Bruce Ecker Receives Norbett L. Mintz Chair in Professional Psychology Award

Bruce Ecker Receives Norbett L. Mintz Chair in Professional Psychology Award

Bruce Ecker, PhD, Director, Children and Families of Adversity and Resilience (CFAR) Concentration

Every two years since September 2002, William James College has honored an outstanding faculty member with a two year award of the Norbett L. Mintz Chair in Professional Psychology. This significant award is described in the original gift from the Mintz Family as for a "gifted practitioner-teacher of psychology." The gift was made by the parents of Norbett Mintz. Dr. Norby Mintz was a highly respected Core Faculty member in the Department of Clinical Psychology for many years.

This year the award goes to Dr. Bruce Ecker. Bruce has played a very important role at William James College. He is an outstanding and gifted teacher and mentor. He has been a pivotal figure in forwarding and leading the development of William James College's Children and Families of Adversity and Resilience. He has appointments in both the Department of School Psychology and the Department of Clinical Psychology. He is the leader and coordinator of the Faculty Advisory Committee and he facilitates the smooth functioning of faculty governance. Bruce is highly esteemed by students, faculty and staff. This is a well- deserved recognition of Bruce's multiple and on-going contributions to William James College and to the greater community. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Ecker.


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