#IAmADifferenceMaker by Michelle Codner

#IAmADifferenceMaker by Michelle Codner

Clinical Psychology, PsyD and Children and Families of Adversity and Resilience (CFAR) Concentration

“I want to develop more creative ways of increasing minorities access to quality mental health care.”

1) What inspired you to pursue your degree?

The drive to challenge social justice, the opportunity to be a voice to the socioeconomically challenged, and the opportunity to be a difference maker in the field and in the lives of the clients I serve as a therapist.

2) Describe your experience at William James College?

My experience has been very invaluable and rewarding. I appreciate the program model and the time faculty members dedicate to individual students’ development.

3) What do you envision doing in your career post-graduation?

Be a social justice advocate, develop more creative ways of increasing minorities access to quality mental health care, and educate upcoming professionals in the field in academic and internship/practicum training settings.

If you want to be a #DifferenceMaker too, learn more about our PsyD in Clinical Psychology and the Children and Families of Adversity and Resilience Concentration.