C., Taveira-Dick, A., & Carper, M.M. (2024, November 2). Perceptions of Mental Health Professionals Regarding Work with Transgender Individuals [Poster presentation]. Massachusetts Psychological Association’s 2024 Annual Conference, Psychology and Digital Innovation: Navigating the Future of Practice and Research, Norwood, MA.
  • Remole, T. B., Barreto, S., Fialkov, C., & Brownstein, J. B. (2024, November 2). A Program Evaluation of a Group Workshop Using Positive Psychology [Poster presentation]. Massachusetts Psychological Association’s 2024 Annual Conference, Psychology and Digital Innovation: Navigating the Future of Practice and Research, Norwood, MA. 
  • Rivas, R. (2024, March). Assessing initial psychometric properties of the Massachusetts Incompetence to Stand Trial Questionnaire - Spanish Version with simulator participants. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Rizo, J. L., Levitt, H. M., Morrill, Z., & Ipekci, B. (2024, June 14-16). Publishing characteristics of qualitative research literature on therapists’ experiences conducting psychotherapy [Paper Presentation]. Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology in Chestnut Hill, MA.
  • Ruiz-Herrera, N.; Friedman, M.; St. Hilaire, M.A.; Arrona-Palacios, A.; Czeisler, C.A.; Duffy, J.F. Time of Day and Sleep Deprivation Effects on Risky Decision Making. Clocks&Sleep 2024,6,281–290. 10.3390/clockssleep6020020
  • Ruchensky, J. R., Kelley, S. E., Massey, C., Richardson, L. A., Blais, M. A., & Stein, M. B. (2024). Using the Personality Assessment Inventory to assess the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders: Criterion validity in a clinical sample. Journal of Personality Assessment, 106(1), 72-82.
  • Russell, B., Frawley, C., Wilson, N., Dillman Taylor, D., & Cypret, A. (2024). The efficacy of child–parent relationship therapy among child-welfare involved families: A pilot study. The Family Journal.
  • Sadek, K., & Hashem, H. (2024). Teasing apart the role of identity and help-seeking intentions among Arab/MENA and South Asian Muslim Americans. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 9, 100789.
  • Sorrentino, R., Peretti, K, Belcher, L., & Hatters-Friedmann, S. (2024). Playing with Fire: Deliberate Firesetting Behavior. Workshop presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Spear, H., Anderson, J., Nicholas, S., & Kim, S. (2024). The Developing Brain’s Early Coordination with Social Signals: An Innovative Early Neural Marker of Mental Health Risk? Psychology Day, UMass Chan Medical School
  • Stout, V., Fass, T. L., & Purgavie, M. (2024, October). Demonstration study 2: Public opinion of legally involved individuals who experience serious mental illness.  In K. Larson (co-chair) & T. L. Fass (co-chair), A two-year approach to student research for clinically oriented doctoral programs: Model and Example Projects. [Symposium]. New England Psychological Association, Springfield, MA.
  • Stout, V., Fass, T. L., & Burda, T. (2024, March). Public opinion of legally involved individuals who experience serious mental illness. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Thomas, K. (2024, January 27). Teleplay: Embracing Online Sessions. Presented for the Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association. Virtual.
  • Thomas, K. (2024, May 17). Teleplay: A Practical Guide. Presented at the New England Association for Family and Systemic Therapy Family Therapy Conference: Supporting Mental Health Professionals in Community Based Settings. Virtual
  • Thomas, K. (2024, June 21) Life in the Virtual Neighborhood. Presented at The Work of Fred Rogers Conference. Latrobe, PA.
  • Thomas, K. (2024, August 2-3). Teleplay and Telehealth: Reimagining Mental Health Support with a Youth Perspective. Presented at Active Minds Annual Mental Health Conference. Washington, DC.
  • Thomas, K. (2024, October 2). Managing and Understanding Pediatric Trauma Responses in a Medical Setting. Presented for RWJBarnabas Health Pediatric Nurses. Virtual.
  • Thomas, K. (2024, November 6-9). Bibliotherapy: Merging Educational and Clinical Theories in Practice. Presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Anaheim, CA.
  • Thomas, K. (2025, January 24). Teleplay: A Practical Guide. Presented at The Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling Conference. Virtual.
  • Thomas, K. (2025, January 25). Therapeutic Read Alouds: Using Picture Books for Social-Emotional Gains. Presented at The Mid-Year Convening of the Educator Neighborhood: An Initiative of The Fred Rogers Institute. Virtual.
  • Weinberg, M. J. (2024). Intimate partner violence in male same-sex couples. Mental Health and Human Resilience International Journal, 8(2).