#IIdentifyStrengths by Claire Jeon
#IIdentifyStrengths by Claire Jeon
Organizational Psychology, MA and Talent Management Concentration
1) What inspired you to pursue your degree?
Witnessing “aha” moments in individuals and teams when they discover their own and others' strengths is a heart-warming experience. I wanted to learn how to let this happen more than on a rare occasion.
2) Describe your experience at William James College?
The perfect epitome of how a blended curriculum of online and offline classes can work successfully. Online enables me to study at my own pace, and offline offers intense experiential learning. William James College not only broadened my knowledge but also helped me understand myself better as an instrument.
3) What do you envision doing in your career post-graduation?
Working at an assessment center or in a talent development division where I can help people figure out their strengths and communication styles through both analytical tools and experiential activities.