Faculty: Julie L. Ryan, PhD

Julie L. Ryan, PhD
Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology Department
Director, Children and Families of Adversity and Resilience Concentration
Consulting Psychologist, Youth and Family Psychotherapy Services
Degree |
Institution |
PhD |
University at Albany, State University of New York |
MA |
University at Albany, State University of New York |
BA |
Boston University |
- Introduction to Clinical Practice
- Introduction to Research
- Lifespan Development
- Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence
- Clinical Practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Clinical Practice of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Child and Adolescent Disorders
- Preventative Mental Health Programs for Children and Families
Research and Practice Interests
- Dissemination of Evidence Based Practices for Youth
- Emotion regulation
- Treatment of Anxiety
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Children, Adolescents, and Families
- Suicide prevention
Professional Licenses and Certifications
- Licensed Psychologist, Massachusetts (# 10467)
- Licensed Psychologist, New York (# 019175-1)
- July 2013, Fairleigh Dickinson University Provost’s Seed Grant ($5000 awarded)
- June 2008, PSI CHI Excellence in Teaching Award
- April 2005, Society for Research and Child Development Millennium Scholar Junior Mentor
Publications and Presentations
- *denotes graduate student mentee
- Fox, J. K., Halpern, L. F., and Ryan, J. L. (under review). Emotion regulation as a moderator of relations between peer victimization
and mental health outcomes in youth. Submitted to Social Development.
- Weil Malatras, J., Israel, A.C., Sokolowski, K. L. and Ryan, J. L. (2016). Family Stability, Time Management and Attention in College Students. Re-submitted
to Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 47, 23-29.
- Masia Warner, C., Klein R., Colognori, D., Brice, C., Mufson, L., Lynch, C., Herzig, K., Reiss, P.,Petkova, E., Fox, J., Moceri,
D., and Ryan, J.L. (2016). A randomized effectiveness trial of cognitive-behavioral treatment for social
anxiety implemented by school counselors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12550
- *Grossi, L., Lee, A. F., Schuler, A., Ryan, J. L. and Prentky, R. A. (2016). Sexualized behaviors in cohorts of children in the child
welfare system. Child Abuse and Neglect, 52, 49-61.
- *Sweeney, C., Masia Warner, C., Brice, C., Stewart, C., Ryan, J., Loeb, K., L., and McGrath, R. E. (2015). Identification of Social Anxiety in Schools:
the utility of a two-step screening process. Contemporary School Psychology, 1-8.
- Fox, J. K., Masia Warner, C., Lerner, A. B., Ludwig, K., Ryan, J. L., Colognori, D., Lucas, C. P., and Brotman, L. M. (2012). Preventive intervention for
anxious preschoolers and their parents: Strengthening Early Emotional Development.
Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 43, 544–559.
- Masia Warner, C., Ludwig, K., *Sweeney, C., Spillane, C., Hogan, L., Ryan, J. L., and Carroll, W. (2011). Treating persistent distress and anxiety in parents of children
with cancer: An initial feasibility trail. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 28(4), 224-230.
- Fox, J. K., Halpern, L. F., Ryan, J. L., and Lowe, K. A. (2010). Stressful life events and the tripartite model: Relations
to anxiety and depression in adolescent females. Journal of Adolescence, 33, 43-54.
- Symposium Presentations
- Ryan, J.L., Fox, J. K., Colognori, D., Masia Warner, C. (2011, November). Outcomes of CBT for Social Anxiety Delivered by School Counselors: The Mediating Role
of Negative Cognitions. Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto,
- Colognori, D., Ryan, J.L., Fox, J. K. and Masia Warner, C. (2011, November). Mental Health Service Utilization in a Community Sample of Socially Anxious Adolescents. In Ryan, J. L. and Masia Warner, C. (Co-Chairs) Mental Health Service Utilization in Youth: Deficiencies
of Availability, Awareness and Use of Evidence Based Treatments. Paper presented at
the 45th annual Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, ON.
- Masia Warner, C., Ryan, J.L., Colognori, D., Fox, J. K., Herzig, K. (2011, November). Adapting Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder for Delivery in Schools: Training School
Counselors to Deliver a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention. Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto,
- Ryan, J.L., Ludwig, K., Colognori, D., Kim, R.E., Masia Warner, C. (2010, November). Training school counselors to deliver a cognitive-behavioral intervention for adolescents
with social anxiety disorder: process, integrity, and competence. Paper presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco,
- Poster Presentations
- *Wilson, L, Ryan, J. L., *Serino, D., and *Martin, J. (2016, October). The effects of imparining mood dysregulation
and comorbid difficulties on the reports of children’s suicidal ideation. Poster to
be presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, New York, NY.
- *Serino, D., Ryan, J. L., *Wilson, L., and *Martin, J. (2016, October). Does the presence of suicidality in
children with emotion dysregulation influence treatment response? Poster to be presented
at the 50th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
New York, NY.
- Kobezak, H. M., Duran, E., Taffuri, J. L., Fox, J. K., Ryan, J. L., and Halpern, L.
F. (2016, November).Investigating cognitive mediation and stress generation approaches
to the development of social anxiety in children. Poster presented at the 50th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
- Duran, E., Kobezak, H. M., Taffuri, J. L., Fox, J. K., Ryan, J. L., and Halpern, L.
F. (2016, November).Hostile intent cognitions as a moderator of negative life events
and aggression in school-aged children.Poster presented at the 50th annual meeting
of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
- *Martin, J. B., Ryan, J. L., Wilson, L. A. S., and Serino, D. M. (2015, November). Social functioning in preadolescent children with impairing emotion dysregulation:
Can DBT help? Poster presented at the 49th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL.
- *Wilson, L. A. S., Ryan, J. L., Martin, J. B., Serino, D. M. (2015, November). Exploring the different outcomes of an open pilot Dialectical Behavior Therapy
(DBT) Multi-Family Skills group for children with or without Autism Spectrum Disorder
diagnosis. Poster presented at the 49th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL.
- Novak, M. L., Taffuri, J. L., Fox, J. K., Ryan, J. L., and Halpern, L. F. (2015, November) Pathways between peer victimization and internalizing and externalizing distress in
school-age children. Poster presented at the 49th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL.
- *Serino, D., Ryan, J. L., *Martin, J., *Wilson, L., Lander, E., and Miller, A. L. (2014, November). Can the Child Behavior Checklist Pediatric Bipolar/Dysregulation Profile improve following
a 16-week DBT Multifamily Skills Group? Poster presented at the 48th annual Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
- *Wilson, L., Ryan, J. L., *Martin, J., and *Serino, D. (2014, November). Relationship between parental psychopathology and child mood dysregulation before
and after DBT Multifamily Skills Group. Poster presented at the 48th annual Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
- *Martin, J., Ryan, J. L., Lander, E., and Miller, A. L., Serino, D. and Wilson, L. (2014, November). Tempering tween tantrums with DBT? Feasibility of a DBT Multifamily Skills Group treatment
with youth with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. Poster presented at the 48th annual Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
- Fox, J. K., Riskie, C., Ryan, J. L., and Halpern, L. (2014, November). Patterns of Specificity in Parenting Behaviors, Child Affectivity, and Anxiety and
Depressive Symptoms. Poster presented at the 48th annual Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
- *Martin, J., Ryan, J. L., Fox, J., and Halpern, L. (2014, March). Do Parents Make Bullying Worse? The relationship between peer victimization and anxious
automatic thoughts in children, and the moderating effects of parental warmth and
overprotection. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston,
- Vaysman, R., Persons, E., Uhl, K., Ryan, J. L., Fox, J., and Halpern, L. (2012, November). The Mediational Role of Negative Affect in the Association between Peer Victimization
and Child Psychopathology. Poster presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National
Harbor, MD.
- Hirsch, E., Stewart, C. E., Lackovic, S. F., Fox, J. K., Colognori, D., Ryan, J. L., Kim, R. E., and Masia Warner, C. (2011, November). The Fear of Positive Evaluation Scale in a Community Sample of Adolescents: Psychometric
Properties and Relationship to Social Anxiety. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto,
- Lackovic, S. F., Stewart, C. E., Hirsch, E., Colognori, D., Fox, J. K., Ryan, J. L., Kim, R. E., and Masia Warner, C. Rates of Service Utilization in Socially Anxious
Adolescents: Does severity predict help-seeking? Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto,
- Kim, R.E., Ocner, E., *Sweeney, C., Rialon, R.A., Ryan, J.L., Ludwig, K., Colognori, D., Masia Warner, C. (2010, November). Training school counselors to deliver a cognitive-behavioral intervention for adolescents
with social anxiety disorder. Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco,
- *Sweeney, C., Ocner, E., Lerner, A.B., Reitman, E., Kim, R.E., Ludwig, K., Ryan, J.L., Masia Warner, C. (2010, November). Effects of a group CBT intervention for parents of preschool-aged children with anxiety:
An open pilot of Strengthening Early Emotional Development (SEED). Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Associations for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco,
Concurrent Leadership, Service and Professional Activities
- 2014- Present, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Awards and
Recognition Committee, Committee Member
Prior Experience
- 2014-2015, Consultant/Staff Psychologist, CBT/DBT Associates, New York, NY
- 2011-2015, Assistant Professor of Psychology School of Psychology, Fairleigh Dickinson
University, Teaneck, NJ
- 2012-2014, Associate Director of Clinical Training, School of Psychology, Fairleigh
Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ
- 2013- 2015, ABCT Annual Program Committee, Committee Member
- 2011-2014, Senior Provider, Fairleigh Dickinson University Faculty Practice, Hackensack,
- August 2014. Trainee, Advanced Intensive Training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy,
Behavioral Tech (Five-day training)
- August 2014, Trainee, Beck Institute Training: Supporting a Successful Transition
to College for Students with ASD (Two-day training)
- May 2014, Trainee, Kazdin Parent Management Training, Yale Parenting Center (Two-day
- Nov. 2013, Trainee, APA Commission on Accreditation Site Visitor training (Eight-hour
- Jan. 2013, Trainee, American Psychological Association accreditation self-study training
presented by the Commission on Accreditation (Eight-hour training)
- 2009-2010, Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Psychology New York University,
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
- 2007-2008, Instructor, Department of Psychology, University at Albany, State University
of New York
Professional Affiliations
- 2012-Present, Dissemination Special Interest Group of ABCT
- 2008-Present, Child Anxiety Special Interest Group of ABCT
- 2003-Present, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Community Involvement
- Invited Lecture: Red Flags:Identifying children with Tourette’s Syndrome. Guest Speaker for the New Jersey Center for Tourettes Syndrome. Presented to staff
of Straight and Narrow, Paterson, NJ, April, 2015
- Invited Lecture: Managing Tourette’s Syndrome in the classroom. Guest Speaker for the New Jersey Center for Tourettes Syndrome. Presented to Fair
Lawn Elementary School, February, 2014
- Invited Lecture: Introduction to Tourette’s Syndrome. Guest Speaker for the New Jersey Center for Tourettes Syndrome. Presented to Teaneck
Community Charter School, August, 2013
- Invited Lecture: Emotion Regulation: How to Help Individuals with Developmental and Cognitive Delays
Understand Their Emotions and Control their Behaviors. Guest Speaker for the New Jersey Center for Tourettes Syndrome. Presented to ECLC
of New Jersey, November, 2012.
- Webinar: Anxiety and the Undergraduate: Common Difficulties Due to Anxiety and How Post-Secondary
Educators Can Help. Guest Speaker for the New Jersey Center for Tourette’s Syndrome. April, 2012.
- Webinar: Emotion Regulation: Strategies for Children and Adolescents Experiencing Irritability
and Difficulties Managing Their Emotions. Guest Speaker for the New Jersey Center for Tourettes Syndrome. January, 2012.
- Invited Lecture: Anxiety in Adolescents. Guest Speaker. Presented to the Madison Public School Junior and High Schools’ Parent,
Teacher and Student Associations, Madison, NJ, October, 2009.
- Invited Lecture: Identification of suicidal and non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors. Guest Speaker. Presented to the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Pediatric Emergency
Department, The University Hospital for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx,
NY, November, 2008.
- Invited Grand Rounds Lecture: Introduction to Psychological Assessment in Pediatric Care. Guest Speaker. Presented to the Department of Behavioral Pediatrics, Albany Medical
Center, Albany, NY, March, 2008.