Erich Lindemann Memorial Lectures

Insights and Innovations in Community Mental Health
Hosted by William James College. Organized and edited by:
- The Erich Lindemann Memorial Lecture Committee
- David G. Satin, MD, Chairman
- Dean Abby, MEd
- Elena Cherepanov, PhD, LMHC
- Brenda Lindemann, MPH
- Frances V. Mervyn, PhD
- Jackie K. Moore, PhD
This work is dedicated to the participants in the Erich Lindemann Memorial Lecture and to all their brethren who are open to new ideas and collaborations that will lead to the betterment of the mental and social health of people, communities, and society. Knowingly or unknowingly they draw inspiration and dedication from Erich Lindemann who struggled to define and teach this approach.
The ever-evolving Erich Lindemann Memorial Lecture Committee has been stalwart in understanding and valuing Community Mental Health and Erich Lindemann’s work in this field, volunteering their expertise, experience, time, and effort in the midst of busy professional lives.
William James College has graciously and generously hosted the Lindemann Lectures for many years, valued this program, and made it part of its curriculum, as well as being the source of several Lindemann Lecture speakers making outstanding contributons on a variety of topics. We especially appreciate Dean Abby, Director of the College’s Continuing and Community Education Program for his enthusiasm for Community Mental Health, thoughtful contribution to the planning of the lectures, and logistical support.
We should recognize the series of William James College work-study students who added to their school work load the task of transcribing the recorded lectures and editing them for publication. Their interest in the subjects, skills, and effort have been essential to bringing the Lindemann Lectures to a wider audience.
Finally, we appreciate Rowman & Littlefield, publishers, for permission to use the title of the published book of the first 10 Lindemann Lectures and including those Lectures in this comprehensive collection. All publishing rights to this material from Insights and Innovations in Community Mental Health: Ten Erich Lindemann Memorial Lectures, edited by David G. Satin, MD, FAPA, Elizabeth Brainerd Lindemann, MSW, and Jean Farrell, published by Jason Aronson, are reserved by them.
- Dean Abby
- Elena Cherepanov
- Mark Geer
- Susan Gottlieb
- Stephen Hayes
- Louisa Howe
- Susan Johnson
- Brenda Lindemaann
- Elizabeth Lindemann
- Alex MacMillan
- Frances Mervyn
- Jackie Moore
- David Satin
The Erich Lindemann Memorial Lectures have been supported and endorsed in various ways by a wide range of academic, professional, and service organizations, demonstrating the synergy among these institutions. We honor and appreciate their involvement.
- The Erich Lindemann Memorial Lecture Committee
- The Erich Lindemann Community Mental Health Education Center Initiative
- William James College
- McLean Hospital Department of Postgraduate and Continuing Education
- The North Suffolk Mental Health Association Board of Directors
- Freedman Center for Child and Family Development
- League of Women Voters of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
Lindemann, Elizabeth B., Erich Lindemann: A Biographical Sketch (privately published, 1987)
Lindemann, Erich, Beyond Grief: Studies in Crisis Intervention (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, Inc., 1979)
Satin, David G., Lindemann, Elizabeth Brainerd, Farrell, Jean, Insights and Innovations in Community Mental Health: Ten Erich Lindemann Memorial Lectures (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, Inc., 1994)
Satin, David G., Community Mental Health, Erich Lindemann, and Social Conscience in American Psychiatry (New York: Routledge, 2020 in press)
Erich Lindemann Memorial Lecture Series 1976–Present
1. Community Mental Health in Historical Perspective
October 7, 1976
- Gerald Caplan, MD, Director of Child Psychiatry Emeritus, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel Jerusalem Institute for the Study of Psychological Stress, Israel
2. Cultural Factors in Mental Health: A Training Program in Ethnicity and Mental Health
April 5, 1978
- John P. Spiegel, MD, Professor and Director Emeritus, Training Program in Ethnicity and Mental Health; Florence Heller School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University
3. Dying and Growth in Contemporary Society
April 14, 1980
- Edwin H. Cassem, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Psychiatrist, Massachusetts General Hospital
4. A Comprehensive View of Service to Families and to Their Elders
April 30, 1981
- Stanley H. Cath, MD, Director, Family Advisory Service and Treatment Center
5. Science and Service in Psychiatry in the 1980s
May 26, 1982
- Miles F. Shore, MD, Bullard Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Superintendant, Massachusetts Mental Health Center
6. Educating the Physician: Which Comes First, The Patient or The Disease?
Apil 7, 1983
- Oliver Cope, MD, Professor of Surgery, Emeritus, Harvard Medical School; Senior Surgeon, Massachusetts General Hospital
7. Social Justice as a Mental State
April 24, 1984
- William Ryan, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Boston College
8. Good Grief: Helping Children and Adolescents When a Friend Dies
April 30, 1985
- Sandra Fox, PhD, ACSW, Director, Good Grief Program, Judge Baker Guidance Center, Boston, Massachusetts
9. The Need for Alternative Treatment Strategies in the Criminal Justice System
April 29, 1985
- Judge Albert L. Kramer, Presiding Justice, Quincy District Court, Massachusetts; Adjunct Professsor, Florence Heller School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University
10. Generating Social Settings for a Public's Health
April 24, 1987
- James G. Kelley, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago
11. Healthy Cities: From Wellesley to W.H.O.
April 29, 1988
- Leonard J. Duhl, MD, Professor of Public Health and Urban and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley
- Lisa Peattie, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Betty Taymor, MA, Boston College
14. Social Ethos, Social Conscience, and Social Psychiatry: Community Mental Health
and the Cycles of Psychiatric Ideology
April 26, 1991
- David G. Satin, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
- Danna Mauch, PhD, Consultant on Public Policy, Massachusetts Association for Mental Health; Principal, PDM Health Strategies
- Robert L. Porter, EdD, MPH, Northeast Director of Corporate Psychological Centers; Director, Delphi Economics International
15. Community-Focused Health Care: The AIDS Example
April 24, 1992
- Nicolás Parkhurst Carballiera, BSc, CTT, ND, Director, Latino Health Network
- Calvin J. Cohen, MD, MS, Research Director, Community Research Initiative of New England
- Judith Kurland, Commissioner, Boston Department of Health and Hospitals
16. The Privatization of Community Mental Health: For People or for Profit?
April 30, 1993
- Eileen Elias, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
- Deborah Weinstein MSW, Executive Director, Massachusetts Human Services Coalition
- Michael J. Bennett, MD, Eastern Regional Medical Director, American Biodyne
- Judi Chamberlin, Board of Directors, National Association of Psychiatric Survivors
17. The Eclipse—and Reemergence—of Community
April 22, 1994
- Maurice R. Stein, PhD, Jacob S. Potofsky Professor of Sociology, Brandeis University
- Cheng Imm Tan, MDiv, Associate Minister at Large, Unitarian-Universalist Urban Ministry
- Matthew P. Dumont, MD, Medical Director, Transition Services, Westboro State Hospital, Author of
Treating the Poor - Rashi Fein, PhD, Professor of the Economics of Medicine, Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
18. Carving Mental Health Out of Health Care: What Becomes of Community Mental Health?
May 5, 1995
- William Dalton, Commissioner of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, State of Vermont
- Nancy Langman-Dorwart, RN, MS, MPH, Director of Mental Health, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts
- Nasir A. Khan, MD, Director of Bournewood Hospital, Clinical Psychiatrist
- Joyce Burland, PhD, Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Vermont
19. Successful Adolescence: The Impact of Family, School, and Community
May 10, 1996
- Stuart T. Hauser, MD, PhD, President, Judge Baker Children's Center; Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
- George R. Daly, Director of Programs, First Church in Roxbury (a program of the Unitarian-Universalist Urban Ministry)
- Sumru Erkut, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Wellesley College Center for Research on Women
- Bruce L. Bird, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, North Suffolk Mental Health Association; Chairman of the Board, Massachusetts Behavioral Health Network
- Paul J. Barreira, MD, Deputy Commissioner for Clinical and Professional Services, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health; Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical Center
- Peter Gumpert, PhD, Founder, American Mental Health Alliance; faculty, Boston Institute for Psychotherapy
- Glenn S. Koocher, MPA, Manager of Programs and Advocacy for the Northeastern United States, American Association of Retired Persons; Editor, Trends in Integrated Health Delivery Systems
21. Surviving and Thriving: Community Mental Health Programs in These Times
May 8, 1998
- Robert L. Evans, EdD, Executive Director, The Human Relations Service, Inc.
- Peter D. Kirwin, MSW, LICSW, Director, Town of Falmouth Human Services
- Brenda Lindemann, MPH, CHES, Vermont Agency of Human Services; Vermont Health Department; School EPSDT Health Access Program Liaison; President's Summit for America's Future, Vermont's Promise, Coordinator
22. Enhancing the Skills of Mental Health Practitioners: Treating Mind and Body and
May 14, 1999
- Stanley J. Berman, PhD, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Wellesley College;Director, Institute for Clinical Health Psychology, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
- John T. Chirban, PhD, ThD, Clinical Instructor in Psychology, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Psychology and Chairman, Department of Human Development, Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology; Adjunct Instructor in Psychology, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
- Martha Stark, MD, Faculty, Boston Psychoanalytic Institute; Faculty and Supervising Analyst, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis; Instructor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
23. Visions of a Health Care System: What Do We Have, What Do We Want, and How Do
We Get It?
May 19, 2000
- Bernard S. Arons, MD, Director, Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Anne G. Hargreaves, RN, MS, FAAN, President, Massachusetts Association of Older Americans
- Steffie Woolhandler, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Member, Ad Hoc Committee to Defend Health Care, Member, Physicians for a National Health Program
- Alan Sager, PhD, Professor, Boston University School of Public Health
24. Community Ownership of Mental Health Care: The Case of Youth Substance Abuse
April 27, 2001
- Lisa V. Stone, MD, Vice-Chairman, Wellesley Board of Health; Chair, Study Circle Planning Committee
- Haner Hernandez, MEd, CADAC, Associate Director, Hispanic Office of Planning and Evaluation
- Mark A. Goldstein, MD, Chief of Pediatrics and Student Health Services, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
- Howard K. Koh, MD, MPH, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Public Health
25. Terrorism and Mental Health: Clinician and Patient Responses From Patriotism to
World Community
April 26, 2002
- Elizabeth H. Prodromou, PhD, Associate Director, Institute on Religion and World Affairs, Boston University
- Shahla Haeri, PhD, Director, Women’s Studies Program, and Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Boston University
- Leonard J. Duhl, MD, Professor of Public Health and Urban Policy, University of California, Berkeley and Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco
26. The Person In The Community: Understanding and Treating the Interrelationship
April 11, 2003
- Thomas J. Cottle, PhD, Professor of Education, Boston University
- Harriet K. Berman, PhD, Program Director, The Wellness Community of Greater Boston; Adjunct Faculty Member, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology; private practice of psychotherapy
- Elizabeth Tyson-Smith, MA, Executive Director, Virginia Thurston Healing Garden
27. Preparation for the Psychological Consequences of Terrorism and Disaster
April 23, 2004
- Frederick J. Stoddard, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Chief of Psychiatry, Shriners Burns Hospital; Senior Attending Psychiatrist, MGH Shock, Trauma, and Burn Unit; Chair, Committee on Disasters and Terrorism, Group for Advancement of Psychiatry
- Louise Carcione , Emergency Management Coordinator for MetroBoston, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health; 2002 Recipient, Clara Barton Award, Red Cross
- Carl N. Edwards, JD, PhD, Member, Massachusetts Emergency Management Team; Steering Committee of the Massachusetts Disaster Response Network; Command Staff Graduate, Federal Emergency Management Institute
28. Coming to the Rescue or None of My Business: The Effect of Responding vs. Ignoring
on Community Health
May 20, 2005
- Ervin Staub, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Director of the PhD concentration in the Psychology of Peace and the Prevention of Violence
- Michael Grodin, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, Socio-Medical Sciences, Community Medicine, Bioethics and Human Rights: Boston University Schools of Public Health and Medicine; Co-Founder of Global Lawyers and Physicians: Working Together for Human Rights; Co-Director of the Boston Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights: Caring for Survivors of Torture
- Kathleen M. O'Toole, Commissioner of Police, City of Boston
29. Displaced in America: Finding Hope in Community
April 7, 2006
- Westy Egmont, DMin, Chairman, Massachusetts Governor’s Advisory Council on Immigrants and Refugees; working with the U.S. Committee on Refugees and Immigrants, and Cultural Survival; Past President of the International Institute of Boston, Lowell, and New Hampshire
- Lisa Gurland, RN, PsyD, Director of Behavioral Health Planning and Development, Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- Lorna McKenzie-Pollock, MA, LICSW, Director, International Counseling; Assistant Clinical Professor of Social Work, Boston University School of Social Work
- Jody Ranck Dr PH, Director, Health Practice Institute for the Future
30. The Community Mental Health Center: Forty Years of Survival and Evolution
April 13, 2007
- Robert L. Evans, EdD, Executive Director, The Human Relations Service, Inc.
- Frances V. Mervyn, PhD, Executive Director emerita, The Human Relations Service, Inc. and Dean of Students, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
- Jackie K. Moore, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, North Suffolk Mental Health Association
- Michele Anzaldi, Site Director, Erich Lindemann Mental Health Center, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
31. Returning War Veterans: Meeting Health Needs of Veterans, Families, and Communities
June 13, 2008
- Jaine L. Darwin, PsyD Co-Chair, Strategic Outreach to Families of All Reservists (SOFAR), Clinical Instructor in Psychology, Harvard Medical School, Supervising Analyst, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis
- Richard T. Moore, MA, Senator, Massachusetts General Court, Chairman, Health Care Financing Committee
- Jonathan Shay, MD, PhD Staff Psychiatrist, Veterans Administration Outpatient Clinic, Boston, Author of Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character and Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming
32. Returning War Veterans: Challenges in Continuing Mental Health Care After Military
and Civilian Trauma
June 5, 2009
- Jaine L. Darwin, PsyD, Co-Chair, Strategic Outreach to Families of All Reservists (SOFAR), Clinical Instructor in Psychology, Harvard Medical School, Supervising Analyst, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis
- Gary B. Kaplan, MD, Director, Mental Health Services, Veterans Administration Boston Healthcare System; Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine
- Erin Daly, PhD, Director, Center for Returning Veterans, Veterans Administration Healthcare System; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine
- Tom Kelley, BA, MS, Secretary, Massachusetts Department of Veterans Services
- Barbara A. Leadholm, MS, MBA, Commissioner, Department of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
33. Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Children and Families: Policy and Current Strategies
June 11, 2010
- Ruth B. Balser, PhD, State Representative, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Vice Chair, Joint Committee on Public Health, Member, Joint Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse
- Emily Sherwood, Director, Children’s Behavioral Health Interagency Initiatives (CBHI), Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services
- Peggy Kaufman, MEd, MSW, Director of the Center for Early Relationship Support, and faculty member of the Infant Parent Training Institute, Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Boston, clinical practice, consultation, and supervision
- Marylou Sudders, MSW, ACSW, President and CEO, Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, former Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
34. Best Practice Models for Community Service to Diverse Families
June 3, 2011
- Margarita Alegria, PhD, Director, Center for Multicultural Mental Health Research, Camridge Health Alliance; Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
- Robert Evans, EdD, Executive Direcor, Human Relations Service, Wellesley
- Ed K. S. Wang, PsyD, Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health; Clinical Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
35. Bonds That Matter: Strengthening Family Reslience in the Face of Adversity
June 22, 2012
- Alan Jacobson, PsyD, Senior Vice President of Programs, Jewish Family and Children’s Service; clinical psychologist for families and adults; clinical and strategic consultant
- Elaine Pinderhughes, MSW, Professor Emerita, Boston College Graduate School of Social Work
- Richard Pinderhughes, PsyD, Associate Director of Administration and Multicultural Consultant with VISIONS, Inc.; background in adoption issues, paticularly older adoptions and international and transracial adoptions
- Elena Cherapanov, PhD, LMHC, CTS, CBFS Program, North Suffolk Mental Health Association; Coordinator of Trauma Studies Program at Cambridge College; Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists
36. Cultural Perspective and Spiritual Meaning: Shaping Helping Interventions
June 14, 2013
- Khawla Abu-Baker, PhD, Associate Professor, Emek Yezreel Academic College, and NAS: Center for Gender and Arab Society Studies, Al-Qasimi Academic College, Israel
- Mari Carmen Bennasar, PsyD, Associate Director of Field Education for the Clinical PsyD Department, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
- John McDargh, PhD, Associate Professor of the Psychology of Religious Development, Boston College Department of Theology; Director of the Center for Psychotherapy and Spirituality and Adjunct Professor, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology
37. Cultural Persepctives, Values, and Meaning: Integrating Them Into Helping Interventions
June 13, 2014
- Natale A. Cort, PhD, Core Faculty, Clinical Psychology Department, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology; Senior Instructor in Psychiatry, University of Rochester Medical Center; United States Departmet of Veterans Affairs
- Sara Orozco, PhD, Counseling Psychology Program, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology; specializing in individual, couples, and family therapy with diverse client populations
- Susan Powell, PhD, Core Faculty, Counseling Psychology Program, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology; special interest in diversity and difference, counseling theory, and clinical skill development
38. Collaboration Betweeen Peers and Professionals: How Livedand Learned Experience
Contribute to Reccovery
April 24, 2015
- Jackie K. Moore, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, North Suffolk Mental Health Association
- Katherine D. (Kitty) Dukakis, Holocaust Memorial Council, Mental Health Activist and
- Michael Dukakis, former Massachusetts Governor and U.S. presidential candidate
- Zoreh R. King, BA, CPS, Director of Recovery, North Suffolk Mental Health Association
- Derri Shtasel, MD, MPH, Executive Director, Kraft Family National Center for Leadership and Training in Community Health, Partners Healthcare; Michele and HowardJ. Kessler Chair in Public and Community Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hopital; Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
39. The Contentious Health Care System: Is There a Place for Community Mental Health?
May 20, 2016
- Alan Sager PhD, Professor of Health Policy and Management, and Director of the Health Reform Program, Boston University School of Public Health
- Mark Alexakos, MD, MPP, Chief Behavioral Health Officer, Lynn Community Health Center
40. Losing and Finding a Home: Policy, Psychological, and Human Services Aspects of
Migrants and Refugees
June 9, 2017
- Falah Hashem, MB, ChB, Chief of Staff, Massachusetts Office for Refugees and Immigrants
- Jill Betz Bloom, PhD, Co-Director, Center for Multicultural and Global Mental Health, William James College
- Rosemarie Coelho, LICSW, Jewish Family Service of MetroWest
41. The Leader and the Led: How the Nature of the Leader Affects Organizations and
June 1, 2018
- Ervin Staub, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Founding Director of the Doctoral Program in the Psychology of Peace and Violence, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- Elena Cherepanov, PhD, LMHC, Senior Instructor, Cambridge College; Lead for Refugee Behavioral Services, Lynn Community Health Center
42. Supports and Challenges in Childhood Development: Individual and Community Resources
in a Changing World
May 31, 2019
- Arnold Kerzner, MD, Emeritus Chief of Clinical Services, Human Relations Service, Wellesley; Distinguished Fellow, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Lisa McElaney, MS in Mental Health Counseling, LMHC, Infant-Parent Mental Health Clinician, Center for Early Relationship Support, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, Boston; Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant, Horizons for Homeless Children, Boston
- Gemima St. Louis, PhD, Professor and member of the Concentration on Children and Families of Adversity and Resilience, William James College
June 12, 2020
- Dr. Robert Kinscherff, associate vice president of community engagement and professor of clinical psychology at William James College
- Dr. Nancy Rappaport, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and continuing education instructor at William James College
- Dr. Jaime Barrett, director of the Clinical Support Unit at the Cambridge Police Department and assistant professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School, gave presentations
May 21, 2021
- Sharon A. Abramowitz, MA, PhD, UNICEF Consultant
- Rob Evans, EdD, psychologist and school consultant
- Manjola Van Alphen, MD, PhD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer for North Suffolk Mental Health Association
45. Bringing Together Varied Communities: As in the Covid Pandemic and Climate Change
May 20, 2022
- Janet Ancel, MSW, JD, Vermont State Representative
- Elana Cherepanov, PhD, LMHC, CTS Professor, Cambridge College; Clinical Lead for Refugees, Lynn Community Health Center
- Edgar H. Schein, PhD, Emeritus Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management and Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management
46. Mental Health Crises in Our Communities: Envisioning New Collaborations, Building
New Bridges
May 5, 2023
- John F. Carmichael, Jr, BS, MS
- Meghan Kennedy, MSW, LICSW
- Kate L. Moore, MSW, LICSW
- David G. Satin, MD, DLFAPA
- Joanne Tsakas Barros, MEd, PhD candidate, LMHC, CCHP
- Officer, Jonathan Maldonado
- Moderator, Shannon Gay, MEd
May 3, 2024
- Carmen Bennasar, PsyD
- Paul Costello
- Jodie Kliman, PhD
- David G. Satin, MD, DLFAPA
- Catherine Vuky, PhD