Dissertation Examples

Below are dissertation titles that have been presented over the years.

Differences in Verdict and Sentencing Across Seriousness of Crime and Use of Live vs. Video Conferencing Mediated by Testimony/Appearance with Potential Jurors
Determining best practices for workplace privilege training
The Association of Age of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Symptom Severity, and Likelihood of Receiving Behavioral Interventions
Echoes of Inequity: Unraveling the Ties Between Executive Functioning and Atrial Fibrillation in Marginalized Communities
Mock Juror Perceptions of Culpability, Behavioral Control, and Sentencing Outcomes
Adherence to Hypermasculine Norms as a Predictor of Suicidality and Resistance to Help-Seeking Behaviors Among Male Military Members in Western Society
Existential Concerns in the Experience of Psychosis: An Existential-Phenomenological Perspective and Thematic Analysis
Loneliness, Interpersonal Functioning, and Parasocial Relationships Among Young Adults in the Age of Social Media
Examining Disparities for Youth with Mental Health Concerns During Emergency Department Visits and Decision to Hospitalize
Factors Affecting Intent to Take Action When Receiving an Electronic Suicidal Communication
Peripartum Mental Health Literacy in a General U.S. Sample
Strong Black Women Schema Influences the Psychological Safety of Professional Leadership Growth
Listen to Survivors: Identifying Gaps, Challenges, and Best Practices, Providing Quality Care and Support to Survivors of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation with Substance Use Disorders

Risk Factors for Caregiver Burden and Underutilization of Support Services in Older Adult Caregivers of People with Dementia

Physical Exercise as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Anxiety and Sleep Among Adolescents

The Experience of Existential Loneliness in Emerging Adults

Criminal and Recidivism Risk Factors among LGBTQ+ Individuals

Development of an Assessment Tool for Evaluating Patient Use of Exposure versus Avoidance Strategies towards Anxiety-inducing Stimuli through the Lens of Inhibitory Learning and Emotional Processing Theories

Relationships between Childhood Maltreatment and Psychosocial Functioning in Adult Individuals with Bipolar Disorder

Dietary Patterns and Executive Functioning in Latino Adults

Predictors of Mental Health Outcomes in Sexual and Gender Minority Transition Age Youth: The Role of Minority Stress, Liminal Identities, and Unmet Interpersonal Needs

The Forgotten Child: A Quantitative Study on the Long-Term Mental Health Outcomes in Adult Well Siblings of Pediatric Cancer Patients

Do Social Connectedness and Self-Esteem Predict Involvement in Catfishing Among LGBQ+ Online Daters?

Reaction Time as an Index of Effort in Tele-neuropsychological Assessment

The Psychological Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Post-Traumatic Stress Reactions among Military Combat Veterans who are First Responders: A Demonstration Project

Clinicians' Perceptions of Latinx Caballerismo and its impact on Mental Health Treatment: An Exploration

Acceptability, Feasibility, and Preliminary Effectiveness of a Web-based Parent Training Intervention for Parents of Anxious Youth Receiving Treatment for Anxiety

Black Men Offering Something Unique – An Examination into the Parenting Style of Black Men

Exploring the Preference for Similarity or Difference in Romantic Partner Selection

Exploring the Untold Stories of the Father – Son Dyad: A Perspective from South Asian American Sons

The Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship between News Consumption and Well-Being

Tenemos Que Hablar: A Guide for Undocumented Latinx Parents

The Association between Individual Multicultural Competence and Organizational Multicultural Competence

Mediating Effect of Empathy on Responses to Suicidal Communications via Social Media

Community Leaders’ Perspectives on the Psychological Impact of Police Brutality for Black Communities

Chinese Older Adult’s Media Exposure, Mental Health Concerns, and Help-Seeking Intentions During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Impact of Enculturation on Caregiver Distress Amongst the Asian American Population

The Relationship Between Conformity to Masculine Norms and Perceptions of Seeking Psychological Help for Erectile Dysfunction: A Quantitative Analysis of Heterosexual Men

Examining Preparation for Future Care Among Couples

The Relationship Between Anxiety, Verbal Skills, and Adaptive Functioning in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Translation and Factor Analysis of the Cai Scale of Death Anxiety with a United States Sample

Physical Activity as a Moderator of the Relationship between Cerebral Palsy and Peer Relationship Quality

Relationships Between Social Isolation and Memory in Older Adults

Happy Wife, Happy Life: How Communication Mediates the Relationship Between Female Masturbation and Relationship Self-efficacy in Partnered Women

Experiences of Racism and Racial Discrimination as a Predictor of Mental Health Outcomes among Black Americans: The Protective Role of Racial-Ethnic Socialization, Active Coping, and Protective Parenting

Exploring the Moderating Impact of Social Reactions to College Sexual Assault Disclosure on the Relationship Between Cognitive Rumination and Posttraumatic Growth

Sociocultural Factors Associated with Chinese Americans' Perception of Childhood Experiences

Examining the Differences in Outcomes of White and Minority Young Adults Transitioning Out of Foster Care

A Group Intervention Targeting Parenting Stress and Communication Skills for Caregivers of Children with ADHD: A Feasibility Study

Examining the Relationship Between Criterion A of the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders and Attachment Style for Borderline Personality Disorder

Determinants of Perceptions of Eating Disorder Symptoms

The Effects of Mental Health Severity and Race on Public Opinion of Recently Released Offenders

The Role of Affective Reactions to Daily Life Stressors in PTSD and MDD Symptom Trajectories Following Exposure to Acute Major Stressors

The Impact of Childhood Sleep Disturbances Upon the Development of Anxiety Disorders in Adulthood

COVID-19 and the Experience of Anxiety and Depression in Children

Interest in Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy Among Future Mental Health Clinicians

A Program Evaluation of a Group Workshop Using Positive Psychology

 Relationships Between BMI, Guardedness, and Treatment Compliance in a Sample of Bariatric Surgery Candidates

The Impact of Language on Public Opinion for Restructuring Police Department Budgets
Factors Influencing Desired Closeness to Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
The Perception of Social Support for Female Combat Veterans and its Impact on Reintegration Outcomes
Improving Psychologists’ Willingness to Treat Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs)
The Effect of Gender and Frequency of Sexual Assault on Public Perceptions
The Relationship Between Locus of Control, Religiosity and Attitudes Towards Infidelity: An Exploratory Study of Married Individuals
In This Together: Exploring the Relationship between Perceived Social Support, Hope, and Health-related Quality of Life among Individuals with Long COVID
A Theory and Model of Leader Identity
Mind Your Race: Effects of Mindfulness on Race Dialogues at Work
How Site Proximity and Information about the Benefits Impact Public’s Willingness to Fund Overdose Prevention Centers
The Effect of Borderline Pathology in the Relationship of Suicidality and Executive Functioning in the End Stages of Frontal Lobe Development
A Framework of Transformative Leadership Style to Benefit Haitian Politicians In light Of Jean- Jacques Dessalines Afrocentric Style
The Sense of Belonging as a Mediating Variable for Compassion Fatigue and Job Satisfaction for Direct Care Workers
It's All in the CQ: Leader Personality and Performance
The Secondary Effects of Adolescent Substance Use Disorders on Parental Stress Across Different Levels of Care
Relationship between Inhibition and Reasoning in Children ages 9 to 10 years
The Relationship Between Adult Reflections on Parental Divorce and Relationship Satisfaction: Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance as Moderators
The Impact of Cell Phones and Comprehensive Case Management on Treatment Engagement in Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder
The Effects of Competency Status and Mental Status During Trial on Verdict
The Strengths of Small Business Owners: Mental Activity, Critical Thinking, and Adaptive Leadership
Organizational Personality Systems Model: Optimizing Introvert-Organizational Alignment
An Examination of a New Standardized Admissions Tool for an Emotional and Behavioral Therapeutic School Program: Inter-rater Reliability and Staff Per­ceptions
The Entrepreneurial Mindset in a VUCA World
The Moderating Effects of Perceived Stress on Cognitive Capacity and Work Engagement in Leaders
The Relationship between Attitudes toward the COVID-19 Vaccine, Political Party Affiliation, and Parental Status
The Malleability of Guilt: Assessing the Roles of Empathy and Evidence Presentation in Jury Decision Making
More Than Burnout: Institutional Systemic Trauma, Turnover, and Trauma-Informed Leadership in the Mental Health System
Building Transformational Programs: Lay Your Foundation with Andragogy, Design and Facilitation
Public Opinion of the Redeemability of Adolescents who Experienced Childhood Trauma and Later Committed Parricide
Dread and Police Officers: Expanding the Burnout Phenomenon
The Complexity of Hope and the Impact of Menstrual Hygiene Management Curriculum on Maasai Youth
The Moderating Effect of Age on the Relationship of Grit, Life Satisfaction, Level of Stress, Locus of Control, and Resilience in Individuals with Migraines
Suffering in Silence: The Impact of Anxiety and Chronic Pain on Patient Self-Advocacy
Antipsychotic Medication and Cognitive Ability: The Impact of Pharmacological Intervention on Neurological Functioning in Serious Mental Illness
DMDD: A Unique Experience or a Misdiagnosis? Examining How DMDD Compares to Other Mood and Behavioral Disorders in Children
Cognitive and Emotional Functioning in Affective and Non-Affective Psychosis
The Freshman Athlete Support and Transition (FAST) Curriculum
Exploring Vodou and its Implications to Mental Health
Differentiating Between Complex Trauma and ADHD Presentations in Chil­dren: An Experimental Study of Racial Bias in Differential Diagnosis
Examining Effects of Self-Stigma Related to Mental Illness and Criminal Justice Involvement on Veterans’ Identities and Treatment Seeking Attitudes
The Impact of Type of Crime on Victim Blaming
Place Attachment, Mental Well-being, and Exposure to Nature
Planting Seeds at Different Depths: A Layered Approach to Leading Change in Organizations
Teacher Perceptions of Resilience in Socio-Economically Diverse Students
The Utilization of Bibliotherapy in the Service of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
The Impact of Symptom Severity on Later Adaptive Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Effect of Maternal History of Child Maltreatment in Latinx Women on the Level of Warmth They Provide Their Preschool-aged Children
Is It PTSD?: A Qualitative Study of Clinicians’ Diagnostic Impressions of Veteran and Civilian Trauma Reactions
Examining the Impact of Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) on Mental Health Preparedness among an Urban Police Population
HERC: Integrated Leadership Model for Educational Closure
The Role of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in the Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Suicidal Behavior
Juror Opinions of Adolescent Defendants Accused of Sexually Abusive Behavior
Radical Self-Care as a Framework in Executive Coaching for Black Women
Culture and Values with a Side of Chick-fil-A Sauce: Discovering the Se­cret Behind Chick-fil-A’s Organizational Success
Moral Injury as Moderator of the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Substance Use Disorder in United States Veterans
I'm a Boss: Exploring What Draws Women and People of Color to Entrepreneurship
Attitudes Toward Mental Health Help Seeking Among Asian-American Male Students in Highly Selective Colleges
The Associations between Level of Racial Identification, Sense of Belongingness, and Social-Emotional Wellbeing in Black/White Biracial College Students
Views and Attitudes of Older Russian Immigrants on Mental and Physical Health and Its Impacts on Health Care Seeking Behaviors
Neuropsychological Correlates of Socioeconomic Status, Anxiety, and Restrictive and Repetitive Behaviors Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
What Lies Beneath: Military Regulations and Practices Adversely Impacting Treatment Seeking
Influences of Adolescent Experiences of Anxiety and Parental Support on Substance Abuse in Adulthood in a Longitudinal Study
The Relationship Between Stepparent Warmth in Adolescence, Stepparent-Stepchild Closeness in Adolescence and Stepchildren’s Feelings of Depression in Emerging Adulthood: An Analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health)
The Relationship between Resilience and Coping in Black Male Veterans
Public Perceptions of Offenders with Mental Illness Released into the Community
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Resilience in Active Duty Service Members
Secondary Trauma in Siblings: The Relationship between Symptoms and Household Interface Levels
Quality of Life, Psychological Flexibility and Age in the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Effect of Individualism and Collectivism on the Relationship between parent-child Disharmony, Depression, Anxiety and Stress
Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy and Symptoms of Eating Disorders and Gender Dysphoria in Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Individuals
The Impact of Romantic Relationships on Recidivism Risk Among Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
Investigating the Influence of Familismo in High-Achieving Second-Generation Latinxs
A Qualitative Exploration of Afro-Latinas' Intersecting Ethnoracial Identities
Personality Integrity Following Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease
The Relationship between Gender and Neurocognitive Functioning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Psychological and Psychosocial Factors Associated with Returning to Work after Experiencing a Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Mother-infant Bonding and Perceived Stress from the Perspective of Black Mothers: A Demonstration Project
Does Body Functionality Mediate the Relationship Between Exercise Motivation and Body Appearance?
The Relationship between Behavioral Health Treatment and Recidivism in Justice-Involved Youth
The Effects of Complex and Racial Trauma on the Leadership Styles of Black Women Professionals Who Hold Leadership Positions
Psychological Processes Involved in the Maintenance of Comorbid Opioid-Misuse and Anxiety-Related Symptoms and Disorders
A Summative Evaluation of a Parent Guide for Chinese American Parents During the COVID-19 Era
The Effect of Communication Medium (in person vs. online) on Perceived Intensity of Psychological Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan
A Predictive Model of Lung Transplant Candidate’s Treatment Compliance and Mortality Rate Using Pre-Surgical Neuropsychological Measures
The Relationship between Maladaptive Personality Traits, Sexually Assaultive Behavior, and Sexually Problematic Cognitions in College Men
The PATHWAYS Program: A Quantitative Study of the PATHWAYS Program (School-Based Intervention) on Adolescents’ Trauma Responses and Socio-Emotional Outcomes
Associations Between Online Dating, Isolation, Rejection Sensitivity, Self-Concept Clarity, and Well-being in Young Adults During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Effects of Eyewitness Age and Role on Eyewitness Credibility and Juror's Verdicts
The Effects of Subject of Pretrial Publicity, Media Source, and Political Beliefs on Verdict
Juror Decision-Making in Capital Sentencing Cases Through Trauma-Informed and Attachment Theory Frameworks
Informal Mental Health Support and Well-Being Following Traumatic Physical Disability: A Qualitative Study
General Public’s Knowledge of Exposure and Response Prevention for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The Influence of Leadership Humility on Avoidant Decision-Making
The Impact of Gender and Personality Disorder Diagnosis on Mock Jurors’ Sentencing Decisions in a Capital Trial
Latinas’ Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence
Public Opinion of Legally Involved Individuals who Experience Serious Mental Illness
The Relationship Between the Need for Closure and Conspiracy Theory Belief
Assessing the Relationship between Social Media Use, Feelings of Connected­ness, and Mental Health in Sexual Minority Emerging Adults
Theory of Mind Deficits Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
A Theoretical Model of Emotion Regulation in Second Generation Latino Americans
Exploration of the Association Between Implicit Racial Bias and Ethnocultural Empathy in Neuropsychology
Impact of Power Differential on Juror Identification of Sexual Assault
Emotional Response to Social Media Posts as a Mediator of the Relationship between Social Comparison and Likelihood of Social Media Continuation
Comparing Access to Mental and Physical Healthcare between Cisgender and Gender Diverse Adults
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Childhood Social-Emotional Development
The Relationship between Insight and Anxiety Within a Diverse Alzheimer’s Disease Sample
The Effects of Taking Photographs on Episodic Memory of a Social Event
An Examination of the Relationships Between Weight Discriminations, Internalized Weight Stigma, Disordered Eating, and Psychological Outcomes
Arab American Parental Socialization for Racism and Discrimination: A Qualitative Investigation
Exploring the Impact of Copy Performance on Immediate Recall using the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure in a Puerto Rican sample
Adverse Childhood Experiences in Latin/Hispanic Immigrants in the United States
The Long-Term Impact of COVID-19-Related Health Literacy, Perceived Health Vulnerability, and Resilience on Anxiety about Future Significant Health Events Among Black and Latinx Populations
Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Chronic Pain in Children and Adolescents
Muslim American Adolescents’ Everyday Resilience as Resistance to the Boston Marathon Bombing
Introducing Leadership Skills to At-Risk Youth: A Proposed Curriculum for Prevention and Mediating Risk Affects
Differences in Behavioral Disinhibition in Initial Onset of Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia and Psychiatric Disorders
How has the COVID-19 Pandemic created Organizational Trauma?
Examining Levels of Stress and Coping Among Division III College Student Athletes
Navigating Power and Microaggressions in Cross-Racial Dyads After Incarceration
Navigating Multiple Worlds: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Graduates from the METCO Program
Leader Communication: Traps and Their Solutions
Parent Involvement as a Predictor of Treatment Outcomes at Camp Baker: An Adapted Summer Treatment Program
Clinician Opinion on the Use of Motivational Interviewing with Ambivalent Adolescents Experiencing Sleep Difficulties
Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Serious Mental Illness
A Framework for Onboarding and Hiring Practices for Sustainability
Life after Exoneration: Public Opinions about Exonerees
Mycotoxin and Mold-Related Illness: Healthcare Experiences and Subjective Implications on Biopsychosocial Functioning
Understanding Prosocial Leadership Behaviors that Emerge and Help People Cope with and Grow from a Collective Trauma
Public Attitudes Towards Black and White Offenders Reintegrating Post Incarceration
Perceptions of Prescription Stimulant Misuse Among College Students
Perceived Social Support and Suicide Risk in Hispanic/LatinX Emerging Adults: The Impact of Perceived Burdensomeness and Thwarted Belongingness
Diversity Hire? Cool, But What About Retention?
The Five Intelligences Model of Human-centered Leadership and Organizations
Stigma Grows in Silence: Addressing Mental Illness in the Workplace
Stepping Stones and Invisible Fences: The Experiences of Latinas in the U.S. Nonprofit Workplace
Understanding the Behavioral Health and Criminogenic Needs of At-Risk Rural Youth: An Ecological Systems Theory Perspective
Communicating with Young Children about Race and Racism: A Guide for Parents of Vietnamese American Preschoolers
Legal Cynicism as a Cultural Factor in the Plea Bargain Cognitive Process
General Trends in Emotion Regulation and Depression in Children in an Acute Residential Treatment Center Pre and Post COVID-19
The Relationship Between Previous Recreational Use of Psychedelic Substances, Presence of Physician Recommendation for PAP, and Likelihood of Participating in Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy
Assessment of Fidelity to the Inhibitory Learning Model and Empirically Validated Components of Exposure Therapy in Research Reporting Use of Exposure Therapy for Eating Disorders
Child Abuse and Separation from Family: Protective Qualities of Sibling Relationships
Does Leader Narcissism Predict Malicious Envy and Third-Party Interpersonal Harm?
The Relationship Between Occupational Stress, Self-efficacy and Burnout on Police Officers during COVID-19
Introducing the Intersectionality Burnout Inventory
Assessment of Knowledge, Beliefs, and Implementation of Functional Nutrition as a Therapeutic Option in Management of Mental Health
The Effect of Foster Care History and Juror Empathy on Public Support for Punitive and Rehabilitative Sentences
Preliminary Validation of the Risk of Unintentional Overdose Scale - Opioids
Child Abuse as a Risk Factor for a Traumatic Childbirth Experience
Treating Sexual-Minority College Students after Nonconsensual-Sexual-Contact Victimization: An Informational Resource Guide to Culturally-Competent Therapy for College Counselors
Associations Between Childhood Emotional Maltreatment, Depressive Symptoms, and Emotional Regulation Difficulties During and Following an Episode of Adolescent Acute Residential Treatment
A Correlation Study of Physiological and Psychological Health in Relation to Exposure to Terrorism 20 Years After 9/11
Understanding Children Living with Chronic Health Condition And Providers’ Responsibility in Providing Adequate Care
Public Opinion of the Death Penalty: Effects of Defendant Race and Trauma History on Jurors’ Sentencing Preferences
Parent Report of Child's Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors in High Conflict Divorce Cases
Using Expressive Arts Therapy to Meet the Mental Health Needs of Elementary School Aged Youth After Pandemic
Pathways Through Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitalization
Exploring the Extent to which Knowing Specific Personality Profiles of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Relates to their Symptom Presentation
Educational Leadership During a Crisis—Lessons Learned from 27 Months of VUCA: A Phenomenological Study
The Risk of Developing Trauma Reactions in Heterosexual versus Non-Heterosexual, Cisgender, Women Following Sexual Assault
Stereotype Threat in Neuropsychological Evaluations in the Older Adult Population
Tai Chi: A Whole System Approach Towards Understanding Differential Effects of Variations in Continued Practice on Psychological Flexibility Processes
Ethno-Racial Trauma, Individual and Cultural Resilience across Latinx Immigrant Generations in the US

From the Eye of the Beholder: Toward a Grounded Theory of Leadership Humility
The Impact of Gender Identity on the Relationship Between Rejection Sensitivity and Gender Role Conflict in GBTQ+ Men
Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers
Grace Under Fire Transitioning from the "I" to the "We" In the Face of Adversity, Understanding the Value of Emotional Intelligence, Human Connection an Resiliency as a Leader
The Impact of Self-Reported Loneliness and Social Isolation on Executive Functioning in Older Adults
Covid-19 Fear, Psychopathology, Functioning, and Resilience in a Representative U.S. Sample
The Effects of Hypercorrection in Older Adult Populations with Memory Impairments
Comparing First-Generation to Continuing-Generation College Student Experiences of Support and Impacts on Anxiety, Depression, and Well-Being
Understanding Misdiagnosis of Bipolar Disorder: Characterizing Clinician's Diagnostic Process when New Clients Present with Depression
The Prevalence of Disordered Eating Symptoms Among Fad Dieters and Lifestyle Dieters
Examining Emotion Regulation and Resilience in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
The Effects of Race, Level of Parental Supervision, and Socioeconomic Status on Jurors’ Likelihood of Convicting Juvenile Offenders
Public Perceptions of Social Withdrawal and Social Exclusion in Delinquent Youth
The Exploration of Why Veterans Become Mental Health Clinicians
“What Do I Tell My Child Now?”: Engagement in Racial and Emotion Socialization by Black Parents When Talking to Their Children About Racial Bias and Emotional Coping
Sensitivity and Specificity of the MMSE and the MoCA, and the Impact of MCI Cutoff Scores in Clinical Settings and Clinical Research Trials
Examining Mechanisms of Change in Moral Injury Across the Lifespan
Perspective Taking: Understanding Perceptions of Police-Community Relations In Newark, New Jersey
Factors Affecting Perceptions of Severe Mental Illness
The Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship of Treatment Burden, Perception of Illness Impact, and Psychological Presentation in Patients Suffering From Pernicious Anemia
The Public's Sentencing Preferences for Juveniles Who Sell Opioids
The Effect of Type of Cognitive Deficit and Memory of a Crime on the Public’s Opinion of the Appropriateness of Capital Punishment versus Life Without Parole
Assessing School-Based Staff Attitudes, Behaviors, and Competencies for Implementing Trauma-Informed Treatment for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Examining the Role of Family Functioning in Pediatric Medical Trauma Stress
The Impact of Group-Based Sports Therapy on Teamwork Abilities
The Effect of Intimate Bonds: Can a Supportive Relationship Counteract the Impact of Racism in Healthcare on Maternal Stress Among Black Women?
What Factors Contribute to a Clinician’s Self-Reported Confidence When Providing Telemental Health Services
Parentification in Childhood, Overall Well-Being and Sense of Belonging in College Students: Adapting a Cultural Lens
The Impact of a Mindfulness Meditation Smartphone Application Intervention on Sleep in a Community Sample of Adults
The Relationship of Reason for Viewing on Real Time and Retrospective View­ing Behavior of Disaster Media on Associated Emotional Distress
Identifying Disordered Eating Behaviors in a General Psychiatric Sample: A Comparison of Diagnostic vs. Dimensional Assessment Methods
Factors Associated with Willingness to Receive Vaccination for and Continued Adherence to Safeguards for Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 vs. Influenza Infection
College Students’ Perceptions of the Parent-Child Relationship after Departure from the Religious Beliefs of their Parents
Clinicians’ Use of Metaphors in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): A Grounded Theory Study
Examining the use of Telehealth Services in College Mental Health
Cumulative Trauma and Suicidal Behaviors in Inpatient Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Sense of Belonging
Supporting U.S. Female Service-Members by Exploring Life-Satisfaction of Male Civilian Spouses
The Effectiveness of Art Groups for Patients With Psychotic Disorders During a Partial Hospitalization Program
Impact of Religiosity on Willingness to Seek Mental Health Treatment in Latinx Populations
Connecting Adventure Therapy and Social-Emotional Learning Competencies in Schools
Efficacy of ERP on Perfectionism as a Symptom Cluster of OCD in Children
Understanding the Protective and Risk Factors of Traditional Latinx Values in Explanations for Gang Membership
An Exploration of the Relationship between Repetitive Head Injuries and Symptoms of Depression among Retired Professional Football Players
Factors Affecting Clinicians’ Ability to Accurately Diagnose Complex Developmental Trauma Presentations in Children
Progressive Structural Brain changes in Photon Therapy when Compared to Proton Therapy in Grade 2 and Grade 3 Gliomas
The Relationship between Physical Activity Levels and the Transition into Marriage
The Effects of Military Culture and Military Identity on Transition Stress During Reintegration: A Comparison Between Active Duty and Reserve/Guard Service Members
Public Opinion of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals who Attend Treatment for Substance Use
The Role of Self-Esteem In Adult Men’s Acceptance and Utilization of Benevolent Sexism
Qualitative Exploration of White Female Clinicians' Perspectives on Race and Gender in Psychotherapy with Justice-Involved Black Male Clients
An Investigation into the Effectiveness of a Social Skills Program Delivered via Telehealth for Elementary-Aged Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Development and Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Resilience Skills Practice Inventory
Differences in Depression Screening, Depression Diagnosis, and Mental Health Treatment Referrals between 2008 and 2018
Climate Change Worry in Latinx Versus Non-Latinx Youth
Associations Between Personality Traits, Moral Injury, and PTSD Symptoms Among Emergency Department Providers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Impact of Racial Identity Development on Attitudes Towards Drug-Related Criminal Offenders
Intellectual Humility in Helping Professions
The Influence of Delusion Content and Mental Status During Trial on Jury Decision Making in Cases Involving the Insanity Defense
Exploring the Role of Security Clearance and Mental Health Care in Military and Veteran Populations
“Somerville, MA Legally Recognizes Polyamory:” A Qualitative Exploration of The Polyamorous Experience
Gender as a Moderator of Parental Self-Compassion on Perceived Child Wellbeing
Predictors of Public Attitudes Towards Physician-Assisted Suicide for Terminal Cancer
Creating Trauma-Informed Schools: Effectiveness of a Trauma-Informed Professional Development Training for Increasing Educator Competencies
Early Adverse Experiences and Negative Mental Health Outcomes in Adolescents: The Role of External and Internal Assets
Parental Incarceration and Siblingship: Developmental Outcomes
Video Games and Social Connection: A Study of U.S. Military Service Members and Veterans
Rates of Cognitive Decline in African Americans Compared to Whites Accounting for Cerebrovascular Disease Load
The Effectiveness of Drug Treatment Court: Participants’ Recommendations for Improvement of the Drug Treatment Court Diversion Program
Evaluating the Psychometric Properties, Validity, and Clinical Utility of the Spectra: Indices of Psychopathology Adaptive Psychological Functioning Scale in an Inpatient Psychiatric Sample
Personality Traits of Women in CEO Roles
Differentiating Alzheimer’s Disease and Behavioral-Variant Frontotemporal Dementia Using Social Cognition and Errors on Neuropsychological Testing
Workplace Belonging in the Public Service Sector
The Relationship Between Motivation for Choosing a Vegan Diet, Self-Regulation, and Adherence to the Diet
Trauma Sensitive Yoga as an Adjunct Treatment for Transgender and Nonbinary Trauma Survivors
Understanding Adolescent Non-Suicidal Self-Injury’s Relationship to Parenting Styles and Caregiver Strain
Exploring the Relationship of Hope Action Theory, Perceived Stress and Self-Compassion using a Neuroscience Perspective
A Theoretical Exploration: Racial Trauma Experienced By Black Employees and Its Impact on Well-Being and Work Performance
Coaching for Global Perspective: Synthesizing Cultural Polarities and Stage Theories of Adult Development to Catalyze Global Leader Development
The Cognitive Behavioral Leadership Action Model
Facilitating Healthy Conflict: The Role Of Emotional Intelligence And Authentic Leadership
Exploring the Impact of Relationship Factors and Interpersonal Style on Women's Substance Abuse Treatment and Engagement
Family Caregivers’ Attitudes Toward Physician-Assisted Death
Assessing a Training Program Designed to Improve Team Psychological Safety and Team Climate in Cross-Functional, Child Welfare Teams
The Effect of Level of Sensationalism in Media Reports of Neighborhood Acceptance of Sexual Offender Release as Moderated by Educational Level
Bicultural Stress, Depression, and Cultural Identity in Latinx Older Adolescent
Intimate Partner Violence Service Availability and Utilization as Predictors of Intimate Partner Homicide
Structured Learning: A New Framework for Organizational Learning
The Association Between Family Stability and the Experiences and Well-being of Adult Children of Incarcerated Parents
Slowing the Great Resignation: Leaders, it’s Time to Engage! The Mediating Effect of Psychological Capital on Self-Leadership and Work Engagement
The Role of Interpersonal Hopelessness Within the Trait-Interpersonal Model of Suicide
Public Opinion of Sex Offender Registration For Juveniles Who Engage In Consensual Sexting
The Role of Experiential Avoidance and Anxiety Sensitivity in Clinician’s Delivery of Exposure-Based Treatment for OCD
A Qualitative Examination of Cultural Identity Conflicts Experienced by Black and Afro-Latino Law Enforcement Officers
Transitions to Motherhood: Self-Care in the Postpartum Period
Making a False Confessor? How Suspect Age and Police Tactics Impact Mock Juror Perceptions of Interrogation Pressures
Culturally Modified Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression with Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Vietnamese Immigrants and Refugees
The Social Emotional Experiences of Refugee Children
Reports of Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth in Mental Health Professionals: A Comparison of Two Assessment Methods
Exploring Latino and Latin American Clinicians' Understandings of Their Social Locations Using the Social Matrix

¡Dale, Let's Beat the Odds! Music-Based Adaptation Guidelines for Application with Black and Latinx Emerging Adults
The Impact of Colorism on the Self-Concept of Dark-Skinned Black Women
Towards a Collective Theory of Burnout: Implications for Future Research and Intervention
Effects of Vulnerable Leadership Behavior on Immersion and Psychologi­cal Safety in Followers
The Effect of Exoneree Immigration Satus in Public Opinion of Wrongfully Convicted Individuals
Veteran's Voices: Perceptions of the Utility of Written Expressive Therapy
Collateral Consequences: A Theoretical Examination of Money Bail’s Impact on Children and Families
A Framework of Mental Complexity in United States Army Personnel
Brain Health in Leadership: Factors That Predict Willingness to Partici­pate in an Organization Brain Health Program
Exploring the Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Selective and Sustained Attention
Relationship of Caregiver and Child Characteristics and Help-Seeking Behaviors
The Impact of Self Compassion on Quality of LIfe After Adverse Childhood Experiences
Keep Calm and Carry On: Developing a Psychological Self-Care Program for Leaders Focused on Decreasing Stress, Increasing Wellbeing, and Becoming more Equanimous Through Uncertainty
Perceptions of Trauma-Informed Care in Substance Use Treatment Programs
The Effects of Military Morals and Values on Veterans Post-Military
Experiences of Body-Related Pressure in the Military for Active Duty and Veteran Women
The Relationship between Severity of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Food Insufficiency in Children
The Effects of Sender and Recipient Ages on Public Opinion of Legislation Regarding Youth Sexting Offenses
Clinicians’ Perceptions of Patients with BPD: Impact on Diagnostic Accuracy
Development of a Tool to Orient Patients and Providers to Exposure and Response Prevention
The Impact of Discipline Style on Childhood Aggression Amongst Children Who Have Been Maltreated
Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma and Community Resilience in Descendants of Holocaust Survivors
The Relationship and Impact of Interpersonal Orientation and Social Support on Satisfaction from Online Gaming
An Examination of the Relationship between Overdose Risk and Treatment Engagement in an Inpatient Substance Use Population
The Relationship between Working Memory and Verbal Fluency in Deaf Individuals
The Role of Grit in the Association Between Exercise, Depression, and Well-being; A Qualitative Study
Teacher Perceptions of Trauma: How Teacher Empathy and Experienced Adversity Aid in Recognizing Trauma in the Classroom
Social Dominance and Apologizing to Outgroup Members
Public Support for School-Based Violence-Prevention Programs
Post-Menopausal Women’s Body Image, Attitudes Towards Aging, and Engagement in Health Promoting Behaviors
Navigating the Torn Loyalties of Second Generation Indian American Females
Age, Cognitive Control/Flexibility, and Self-Injurious Behavior
Attachment Style, Personality Traits, and FoMO as Predictors of Inappropriate Social Media Use in the Workplace
Differences in Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts between Male and Female College Students
“It Can’t Happen Here”: A Qualitative Exploration of Child Marriage in the United States
“Big-Five” Personality Factors as a Predictor of Satisfaction in a Graduate Psychology Program
Public Opinion of the Death Penalty for Young Adults
The Impact of Early Intervention on Joint Attention for Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Teacher Perceptions of Inclusion: How Burnout, Previous Training, and School Demographic Factors Impact Educator Viewpoints
The Effect of Media Source on Public Perception of Police-Involved Shootings of African American and White Men
Mental Health of Caribbean Black Emerging Adults: Impacts of Parental and Self-Acculturation
Exploring Perceptions of Child Risk, Legal Characteristics, and Performance in a Court-Mandated High Conflict Parenting Education Program
The Effect of In-Home ABA Therapy on Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Pediatric Primary Headache Conditions
Cultivating Therapeutic Presence: A Reiki and Mindfulness-Based Program
Mental Health Providers' Knowledge of Trans Youths' Unique Health Needs
Feeling the Recoil: Parents' Experience of Providing Support to Reintegrating Post-9/11 Military Veterans
Self-efficacy, Locus of Control, And Personality Traits as Predictors of Avoid­ance vs. Exposure Strategies in Public Speaking Anxiety
Verbal Memory, Attention, and Executive Function Performance in Individuals with Autoimmune Encephalitis Compared to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Healthy Controls
Relationships Between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Adult Personality Disorders in a Clinical Sample
The Relationship of Instagram Use, Body Dissatisfaction, Social Comparison Orientation, and Consideration of Cosmetic Procedures
Trauma as a Mitigating Factor in Criminal Cases: A Predictor Model of Juror Empathy towards Defendants with Developmental Trauma Histories Who Commit Violent Crime
Cultural Attunement Module for Individualized Education Program Development and Implementation
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Executive Functioning in an Inpatient Adolescent Population
The Relationship Between Dietary Habits, Nutrition Knowledge and Self-Reported Executive Functioning Abilities
The Implications of Growing Up in a Military Family for Young Adults' Attachment Style
The Relationship Between Sports Participation, Bullying Victimization, and Friendship Development in Latency Aged Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder
Association Between a Stay At Home Father’s Experiences and His Current Psychological Health and Health Behaviors
Training Inpatient Providers to Utilize the SOTIPS for Mentally Ill Individuals with Problematic Sexual Behaviors
Pilot Study: Assessing Substance Use Risk and Preventing Substance Abuse in Teenagers
Characterizing the Experiences of Veterans’ Caregivers: Identifying Predictors of Positive and Negative Caregiving Experiences
Comparison of National Guard Versus Other Service Members in Alcohol Cognitive Behavioral Couple Therapy Adapted for Military Personnel and Veterans
An Analysis of Post-Traumatic Growth and Coping Strategies Among Family Caregivers of Individuals with Life-Threatening Illness
Leveraging Psychological Needs Satisfaction as a Path to Sustainable Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotions
The Effect of Medium on Responses to Suicidal Communication
Dark Traits, Self Esteem, and Infidelity in Online Dating
Exploring Emerging Adults’ Efforts to Restore Parent-Child Attachments Ruptured by Military Deployments
Public Opinion of Juvenile Offenders with Trauma Diagnoses
CMCL: An Online Resilience Training Program for College Athletes
Teachers Attributions of Student Behavior and How Those Relate to Recommended Intervention Actions
An Examination of the Factors that Impact Permanency and Mental Health Outcomes After an Out-of-Home Placement
Individual and Experiential Correlates of Perceptions of Police Officers
An Exploration of Parental Willingness to Address Pediatric Behavioral Health Concerns in the Primary Care Setting
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Borderline Personality Disorder Among Inpatient Adolescents
Neuropsychological Investigation into Rate of Forgetting for Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Associations Between Levels of Religiosity, Self Esteem, Social Connections, and Meaning Making in Young Adults: An Exploratory Study
Public Support for Alternative Responses to Problematic Behavior in Public Schools
Advantages of Hiring Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in Retail Organizations
Reversing the Lens: How Learning About the Previous Ethical Conduct of Their Staff Affects the Trust and Leadership Behavior of New Managers
Meaningful Work and Positive Job Outcomes: Moderating the Relation­ships with Work–Family Outcomes
Influence of Adult Development Stages on Leader-Member Exchange Model of Leadership
Investigating the Effectiveness of Telepsychology Administered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Treat Anxiety and Depression Among College Age Individuals
Therapy Experiences of Legally Involved, Adult Clients with Mental Illness
Relationship between Duration and Frequency of Yoga Training and Performance on Neuropsychological Tests of Attention
The Interaction of Child Personality and Academic Achievement in Mixed-Grade Classrooms
Exploring the Experience and Function of Binge Eating Behaviors among Veterans
Development and Preliminary Testing of a Self-Rating Instrument to Measure Leadership Embodiment
The Relationship between Reasons for Social Media Use, Levels of Social Comparison, and Changes to State Self-Esteem
Parsing Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia
“God, Country, and Corps”: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Perceived Im­pact of Religion and Spirituality on Reintegration in Post-9/11 Veterans
Social Media Boundary Expectations in Long-Term Romantic Partnerships
Masculinity and Help Seeking for Depression: Cultural Contributions and Strategies for Facilitating Help Seeking
Gamers Don't Die, They Respawn: Why Gamers Might Bring More Psychological Safety and Curiosity Into the Workplace
Examining the Prevalence and Neuropsychological Correlates of Suppressed Effort on ImPACT Testing in Collegiate Athletes: A Sandbagging Study
Examining the Relationship Between Spirituality and Level of Psychological Distress Experienced by Parents Caring for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Mediating Effect of Insecure Attachment between Childhood Emotional Maltreatment and Hostile Romantic Interactions
The Relationship Between Perceived Helpfulness of Mental Health Professionals and Satisfaction of Diagnosis from an Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluation
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Affective and Cognitive Empathy and Cyberbullying Behaviors Among Emerging Adults
Program Evaluation of Camp Baker, an Adapted Summer Treatment Program for Children with ADHD
What is the Relationship Between Caregivers' Recollections of Their Childhood Experiences and Expectations for Their Children with Autism?
Mental Health Sequelae of Exposure to Chronic Community Violence Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Transition Aged Youth
Effect of Psychiatry Testimony about Reactive Attachment Disorder and Conduct Disorder on Juror Decision Making