Clinical PsyD Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data

Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data

Date Program Tables are updated: 1/6/2025

Program Disclosures

Does the program or institution require students, trainees, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution’s affiliation or purpose? Such policies or practices may include, but are not limited to, admissions, hiring, retention policies, and/or requirements for completion that express mission and values? Yes  
No X
If yes, provide website link (or content from brochure) where this specific information is presented: N/A

Time to Completion for all students entering the program

Spreadsheet-like table with columns and rows with numbers

Also, please describe or provide a link to program admissions policies that allow students to enter with credit for prior graduate work, and the expected

implications for time to completion. Please indicate NA if not applicable:
William James College Clinical PsyD Transfer of Credits

Program Costs

Description 2024-2025
Tuition for full-time students (in-state) $56,640
Tuition for full-time students (out-of-state) $56,640
Tuition per credit hour for part-time students  (if applicable enter amount; if not applicable enter "NA") $1,770
University/institution fees or costs $1,100
Additional estimated fees or costs to students (e.g. books, travel, etc.) $1,500

PsyD in Clinical Psychology Program Cost of Attendance

Internship Placement - Table 1

Spreradsheet-like table with columns and rows with numbers and text

Internship Placement - Table 2

spreadsheet-like table with columns and rows with numbers and text

* Cell should only include students who applied for internship and are included in applied cell count from “Internship Placement – Table 1"


Spreadsheet-like table with columns and rows with text and numbers


Outcome 2014 to 2024
The total number of program graduates (doctoral degrees conferred on transcript) between 2 and 10 years ago 722
The number of these graduates (between 2 and 10 years ago) who became licensed psychologists in the past 10 596
Licensure percentage 83%

Additional Outcomes

NECHE Additional Outcomes