Seeking Counseling

Seeking Counseling

Mental Health Tips from William James College Faculty: Seeking Counseling by Nilda M. Laboy, PsyD, Chair of the Counseling Psychology Department.

Tips for Obtaining and Using Counseling Services

  • There are many providers of mental health services. Make sure that you obtain services from a licensed practitioner or someone who is in training under a licensed individual. 
  • Ask your primary care physician for recommendations. Other ways you can get good recommendations for a counselor or a psychologist are your clergy, your insurance company, or calling a professional association, like (for counselors) or (for psychologists). 
  • To have a successful counseling experience, you need to be able to trust and work with your mental health provider. Don’t be afraid of asking potential providers for a 15 minute free-of-cost informational session to see if you are a good fit. After all, you will be sharing with this person many personal and intimate details about your life. 
  • Ask the provider about their training and their treatment orientation, and how they are able to help people who have the same presenting issues as you do. 
  • Make sure you understand your insurance coverage (if you are using your health insurance benefits), or the financial cost of therapy from the outset of the treatment. 
  • our counselor/therapist is a professional – even though you may feel very close to him/her, after all, you are sharing your experiences with him/her - your counselor is not and will not be your friend. They will help you lead a happier, healthier life and will be proud to see you move on with your life. 
  • You can work out some life issues or problems in short-term therapy, or you may work on long-standing issues in a longer period of time. Discuss with your therapist your priorities and what would you like to focus on first. 

Remember: Caring for our emotional and mental health is just as important as caring for our physical being! 


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