MA in Applied Behavior Analysis New Student Checklist

Applied Behavior Analysis MA Checklist

This checklist was developed to assist entering students with their transition to graduate study. Please read it over carefully, and be sure to complete all the items as noted.


Fall 2025 Orientation will be Wednesday, August 20, 2025 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM ET (via zoom).  

Attendance is required.

Student Technology Orientation

You will receive an email about this online tutorial that introduces the student to the College’s technologies. You are required to complete this online orientation before attending the in-person orientation.

Ed Tech Orientation

You will receive an email about this online tutorial that introduces the student to the College’s technologies. You are required to complete this online orientation before attending the in-person orientation.


Students entering the MA in ABA will be registered for their first semester of courses by the Registrar’s office. Students will be notified of their courses and schedule by the ABA program (your Academic Advisor or the Program Director).

Academic Advisor

You will be assigned an advisor during orientation. Please contact the ABA Program Director, Dr. Ronald Lee, if you have questions before then.

Textbook List

Students should purchase required textbooks from their preferred vendor before the start of classes. Lists of required textbooks may be emailed to you in advance of the semester. Please check with your department coordinator for more information. When available, lists are also posted here