Faculty: Zenobia Morrill, PhD

Zenobia Morrill, PhD
Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology Department
Degree | Major/Emphasis | Institution | Year |
PhD | Counseling Psychology | University of Massachusetts Boston | 2021 |
EdM, MA | Counseling Psychology | Teachers College, Columbia University | 2016 |
BA | Psychology | University of Virginia | 2013 |
- Introduction to Clinical Practice
- Advanced Clinical Practice
- Contemporary Psychodynamic Theory and Practice
Research and Practice Interests
- Psychotherapy process
- Critical and liberation psychologies
- Qualitative inquiry and methodology
- Global Mental Health
- Structural violence
- Theory and philosophy in psychology and psychiatry
Professional Licensures and Certifications
- Licensed Psychologist and Health Services Provider (MA)
- Sigmund Koch Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology, Awarded by Division 24 of the American Psychological Association (APA)
Publications and Presentations
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles and Academic Chapters
- Morrill, Z. & Comas-Dìaz, L. (In press). Feminist liberation psychotherapy: Re-politicizing intersectionality toward socially just clinical practice. Women & Therapy.
- Morrill, Z. & Hernandez, J. G. L. (In press). Branches of Humanistic and Existential Psychology. In APA Handbook of Humanistic and Existential Psychology.
- Levitt, H. M. & Morrill, Z. (In press). Elements of Power in Humanistic and Existential Psychotherapy. In APA Handbook of Humanistic and Existential Psychology.
- Morrill, Z. (In press). Genuineness in Humanistic-Existential Psychotherapy. Invited chapter in L. Hoffman & Lac, V. (Eds.), Evidence-Based Foundations of Existential-Humanistic Therapy. APA Books.
- Morrill, Z., Guterres, K., Rietti, S., & Goodman, D. (In press). Making sense of being and transforming: Introduction to the Psychology and the Other special issue on Gender & Sexuality. Studies in Gender and Sexuality. doi.org/10.1080/15240657.2024.2346451
- Levitt, H. M., Hamburger, A., Hill, C. E., McLeod, J., Pascual-Leone, A., Timulak, L., Buccholz, M., Fuertes, J., Frommer, J., Iwakabe, S., Martinez, C., Morrill, Z., Knox, S., Langer, P., Muran, J. C., Oddli, H., Řiháček, T., Tomicic, A., & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2024). Broadening the evidentiary bass for clinical guidance: Recommendations from international qualitative psychotherapy researchers. The American Psychologist.
- Morrill, Z. (2024). Book Review: Life-Enhancing Anxiety by Schneider, K. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Online First. doi.org/10.1177/00221678241239713
- Morrill, Z., & Rizo, J. L. (2023). Actualizing transformative promises of qualitative in-quiry: Early career retrospective. Qualitative Psychology, 10(3), 404–419. doi.org/10.1037/qup0000271
- Levitt, H. M. & Morrill, Z. (2023). Silences in psychotherapy: An integrative meta-analytic research review. Psychotherapy. Advance online publication. doi.org/10.1037/pst0000480
- Levitt, H. M. & Morrill, Z. (2023). Silence. In C. Hill & J. Norcross (Eds.), Psychotherapy skills and methods that work. Oxford. doi.org/10.1037/pst0000487
- Levitt, H. M., Collins, K., & Morrill, Z. (2023). A functionalist theory of gender, gen-der identities, and sexuality: A Humanistic exploration of experiences of LGBTQ+ gender communities. In S. Simpson, M. Racho, B. D. Robbins, & L. Hoffman (Eds.), Eros & Psyche: Humanistic and Existential Approaches to Sex and Sexuality (Vol. 1). University Professors Press.
- Levitt, H. M., Grabowski, L. M., Minami, T., & Morrill, Z. (2023). An initial validation of the Clients’ Experience of Therapy Scale (CETS): assessing the quality of psychotherapy process and outcome from clients’ perspectives. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-25. doi.org/10.1080/09515070.2023.2191171
- Morrill, Z. (2022). Humanistic psychotherapy. In H. Friedman & C. Markey (Eds.), Encyclopedia of mental health (3rd ed.). Academic Press (Elsevier). doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-91497-0.00099-0
- Levitt, H. M., Collins, K., Morrill, Z., Gorman, K., Grabowski, L., Karch, J., Ipekci, B., Orduña Picón, R., Reyes, A., Vaswani, A., & Wadler, B. (2022). Learning clinical and cultural empathy: A call for a multidimensional approach to empathy-focused psychotherapy training. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 57 267--279. doi.org/10.1007/s10879-022-09541-y
- Levitt, H. M., Ipekci, B., Morrill, Z., & Rizo, J. L. (2021). Intersubjective recognition as the methodological enactment of epistemic privilege: A critical basis for consensus and intersubjective confirmation procedures. Qualitative Psychology. Advance online publication. doi.org/10.1037/qup0000206
- Morrill, Z. (2021). Power dynamics in psychotherapy: Eminent therapists’ experiences navigating power from Humanistic-Existential and Feminist-Multicultural perspectives (Publication No. 28645574) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts Boston]. Proquest Dissertations Publishing.
- Levitt, H. M., Morrill, Z., Collins, K., & Rizo, J. (2021). The methodological integrity of critical qualitative research: Principles to support design and research review. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 68(3), 357–370. doi.org/10.1037/cou0000523
- Saleem, R., Morrill, Z., Brodt, M., & Pagan-Ortiz, M. (2021). Oppression and resistance: An analysis of Muslims’ experiences of structural violence. Journal of Community Psychology, (Online first). doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22588
- Cosgrove, L., Morrill, Z., & Karter, J. M. (2021). Digital aripiprazole as a human technology. Economy and Society, (Online first). (Special Issue) doi.org/10.1080/03085147.2021.1908767
- Morrill, Z. (2020). Introduction to the COVID-19 second special issue. Journal of Humanistic Psychology (Special Issue Introduction). doi.org/10.1177/0022167820966412
- Levitt, H. M. & Morrill, Z. (2020). Measuring silence: The pausing inventory categorization system and a review of findings. In A. Dimitrijevic & M. Buccholz (Eds.), Silence and silencing in psychoanalysis: Cultural, clinical and research perspectives (pp. 233-249). Routledge. doi.org/10.4324/9780429350900
- Cosgrove, L., Morrill, Z., Karter, J. M., Valdez, E., & Cheng, C. (2020). The cultural politics of mental illness: Toward a rights-based approach to global mental health. Community Mental Health Journal, (Online First). doi.org/10.1007/s10597-020-00720-6
- Cosgrove, L., Morrill, Z., Yousef, M., Vaswani, A., Cathcart, S., Troeger, R., & Karter, J. (2020). Drivers of and solutions for the over-use of antidepressant medication in pediatric populations. Frontiers Psychiatry, 11(17). doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00017
- Saleem, R., Morrill, Z., & Karter, J. M. (2019). Special issue on radical humanism, intersectional consciousness, and social change. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. (Special Issue Introduction). doi.org/10.1177/0022167819878912
- Levitt, H. M., Morrill Z., & Collins, K. (2019). Methodological integrity in counselling and psychotherapy research. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research Journal, 20(3), 422-428. doi.org/10.1002/capr.12284
- Cosgrove, L., Karter, J. M., Morrill, Z., & McGinley, M. (2020). Psychology and surveillance capitalism: The risk of pushing mental health apps during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 60(5), 611-625. doi.org/10.1177/0022167820937498
- Saleem, R., Pagan-Ortiz, M., Morrill, Z., Brodt, M., & Andrade, L. (2020). “I thought it would be different”: Experiences of structural violence in the lives of undocumented Latinas. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 26(2), 171-180. doi.org/10.1037/pac0000420
- Cosgrove, L., Karter, J. M., McGinley, M., & Morrill, Z. (2020). Digital phenotyping and digital psychotropic drugs: Mental health surveillance tools that threaten human rights. Health & Human Rights, 22(2), 33-40. www.hhrjournal.org/2020/12/perspective-digital-phenotyping-and-digital-psychotropic-drugs-mental-health-surveillance-tools-that-threaten-human-rights/
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations during the 2023 - 2024 Academic Year
- Morrill, Z. (2024, August 8-10). Discussant in T. Bryant, D. Kawahara, L. Comas-Diaz, & G. S. Belton’s (Chairs), Feminist Alchemy: Psychologist of Color’s Testimonios [Feature Stage Symposium]. American Psychological Association annual convention in Seattle, WA.
- Morrill, Z. (2024, July 13-14). On being and knowing from the in-between: Interstitial onto-epistemology [Keynote Address]. Psychology and the Other Conference in London, UK.
- Morrill, Z. (2024, June 14-16). Methodological integrity in reviewing qualitative research. In Z. Morrill’s (Chair), Gender & Sexuality in Psychology: Behind the Scenes with ECP Co-Editors of a Special Issue [Roundtable Presentation]. Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology in Chestnut Hill, MA.
- Morrill, Z. (2024, June 14-16). Critical epistemology and the psychological humanities. In M. Freeman’s (Chair), Qualitative Inquiry Through the Psychological Humanities: Opportunities and Challenges. [Roundtable Presentation]. Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology in Chestnut Hill, MA.
- Rizo, J. L., Levitt, H. M., Morrill, Z., & Ipekci, B. (2024, June 14-16). Publishing characteristics of qualitative research literature on therapists’ experiences conducting psychotherapy [Paper presentation]. Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology (SQIP), Chestnut Hill, MA, United States.
- Morrill, Z. (2024, March 28-30). On a humanistic praxis and its possibilities. In S. Rubin & L. Hoffman’s (Chairs), Keeping Humanistic Psychology and Psychotherapy Relevant in the 21st Century: Recent History and Future Directions [Symposium]. Society for Humanistic Psychology in Ann Arbor, MI.
- Morrill, Z. (2023, October 6-8). Alienation and practices of liberation. Respondent to A. Klein-man’s (Keynote Speaker), On Care in Mental Health: Suffering, Healing and the Hu-man Condition [Keynote Address]. Psychology and the Other Conference in Chest-nut Hill, MA.
- Morrill Z. (2023, August 3-6). Psychotherapy as a technology of the self. American Psychological Association annual convention in Washington, D.C.
- Levitt, H. & Morrill Z. (2023, August 3-6). Silence: An integrative meta-analysis. In J. Norcross’ & C. Hill’s (Chairs), Psychotherapy Skills and Methods that Work [Symposium]. American Psychological Association annual convention in Washington, D.C.
Email Dr. Morrill for more information about conference presentations and publications in review
Concurrent Leadership, Service and Professional Activities
- Editorial Board Member, Psychology and the Other Book Series
- Senior Research Associate, Psychological Humanities and Ethics Center, Boston College
- Member at Large, Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (STPP), Division 24 of the American Psychological Association (APA)
- Conference Coordinator and Secretary, Executive Committee, Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology (SQIP), Division 5 subsection of APA
- Psychoanalytic Fellow 2021-2023, American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA)
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Humanistic Psychology (JHP)
- Scientific Committee Member, Fourth World Congress of Existential Therapy
Licensed Psychologist in Private Practice
Prior Experience
- Research Officer for the United Nations' Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, Dainius Puras
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale Mental Health and Counseling, Yale University
- Predoctoral Fellow in Clinical and Community Psychology, Yale School of Medicine
- Practicum Trainee, Wellesley College Stone Center
- Practicum Trainee, Behavioral Health Partial Program, McLean Hospital of Harvard Medical School
- Psychology Trainee, Iona College Counseling Center, New York
Professional Affiliations
- American Psychological Association (Divisions 5, 24, 29, 32, 35, 39)
- American Psychoanalytic Association
Community Involvement
- Senior Research Associate, Boston College
- Science News Writer, Mad in America