Celebrating Black Excellence in Psychology and Mental Health Counseling
Celebrating Black Excellence in Psychology and Mental Health Counseling
We celebrate the contributions of African and African American psychologists, counselors and mental health professionals, now and through history, who have conducted critical research and contributed to the field of psychology. Here are some notable men and women who have made celebrated and pioneering contributions to the field.
“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution.” —Aristotle
CMGMH Newsletter
The Center for Multicultural and Global Mental Health produces a monthly newsletter. Read about our students, their work in the field, and upcoming events.
Click here for latest newsletterScholarship Awardees
Every year, a number of students receive a scholarship for “Serving the Mental Health Needs of the Underserved.” This is a highly competitive scholarship at the college.
Read about CMGMH Fellows and Scholarship Awardees