Intro to Field Ed for Clinical PsyD

Field Education Instructions for Clincal PsyD Admitted Students

Congratulations on your acceptance to the clinical doctoral program! We in Field Education look forward to welcoming you.

Once you have paid your deposit, and you have received your Welcome Packet from the IT Department and successfully set up your William James College email account, you will be sent an instructional email from our Field Education Department to your WJC email account on next steps to begin your site search for your first year practicum.

Please take time to review the presentation below. This presentation will be a valuable resource as you begin your site search. It is required that you view this presentation as a part of the field education process.

The welcome letter will describe the site search process and how we will be supporting you as you work towards being accepted at your field training site.

We look forward to working closely with you.

(Note: please submit your resume and cover letter to us in Microsoft Word for ease of editing.)

Introduction to Field Education Presentation