CMGMH Newsletter Feature: Palestinian Mental Health Without Borders

CMGMH Newsletter Feature: Palestinian Mental Health Conference

CMGMH Newsletter Feature: Palestinian Mental Health Conference

The "CMGMH Connection" is a regular newsletter published by team members in the Center for Multicultural and Global Mental Health (CMGMH). For the latest and past issues, visit the CMGMH online newsletter archive. The article below is a highlight from the current issue.

Palestinian Mental Health Without Borders: Challenging Barriers and Taking Down Walls

The Palestinian Mental Health Conference was held on Saturday, November 2, 2019 at UMass Boston. The conference generated transnational dialogues on community mental health in Palestine, and took place simultaneously in Gaza City, West Bank, and Boston.

The conference explored and reflected on meanings and pathways for creating liberating knowledge and critical community mental health practices in Palestinian contexts. The theme was applicable to the work of psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, community organizers and activists, policymakers, and researchers who are interested in coming together to call into question hegemonic psychological and psychiatric theories and practices.

Presenters included Drs. Yasser Abu-Jamei, Yousef Al-Ajarma, Devin G. Atallah, Rita Giacaman, Haneen Haddad, Jodie Kliman, Hana Masud, Othman Mohammad, Hani Murad, Ayman Nijim, and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian.


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