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A Pair of WJC Alums Take Pride in Working with the LGBTQIA+ Population

A Pair of WJC Alums Take Pride in Working with the LGBTQIA+ Population

On the eve of Pride Month, six students from the William James College class of 2024 received rainbow-colored cords to honor their completion of the LGBTQIA+ Studies Concentration. The timing of the May 29 celebration was no accident: In 1999, on the 30th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, the federal government first recognized Gay & Lesbian Pride Month; since then, the Pride moniker—like the flag—has evolved to include more and more marginalized groups. The new tradition of rainbow cord distribution, conceived of to recognize what has become a burgeoning area of study on campus, was more than apropos: Since last June, when Colleen Deely became the first student to graduate with a concentration in LGBTQIA+ Studies, the cohort has grown exponentially to include one Clinical PsyD and five Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling graduates—a figure that’s poised to double come fall.

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