Faculty: Leanne Tortez, PhD

Leanne Tortez

Leanne Tortez, PhD

Assistant Professor, Organizational and Leadership Psychology Department

Degree Major/Emphasis Institution
PhD Applied Organizational Psychology Hofstra University
MS Industrial/Organizational Psychology California State University
BA Psychology California State University


  • Statistics and Research Methods I (726)
  • Statistics and Research Methods II (727)
  • Doctoral Project I (802)

Research and Practice Interests

  • The work-family interface
  • Leader-follower dynamics
  • Employee attitudes and well-being
  • Underrepresented groups (e.g., shift workers, low-income and minority employees)
  • Psychometrics

Professional Licenses and Certifications

  • Fearless Organization Scan (FOS)

Publications and Presentations

  • (Co-Chair) Tortez, L. M.; (Co-Chair) Coppola P. J.; McCreedy, R. T. W.; Rudel, E. M. (2024). A New Era in Burnout [Panel]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
  • Tortez, L. M., and Mills, M. J. (2022). In good company? Development and validation of the Family-Supportive Coworker Behavior Scale. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 136, 103724.
  • Tortez, L. M., Quinlan, P. S., Makaryus, A. N., George, C., Caruso, V., Gilman, S., Ricardo, A., and Fornari, A. (2020). The long‐term impact of an interprofessional humanistic faculty development programme: A qualitative investigation. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26(3), 738-746.
  • Mills, M., Tortez, L., Blanton, R. (2020). Be the eyes: Training employees to recognize industry-relevant indicators of sex trafficking [White paper]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
  • Mills, M., Tortez, L., Blanton, R. (2019). Moving beyond employees: Anti-trafficking training as facilitating social change. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 12, 34-38.
  • Kerulis, A., Tortez, L. M., and Mills, M. J. (in progress; chapter proposal accepted). The expat entrepreneur: Entrepreneurial ventures as contributing to the wellbeing of women as trailing spouses. In M. Lepeley et al. (Eds.) Wellbeing of Women in Entrepreneurship: A Global Perspective. Routledge.
  • Tortez, L. M., and Mills, M. J. (2018). The importance of social support to the work-family conflict and well-being relationship for physicians. Poster presented at the Annual Conference for Work and Family Researchers Network. Washington, D.C.
  • Fornari, A., Tortez, L. M., Lay, M., Hirsch, B., Tanzi, D., Friedman, M. I., Ricardo, A. P., Pekmezaris, R., and Branch, W. (2018). A mixed-methods approach to humanistic interprofessional faculty development. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 38(1), 66-72.
  • Mills, M. J., and Tortez, L. M. (2018). Fighting for family: Considerations of work-family in military service member parents. Invited contribution to special issue in P. D. Harms and P. L. Perrewé (Eds.), Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being (Vol. 16, pp. 91-116). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Pekmezaris, R., Tortez, L., Williams, M., Patel, V., Makaryus, A., Zeltser, R., Sinvani, L., Wolf-Klein, G., Lester, J., Sison, C., Lesser, M., Kozikowski, A. (2018). Home telemonitoring in heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Affairs, 37(12), 1-6.
  • Wilson, A., Martins-Welch, D., Williams, M., Tortez, L., Kozikowski, A., Earle, B., Attivissimo, L., Rosen, L., and Pekmezaris, R. (2018). Risk factor assessment of hospice patients readmitted within 7 days of acute care hospital discharge. Geriatrics, 3(1), 4-13.
  • Tortez, L. M. (2017). The importance of social support to the work-family conflict and well-being relationship for healthcare workers. (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Tortez, L. M., and Mills, M. J. (2017). In good company? Development of the Family-Supportive Coworker Perceptions scale. Poster presented at the Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.
  • Mills, M. J., Tortez, L. M., and Gallego-Pace, M. E. (2016). Is she really into it? The media as misleading in its portrayals of female executives’ work-family (im)balance. In C. Elliott, V. Stead, S. Marvin, and J. Williams (Eds.), Gender, media, and organizations: Challenging mis(s)representations of women leaders and managers (pp. 19-36). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
  • Mills, M. J., Fullagar, C. J. A., Culbertson, S. S., and Tortez, L. M. (2016). Improving understanding of the workload-wellbeing relation among state employees. Symposium paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
  • Rosiello, R., Tortez, L. M., and Mills, M. J. (2016). Equal opportunity support: The importance of FSSB for single/childless employees. Symposium paper presented at the Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA.
  • Tortez, L. M., Agars, M.D., and Pettey, A. (2015). Unpacking leader effects on the management of the work and family interface. Poster presented at the Annual Conference for the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY.
  • Agars, M. D., French, K. A., Tortez, L. M., Amaral, B., Rockwood, N., Soria, S., and Vansa, L. (2014). Work-family and health among low-income African American employees. Poster presented at the 2nd Biennial Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York City, NY.
  • Agars, M. D., Tortez, L. M., Rockwood, N., and Quinonez, L. (2014). The limited impact of work-family policies and culture on the career perceptions of women. Poster presented at the 2nd Biennial Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York City, NY.
  • French, K. A., McConnaughy, J. M., Agars, M. D., Tortez, L. M., and Castillo, M. (2014). Work-family issues in low income contexts: A qualitative investigation. Paper presented at the Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI.
  • Tortez, L. M., French, K. A., Agars, M. D., Cazares, E., Ezeagwula, C. E., Rockwood, N. J., and Vansa, L. (2014). Threat and fairness around diversity management: Testing full integration theory. Poster presented at the Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI.
  • Tortez, L. M., Gilbert, J., A., and Agars, M. D. (2014). Learning organizations, empowerment, and innovation: The importance of transformational leaders. Poster presented at the Annual Conference for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI.
  • Agars, M. D., and Tortez, L. M. (2013). LMX and work family outcomes: The importance of follower gender. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Huston, TX.
  • Tortez, L. M., and Gilbert, J. A. (2011). Factors mediating the relationship between transformational leadership and cohesion. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Concurrent Leadership, Service and Professional Activities

  • Supervising Research Specialist, County of Riverside (California)

Professional Affiliations

  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Academy of Management
  • American Psychological Society
  • National Native American Human Resources Association