Faculty: Robyn Bratica, PhD, LEP, NCSP

Robyn Bratica, PhD, LEP, NCSP
Associate Professor, School Psychology Department
Director, MA/CAGS in School Psychology
Degree | Major/Emphasis | Institution |
PhD | School Psychology | University of Rhode Island |
MA | School Psychology | University of Rhode Island |
Graduate Certificate | Women’s Studies | University of Rhode Island |
BA | Psychology, magna cum laude and honors program | Saint Michael’s College |
- Behavioral Assessment, Intervention and Consultation (BC521)
- Internship Seminar (CS701 and CS702)
- Practicum I: School Environment and Educational Assessment (FP501)
- Practicum II: Psychoeducational Assessment and Intervention (FP502)
Research and Practice Interests
- School threat assessment and prevention
- Social emotional learning
- Bullying and relational aggression
- Special education eligibility and comprehensive school-based assessment practices
- Consultation and collaboration
Professional Licenses and Certifications
- Certified School Psychologist (Rhode Island Department of Education)
- Licensed Educational Psychologist (Massachusetts Board of Allied Mental Health and Human Services)
- Licensed School Psychologist (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
- Licensed School Social Worker/School Adjustment Counselor (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
- Licensed Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent - Provisional (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education)
- Nationally Certified School Psychologist (National Association of School Psychologists)
- Graduate Student Excellence in School Psychology, University of Rhode Island (2011)
- American Psychological Association Travel Award (2009)
- The Marie Henault Award in Gender/Women’s Studies, Saint Michael’s College (2006)
Publications and Presentations
- Tyson, O., LaCamera, G., Vessichio, J., and Bratica, R. (2023). Decolonizing trauma work and its impact on practice. Communiqué, 52(3), 22-24.
- Bratica, R. (2023, February). Steps to Establish a GSA. Mini-skills session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
- Roach, S., Huerta, E., Lusi, M., and Bratica, R. (2023, February). Who Let the Dogs In? Animal-Assisted Interventions in Schools. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
- Bratica, R. (2022). Elementary School Lessons for Resilience. [Review of the book The Resilience Workbook for Kids, by C. Baurch-Feldman and R. Comizio]. Communiqué, 51(4), 38.
- Seiple, E., Tyson, O., and Bratica, R. (2022). Conducting functional behavioral assessments (FBAs) remotely. Behavior Today, 39(3).
- Bratica, R. (2022, August). Pivoting Towards Remote Instruction and Back Again: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Poster session at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Virtual.
- Bratica, R. (2022, February). Advocacy and Action Steps to Support LGBTQ Youth in Schools. Mini-skills session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
- DeLeo, M. and Bratica, R. (2022, February). Collaborating With Parents to Increase Family Involvement With Schools. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
- Aronson, S. and Bratica, R. (2022, February). Strategies to Advocate for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Boston, MA
- Murnane, J. and Bratica, R. (2022, February). The Discipline Gap. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
- Costa, S., Bratica, R., and Macklem, G. (2022, February). Helping Victims of Cypervictimization by Addressing Risk and Protective Factors. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
- Seiple, E., Tyson, O., and Bratica, R. (2022, February). Conducting Functional Behavioral Assessments Remotely. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
- Bratica, R. and Murphy, K. (2021). Engaging with families during COVID-19: Strategies for special educators and related service providers. Behavior Today, 37(2), 5-7.
- Bratica, R. B. (2020). A baby born too soon. Families, Systems, and Health, 38(1), 90.
- Bratica, R. B. (2020). A compendium of assessment tools for measuring bullying. Children and Schools, 42(1), 67-69.
- Bratica, R. B. (2018). Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues in Schools: Advocacy, Research, and Global Perspectives. [Review of the book Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Schooling: The Nexus of Research, Practice, and Policy, by S. T. Russell and S. S. Horn (Eds.)]. Sex Roles, 78(3-4), 309-310.
- (Bratica) Sullivan, R. (2013). How to use daily report cards. [Review of the book Daily report cards: An evidence-based system of assessment and intervention, by R. J. Volpe and G. A. Fabiano]. Communiqué, 42(4), 38.
- (Bratica) Sullivan, R. (2012). Summary of Comorbidity/Overlapping Between ADHD and PTSD in Relation to IQ Among Children of Traumatized/Nontraumatized Parents, by A. Daud and P. A. Rydelius. Communiqué, 41(4), 16-17.
- Bratica Sullivan, R., and Stoner, G. (2012). Developmental and gender differences in elementary school children’s recognition of bullying. Pastoral Care In Education, 30(2), 113-125.
- (Bratica) Sullivan, R. (2012). Summary of Including school resource officers in school-based crisis intervention, by R. K. James, J. Logan, and S. A. Davis, Communiqué, 40(6), 36.
- (Bratica) Sullivan, R. (2011). Lessons from the field. School Psychology: From Science to Practice, 3(3), 4-5.
- Bratica, R. (2011). Summary of High school teachers’ experiences with suicidal students: A descriptive study, by S. Freedenthal and L. Breslin. Communiqué, 39(8), 19-20.
- Bratica, R. (2009). Summary of Fears of American children following terrorism, by J.J. Burnham and L. M. Hooper. Communiqué, 38(3), 15-16.
- Bratica, R., Verdi, G., Swentosky, A., Wood, D., O’Bryon, E., and Bueno de Mesquita, P. (2009). Implementing an Anti-Violence Curriculum in a Culturally Diverse School District. School Psychology: From Science to Practice, 1(3), 32-36.
- Bratica, R. (2021, July). Supporting Parents and Caregivers During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Paper presentation at the International School Psychology Association Annual Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Bratica Sullivan, R. and Stoner, G. (2012, July). Student, Peer, and Teacher Reports of Bullying: Examining the Correlations and Accuracy Between Multiple Informants. Paper presentation at the International School Psychology Association Annual Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada
- Bratica, R. B. and Thompson, M. E. (2021, August). Diversity in the Recruitment and Retainment of School Psychology Trainers. Discussion session at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Virtual
- Bratica, R. B. (2021, February). Preventing and Responding to Child Sexual Abuse. On-demand session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Virtual
- Laich, P. and Bratica, R. (2021, February). Examining Racial Representation in the Assessment of Autism. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Virtual
- Sikavi, A., Nelson, M., Barry, J., and Bratica, R. (2021, February). Teacher-Friendly Behavioral Interventions for the Consulting School Psychologist. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Virtual
- Fallon, C. P. and Bratica, R. B. (2020, February). Teacher-Friendly Evidence-Based Behavioral Interventions. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD
- Moore, J., Bratica Sullivan, R., Swentosky, A. (2011, August). A Comparative Evaluation of Evidence-Based Violence and Bullying Prevention Programs. Poster session at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D. C.
- Bratica, R. (2011, February). Parental Illness and Psychological Health: A Counseling Case Study. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA
- Bratica, R. and Moore, J. (2011, February). Improving Teacher Attitudes Towards Consultation. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA
- Swentosky, A., Bratica, R., Bueno de Mesquita, P., and Wood, D. (2011, February). Implementation and Evaluation of Violence and Bullying Prevention Programs. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
- Bratica, R., O’Bryon, E., Wood, D., Verdi, G., Swentosky, A., and Bueno de Mesquita, P. (2010, March). Violence Prevention in the Schools: An Examination of Evidence-Based Programs. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL
- Bratica, R. and Stoner, G. (2010, March). Gender and Developmental Differences in the Identification of Aggression. Poster session at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL
- DeLeo, M., Laich, P., and Bratica, R. (2020, October). Ethnic, Racial, and Socioeconomic Discrepancies in the Identification of Autism. Poster session at the New England Psychological Association Annual Conference, Worcester, MA
- Walker, K. and Bratica, R. (2019, November). Evidence and Function-Based Interventions for Attention Seeking Behavior. Poster presentation at the New England Psychological Association Annual Conference, Manchester, NH
- Hannah, M., Reilly, N., Miller, B., Bratica, R., Murphy, T., and Cameron, A. (2019, November). Promoting Adaptability and Resilience in our Students. Panel presentation at the MASC/MASS Joint School Leadership Conference, Hyannis, MA
- Bratica, R. (2018, November). Implementing Social and Emotional Learning Curricula in Grades One through Twelve. In Symposium on Innovations in Social-Emotional Learning. Massachusetts Council for Exceptional Children Conference: Innovations in Special Education, Marlborough, MA
- Bratica Sullivan, R.B. (2016, March). DSM-V: What Educators Need to Know. Local Staff Development Opportunities Dinner Presentation, Norfolk, MA
- Bratica Sullivan, R. (2013, April). Addressing Bullying Within the Classroom: Resources for Teachers. Paper presentation at the Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence Annual Conference, Reading, MA
- Bratica Sullivan, R. B., Sproull, L. E., and May, L. A. (2012, May). Using Social Networking in School Psychology. Paper presentation at the Vermont Association of School Psychologists Annual Spring Conference, Montpelier, VT
- Bratica Sullivan, R., and Rogers, L. (2011, October). Bullying and Relational Aggression Among Ethnically Diverse Gay Male Youth. Paper presentation at the Diversity Challenge Annual Conference, Boston, MA
- Bratica, R. (2011, March). Child Psychoanalysis: Past and Present. Paper presentation at the Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA
- Bratica, R. (2010, October). Relational Aggression: Not Just About Girls Anymore. Paper presentation at the New England Psychological Association Annual Conference, Colchester, VT
- Bratica, R. (2010, October). Educational Attainment of Girls: Pre-School to Ph.D. Poster session at the Reimagining Girlhood: Communities, Identities, Self-Portrayals Conference, Cortland, NY
- Local/Invited Presentations
- Community Forum on Potential Impact of COVID Vaccines on Women's Health. Moderator (virtual) at William James College (2021, June).
- Care for the Caregivers. Presentation (virtual) to the Milford Special Education Parent Advisory Council in Milford, MA (2021, February).
- Trauma Sensitive Schools. Presentation (virtual) to teachers and student support personnel with Elana Wolkoff, Ph.D. in Burlington, MA (2020, September).
- Understanding the IEP. Presentation to the Milford Special Education Parent Advisory Council in Milford, MA (2020, March).
- Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools: Strategies for the School and Classroom. Presentation to the EDCO Collaborative with Elana Wolkoff, Ph.D. in Bedford, MA (2019, November).
- Diagnosis vs. Classification. Presentation to the Milford Special Education Parent Advisory Council in Milford, MA (2017, November).
- DSM-5: What Educators Need to Know. Presentation to administrative staff and Team Chairs in Milford, MA (2016, December).
- Social Emotional Learning. Presentation at the Milford Public Schools Leadership Retreat in Milford, MA (2016, August).
- Review of Individualized Education Programs. Presentation to middle school teachers with Rebecca Kiley in Milford, MA (2015, November).
- Supporting At-Risk Children and Adolescents. Paper presentation at the Milford Constant Learning Conference, Milford, MA (2015, October)
- Suicide: From Ideation to Intervention. Presentation to middle school teachers in Milford, MA (2015, October).
- Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities. Presentation to Team Chairs in Milford, MA (2015, May).
- Supporting Your Child’s Social-Emotional Needs over the Summer. Presentation to Parent Teacher Organization in Reading Public Schools, Reading, MA (May, 2013).
- Autism Spectrum Disorders: Interventions and Supports. Presentation to elementary school teachers in Reading, MA (April, 2013).
- Graduate School in Psychology. Presentation to students enrolled in Introduction to Clinical Psychology at the University of Rhode Island (March, 2010).
- Careers in Psychology. Presentation (Panel Participant) to Psychology Department undergraduate students, through the Psychology Club at the Community College of Rhode Island, Knight Campus (October, 2009).
Concurrent Leadership, Service and Professional Activities
- Educational Consultant/Psychoeducational Evaluator
Prior Experience
- Special Education Team Chairperson, Milford Public Schools
- School Psychologist/School Adjustment Counselor, Milford Public Schools
- School Psychologist, Reading Public Schools
- Disability Services for Students Counselor, University of Rhode Island
Professional Affiliations
- American Psychological Association
- Council for Exceptional Children
- Massachusetts School Psychologists Association
- National Association of School Psychologists
- Social-Emotional Learning Alliance of Massachusetts
Community Involvement
- Editorial Board Member, Psychology in the Schools
- Division 16 Proposal Reviewer for the American Psychological Association Convention
- Proposal Reviewer for the National Association of School Psychologists Convention
- American Cancer Society Relay for Life Participant
- Fundraiser for the March of Dimes through the Run for Babies Program
- Special Olympics Volunteer
- Youth Track and Field Coach