Faculty: Kimberly Larson, JD, PhD

Kimberly Larson, JD, PhD
Professor, Clinical Psychology Department
Faculty, Forensic Psychology Concentration
Degree | Major/Emphasis | Institution | Year |
Doctor of Philosphy (PhD) | Clinical Psychology | Drexel University | 2007 |
Juris Doctor (JD) | N/A | Villanova University School of Law | 2006 |
Masters of Science | Clinical Psychology | Drexel University | 2004 |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | Psychology | Johns Hopkins University | 1999 |
- Statistics
- Ethics and Professional Practice
- Psychometrics
Research and Practice Interests
- Juvenile justice
- Juvenile delinquency
- Forensic assessment
- Implications of Adolescent Brain Development for Public Policy and Law
- Translation of psychological research for use in policymaking
Professional Licenses and Certifications
- Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Massachusetts
- Admitted to bar for practice of law in Pennsylvannia
- Admitted to bar for practice of law in New Jersey
- Award for Excellence in Teaching, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology (2012).
- AAMC Leadership Conference Scholarship Recipient, 2012 Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar, Awarded by the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Competitive university wide process to have expenses paid to attend AAMC seminar.
- Samuel S. Fels Fund Fellowship, Fellowship funding to support legal public interest work
Publications and Presentations
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Larson, K. (2014). Juvenile Competence to Stand Trial: Emerging Issues in Policy and Practice, Massachusetts Bar Association, Lawyer’s Journal, Retrieved from: http://www.massbar.org/publications/lawyers-journal/2014/february/juvenile-competence-to-stand-trial.
- Larson, K. and Grisso, T. (2012). Developing Statutes for Competence to Stand Trial in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings: A guide for lawmakers. Chicago, IL. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
- Boyer, B.A., Matour, S.J., Crittenden, K.B., Larson, K.A., Cox, J.M., and Link, D.D. (2012). Appraisals of Fear, Helplessness, and Perceived Life-Threat During Emergent Cardiac Surgery: Relationship to Pre-surgical Depression, Trauma History, and Posttraumatic Stress. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 20(2), 173-185. Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23179073.
- Larson, K. and Grudzinskas, A. (2008). A. Waiver of Postconviction Relief (PCR) and PCR Counsel, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 36(3), 402-404.
- Larson, K. A., Griffin, M. P., and Olley, J. G. (2008). Competency to be sentenced. In B. L. Cutler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law (Vol. 1, pp. 116-118). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Atkins, E. L., Podboy, J., Larson, K., and Schenker, N. (2007). Forensic psychological consultation in U.S. death penalty cases in state and federal courts. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 25(3), 7–20.
- Larson, K. (2003). Improving the “Kangaroo Courts:” A Proposal for Reform in the Evaluation of Juveniles’ Waivers of Miranda, Villanova Law Review, 48, 629-668.
Invited Peer Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
- Larson, K. and Grisso, T. (2015). Evaluations of Transfer and Commitment in APA Handbook of Psychology and Juvenile Justice.
- Larson, K., Kinscherff, R., and Goldstein. S. (2014). Ethical considerations and professional posture in working with violent offenders. In C. A. Pietz, and C. A. Mattson (Eds.), Violent offenders: Understanding and assessment (pp. 474-502). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Larson, K., DiCataldo, F., and Kinscherff, R. (2013). Miller v. Alabama: Implications for Forensic Mental Health Assessment at the Intersection of Social Science and the Law, New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement: Annual Symposium Issue, 39, 319-345.
- Larson, K. and McGill, J. (2010). Adolescent Input into Custody Decisions: Evaluating decision-making capacities, Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 10, 133-144.
Other Publications
- Piatkowski, C., Scott, E., Scott, T., Park, D., Larson, K. and Weemhoff, M., Juvenile Competency Manual: A guide for legal professionals (2014), Retrieved from: http://www.miccd.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/SBM-Juvenile-Competency-Manual-July-2014-FINAL.pdf
- Larson K. and Grisso, T. (2012, Summer). Juvenile Competence to Stand Trial: Issues in Research, Policy, and Practice, American Psychology Law Society Newsletter, pp. 18-20.
- Larson, K. and Lipps, T. (2012). Developing Statutes for Competence to Stand Trial in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings: A Guide for Lawmakers, Today: National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Quarterly.
Keynotes and Other Invited Addresses
- Larson, K. (2015, November). Legislative implementation training for judges, attorneys and other court personnel. Oklahoma City, OK.
- Larson, K. (2015, November). Legislative implementation training for statewide clinical staff. Oklahoma City, OK.
- Larson, K. (2015, April). Multidisciplinary training to assist with legislative implementation, OH.
- Larson, K. (2015, April). Judicial juvenile justice training. Nebraska Courts, Omaha, NE.
- Larson, K. (2014, November). Competence to Stand Trial: Critical considerations for youth. Statewide Conference sponsored by the John D. and Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation, Rhode Island Family Court and the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.
- Blitzman, J., Larson, K., and Redfield, S. (2014, May). Interrupting the cradle to prison pipeline. Joint Conference between the American Bar Association and American Psychological Association.
- Larson, K. (2014, March, April, May). A three-part training on juvenile developmental research, juvenile competence to stand trial from a legal and clinical standpoint, and skills practice. Massachusetts Juvenile Court Clinic Essex County, Massachusetts.
- Larson, K. (2014, April). Juvenile competence to stand trial remediation: Research and service update. Los Angeles County Defenders Association, Los Angeles, CA.
- Larson, K. and Weemhoff, M. (2013, September). Juvenile competence to stand trial: How to create an effective statute, National Juvenile Justice Network.
- Larson, K. Tiegen, A. and Althauser, D. (2013, July). Juvenile Competence to Stand Trial, Spotlight on Youth, Retrieved from: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spotlightonyouth/2013/07/12/competency-standards-in-delinquency-proceedings.
- Larson, K. (2013, March). Juvenile competence to stand trial: Clinical evaluation and emerging issues. California Forensic Mental Health Association Annual Meeting, Monterrey, CA.
- Larson, K. (2012, October). Panel discussion regarding Jackson / Miller, New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement Annual Symposium for Volume 39, Concord, NH.
- Larson, K. (2012, July). Juvenile competence to stand trial remediation, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, New Orleans, LA.
- Larson, K. (2012, June). Juvenile competence to stand trial: Emerging issues in legislation, Coalition for Juvenile Justice Annual Meeting “Improving Justice Outcomes for Youth and Families: Uniting Science, Policy and Practice”, Washington, D.C.
- Larson, K. and Thomas Grisso, (2012). Juvenile competence to stand trial: Emerging issues in the law and evaluation, Lincoln, NE.
- Larson, K. (2012). Juvenile Development and Juvenile Justice What Works (and How We Know). Arizona Supreme Court. Tucson, AZ.
- Larson, K. (2012). Juvenile Competence to Stand Trial in Massachusetts: Key Practice Issues, Massachusetts Bar Association, Boston, MA.
- Larson, K. (2012). Juveniles’ competence to stand trial: What we know from the research Oklahoma Forensic Academy. Oklahoma City, OK.
- Larson, K. (2012). Juvenile competency in Oklahoma [panel discussion]. Oklahoma Forensic Academy. Oklahoma City, OK.
- Larson, K. (2011). Adolescent development: How are kids different from adults? National Conference of State Legislatures. Orlando, FL.
- Larson, K. (2011). Juveniles’ competence to stand trial policy and research (Invited Keynote Address). North East Juvenile Defender Center. University of New Hampshire School of Law. Concord, NH.
- Larson, K. (2011). Practical legal strategies when competency arises panel. New England Defender Center. University of New Hampshire School of Law Concord, NH.
- Larson, K. (2011). The adolescent brain and our changing conceptualization of adolescence (Invited Keynote Address). Making a Difference in Juvenile Justice. Juvenile Justice
Delinquency Prevention/ Criminal Justice Services. Williamsburg, VA. - Larson, K. (2011). Substance abuse in juvenile justice populations. Making a Difference in Juvenile Justice. Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention/ Criminal Justice Services Williamsburg, VA.
- Larson, K., (2011). Transfer and sentencing: A developmental perspective. Making a Difference in Juvenile Justice. Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention/ Criminal Justice Services Williamsburg, VA.
- Larson, K. and Schoeller, D. (2011). Sex offenders: Law, policy, and treatment. Molly Bish Center Conference on Child Sex Predators, Stalking, and Child Sex Trafficking, Anna Maria College, Worcester, MA.
- Larson, K., Grisso, T. and Nathanson, R. (2011). Juvenile competence to stand trial: Clinical and legislative issues. (Invited Plenary Address). National Conference on Juvenile and Family Law. Reno, NV.
- Larson, K. and Grisso, T. (2011). Juvenile competence to stand trial: What judges need to know. National Conference on Juvenile and Family Law. Reno, NV.
- Larson, K. and Nathanson, R. (2011). Remediation of youths’ trial-related abilities: Emerging research. National Conference on Juvenile and Family Law. Reno, NV.
- Larson, K. (2010). Legal questions about youth’s capacities: Toward developmentally appropriate practice. Baton Rouge, LA.
- Larson, K. (2009). The impact of domestic violence on children. The Mediation and Training Collaborative: A Conference for Mediators. Worcester, MA.
- Thomas Grisso and Larson, K. (2009). Juvenile competence to stand trial: A policy perspective. Maine Training for Judges, Attorneys, and other Legal System Participants. Augusta, ME.
- Larson, K. and Joseph McGill, (2009). Adolescent input into custody decisions. Massachusetts Association of Guardians ad Litem. Worcester, MA.
- Larson, K., (2009). Mission-Direct program: Mental health services for returning veterans. Educating and Caring for the Mental Health Needs of OIF/OEF Veterans and their Families. Boston, MA.
- Larson, K. and Linares, H. (2009). Interrogation of juveniles and their confessions: How understanding developmental research and theory can result in improved motions outcomes. Central Louisiana Regional Juvenile Defender Training (2009). Baton Rouge, LA.
- Grisso, T. and Larson, K. (2008). Juvenile competence to stand trial. Connecticut Defender’s Association. Hartford, CT.
- Larson, K. Juveniles’ competence to stand trial: Legislative issues. (2008, December). John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Models for Change Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
- Other Peer Reviewed Professional Presentations
- Nathanson, R., Larson, K., and Stafford, A. (2020, March). Remediating juvenile competency to stand trial: Preliminary findings from a pilot program. Paper to be presented at the 2020 American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Nathanson, R., Larson, K., and Bath, E. (2019, July). Remediating juvenile competency to stand trial: The Kids’ Court School Competency Remediation Program. Paper presented at the 2019 International Congress at Law and Mental Health, Rome, Italy.
- Larson, K. Nathanson, R., Connor, S. (2016, June). Juvenile competence remediation: emerging issues in forensic practice, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
- Nathanson, R., Conner, S., Larson, K. (2016, March). Juvenile competence remediation. California Forensic Services Conference, Juvenile Competence Remediation, Monterrey, CA.
- Larson, K., Nathanson, R., Langley, S., Schwartz, L., AlBrink, E. (2016, March). Symposium: Emerging issues in juvenile forensic evaluation, practice, and policy. American Psychology Law Society Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Larson, K. and Nathanson, R. (2016, January). Systems implementation training for juvenile competence to stand trial remediation services, Los Angeles County Probation, Los Angeles, CA.
- Murdock, L., Nathanson, R., and Larson, K. (2015, March). Effects of the JCCS curriculum on juveniles' legal knowledge and competency to stand trial. Paper presented at American Psychology-Law Society (APLS) Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Larson, K. and Thomas Grisso, (2014, July). Juvenile competence to stand trial: A two day training for attorneys, clinicians, and other juvenile justice stakeholders.
- Langley, S., Larson, K., Pinals, D., Sohn, I., and Whittle, L., (2014). Juvenile competence to stand trial: An evaluation of states’ services for competence remediation. Poster presented at the Junior Faculty Development Program, UMass Medical School, Worcester, MA.
- Langley, S., and Larson, K. (2014, March). Juvenile competence to stand trial: A 50 state survey, Poster presented at the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Research Centers of Excellence Conference, MA.
- Langley, S. and Larson, K. (2014, March). Juvenile competence to stand trial practices and services: A national survey, Paper presented at the American Psychology Law Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- Larson, K., (2012, March). Mentoring students in law and psychology: Postdoctoral fellowships. Panel presentation at the American Psychology Law Society Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Salema, E., Maney, S., and Larson, K. (2012). A national investigation of the mental health symptoms reported by juvenile offenders, Paper Presented at the American Psychology Law Society Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Larson, K. (2011, December).The practical aspects of developing statutes for competence to stand trial in juvenile delinquency proceedings: A guide for lawmakers. MacArthur Foundation 6th Annual National Working Conference, Washington, D.C.
- Rebecca Nathanson and Larson, K. (2011, June). Juveniles’ competence to stand trial: An emerging model for remediation of youth’s trial related abilities. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Barcelona, Spain.
- Thomas Grisso and Larson, K. (2009). The MacArthur juvenile competence project: A case study in translating research to inform policy and reform practice. 3rd Annual Commonwealth Medicine Academic Conference, Westborough, MA.
- Larson, K. and Joseph McGill (2009). Adolescent input in custody decisions. Workshop presented at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, New Orleans, LA.
- Larson, K. (2009). Juvenile competence to stand trial: Legislative issues. Law and Psychiatry Seminar, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA.
- Larson, K. (2008). Juvenile competence to stand trial: A legislative proposal. Worcester State Hospital, Worcester, MA.
- Larson, K. (2008). Challenges in assessing malingering in competence to stand trial. Worcester State Hospital, Worcester, MA.
- Larson, K. Naomi E. Goldstein, N.E., and Amanda Zelechoski, (2008, March). The effects of extralegal factors on judicial decision-making. Paper presented at the American Law Psychology Society Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
- Larson, K. and Howard, B.K. (2008). Risk assessment: Lecture and training session. Presented to Social Workers Recently Hired by the Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS), Worcester, MA.
- Elliot Atkins, John Peabody, and Larson, K. (2005). Forensic psychological consultation in united states death penalty cases in state and federal courts. Paper presented at the World Congress of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
- Brett A. Boyer, Kia Crittenden, Larson, K. Jennifer Mayer, A. Gill-Price, A., D.D. Link, and J. Kraus, (2004). Pre-surgical depression, posttraumatic stress, and appraisal among patients undergoing open heart surgery. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
- Larson, K. and Naomi E. Goldstein, (2004, June). Does simplification of the Miranda warning improve youths’ comprehension? Poster presented at the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Larson, K., and Naomi E. Goldstein, (2004, March). Mental health courts: An historical lesson from the creation of the juvenile courts and its current implications, Paper presented at the American Psychology Law Society Annual Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Larson, K., (2003, June). A proposal for reform in the evaluation of juveniles’ waiver of Miranda rights. Paper presented at the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Annual Meeting. Miami, FL.
Prior Experience
- Member, Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice (FACJJ)
- Chair of Subcommittee on Juvenile Records, Information Sharing, and Expungment, Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice
- Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC)
- Section Council Member, Juvenile and Child Welfare, Massachusetts Bar Association
- Legislative Liaison to the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Section of the Massachusetts Bar Association.
- Committee on Legal Issues, American Psychological Association
- Faculty Director and Associate Professor, Doctorate in law and policy, Northeatern University
- Assistant Professor, Law and Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Professional Affiliations
- International Association of Forensic Mental Health
- American Psychological Association
- American Psychology Law Society
Community Involvement
- Pro bono consultations to defense counsel and prosecutors on juvenile justice services.
- Pro bono presentations to attorneys, judges, legislators and other legal stakeholders for professional development and/or staff training regarding juvenile justice law and policy and adolescent development.
- Uncompensated participation in state government Commissions and Working Groups in Massachusetts and at the federal level.
- Northeastern University, Faculty Academic Counsel Member.
- Co-Chair, Anti-racist Curricular Working Group, Graduate School of Education, Northeastern University
- Northeastern University, Faculty Development Committee, Faculty Senate.
- American Psychology Law Society, Legal Scholars Committee. Term: 7/13 - present
- Executive Committee Member, Law and Psychiatry Program, UMass Medical School
- Co-Chair, Juvenile Justice Academic and Research Interest Group, UMass Medical School.
- Co-Chair, Research and Scholarship Committee, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology.
- American Psychology Law Society, Dissertation Award Committee.
- Ethics Committee Member, Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School.
- Chair of Ethics Technology and Website Subcommittee;
- Member Ethics Education Subcommitee
- Committee Member, University of Massachusetts Medical School Research Day
- Member, Committee for Strategic Planning, UMass Medical School, Center for Mental
- Health Services Research. General Member and Member of Subcommittee on Policy/Guideline Development.
- Grant Reviewer: National Science Foundation
- Manuscript Reviewer: Law and Social Inquiry
- Peer Reviewer: Legal Scholars Committee Panel, American Psychology Law Society
- Grant Reviewer: Early Career Psychologists Committee, American Psychology-Law Society
- Peer Reviewer: Office of Justice Programs (OJP), National Institute of Justice (NIJ).
- Manuscript Reviewer: Children and Youth Services
- Manuscript Reviewer: Behavioral Sciences and the Law.
- Manuscript Reviewer: Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice.
- Manuscript Reviewer: International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.
- Manuscript Reviewer: Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology
- Manuscript Reviewer: Psychology, Public Policy and Law.
- Conference Proposal Reviewer: American Psychology Law Society.
- Conference Proposal Reviewer: American Psychological Association.
- Conference Proposal Reviewer: International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services
- Peer Reviewer: Routledge Publishing Company.
- Book Reviewer: Psychiatric Services.
- Grant Reviewer: Ontario Mental Health Foundation