2017-2018: Michelle Codner

Michelle Codner
2017-2018: Underserved Scholarship Awardee
Clinical Psychology PsyD
“Don’t just count your days, make your days count.” — Muhammad Ali
Michelle was born and raised in Jamaica and moved to the United States nine years ago to pursue an employment opportunity at a residential facility. She completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of the West Indies and acquired a master’s degree in counseling psychology from the American International College. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at William James College.
Michelle has worked with clients in a group home for many years and has experience working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Intellectual Disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorders, Conduct Disorders, Reactive Attachment Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Depression, and Anxiety. As a graduate student at WJC, Michelle plans to contribute to the field of psychology by participating in volunteer activities and acquiring the skills necessary to assist clients in coping with their psychological distress. Her long-term goals include opening a private practice and a charitable foundation, teaching at a college, and traveling the world to offer pro bono services. Michelle plans to continually advocate for the clients and families with whom she works, in particular those who face issues of inequality, discrimination, racism, and prejudice. She plans to participate in campaign drives to educate marginalized individuals on their rights and societal laws, and attend trainings geared towards harm reduction and empowerment of the underserved to challenge systems where they are unfairly disadvantaged.