Faculty: Jenny D'Olympia, PsyD, LP, HSP, LMHC

Jenny D'Olympia, PsyD, LP, HSP, LMHC
Assistant Professor, Counseling and Behavioral Health Department
Director, Train Vets to Treat Vets Programs
Degree | Major/Emphasis | Institution |
Doctor of Psychology | Clinical Psychology | William James College |
Master of Science | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Troy University |
Bachelor of Science | Secondary Education | Southeast Missouri State University |
Bachelor of Arts | French | Southeast Missouri State University |
- CN601 Mental Health Counseling Internship 1
- CN602-Mental Health Counseling Internship II
- MV515 Military Family and the Cycle of Deployment
- MV555 Trauma Theory and Treatment with Emphasis on Military and Veteran Populations
- FX510 Introduction to Family Therapy
Research and Practice Interests
- Women Veterans
- Readjustment and Mental Health Needs of Military, Veterans and their Families
- Suicide Prevention and Safer Firearms Storage
- Veterans Homelessness Prevention
- Internal Family System TherapyMental healh of military, veterans and their families, women veterans
- Post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression
- Individual, group, couples and family therapy
- Testing and assessment
- Evaluation and advocacy for children with special needs
- Special interest in children, families and systems
Professional Licenses and Certifications
- Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)
- Licensed Psychologist, Health Service Provider (LP HSP)
- Clinical Fellow of American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy
- Deborah Sampson Award, Woman Veteran of the Year Massachusetts, June 2023
Publications and Presentations
- D’Olympia, J., Taveira-Dick, A., Suri, S., Kolodney, J., Tiamuh, Z., Re, K., DeRamon, J., and Pierce, E. (2023, August 2-4). Development and Implementation of Veterans Continuing Education Series in the Community. Poster session presented for Division 19 at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
- D’Olympia, J., Moulton, S., Auchinchloss, J., Tuitt, M., Dearling, T., (2022, Nov 11). A Special Veterans Day Hour of Radio Boston, WBUR
- D’Olympia, J., Gagliardi, J. (2022, Feb 27). Connecting with Military Families an Insider’s View. New England Journal of Relational and Systemic Practice.
- D’Olympia, J., Curran, S. (2021, Apr 1). Nurses Feel Mental Health Strains of A Year of Giving Pandemic Care. Greater Boston with Adam Reilly. WGBH.
- D’Olympia, J., Curran, S. (2021, Jan). Recognizing and Handling Trauma Episode 1 and
2. Prolonged Disaster Nursing: Podcast. Labouré College of Healthcare and William
James College.
D’Olympia, J., Garvin, J. (2020, Sept 29). 102nd Intelligence Wing Wellness Podcast. - D’Olympia, J., (2019, Oct 8). Military Veterans as a Therapeutic Population. William James College APA Consortieum Presentation Series. Newton, MA
- D’Olympia, J., Hannon T., (2019, Apr 26). The Evolution of Veterans Helping Veterans in the Boston Area. Innovations and New Horizon’s in the Psychological Care of Veterans. Newton, MA.
- D’Olympia J., (2019, Apr 22). Internal Family Systems Therapy as an Intervention with Veterans. Harvard Street Neighboorhood Health Center. Dorchester, MA
- D’Olympia J., (2019, Mar 12). Internal Family Systems Therapy as an Intervention with Veterans. William James College APA Consortieum Presentation Series. Newton, MA
- D'Olympia, J., Hannon, T., Morse, C., and DeBring, C. (2014, Apr 18). Veterans Recovery Programs and Peer Interventions. Caring for our Veterans and Their Families: Emerging Perspectives and Innovative Practices, MSPP Conference. Newton, MA.
- D'Olympia, J., and Furtado, J. (2011, Oct 22). Relationship Repair. Women Veterans Retreat. Acton, MA.
- D'Olympia, J., DiCandia, C., Kikuchi, J., and Sullivan, W. (2011, Jun 27). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Family Treatment. Vet Center Mission: Treatment Strategies and New Initiatives (Counselor Training). Mystic, CT: Department of Veterans Affairs.
- D'Olympia, J., Furtado, J., Mello, E., and Mello, J. (2011, Jun 18). Family Readjustment of Women Veterans Panel. Women Veterans Conference . Salem, MA.
- D'Olympia, J., Stone, D., and Hannon, T. (2010, Jun 15). The Impact of Military Deployment: The Officer, the Family and the Department. Public Safety Training Seminar . Cambridge, MA.
- D’Olympia, J., Duckworth, K. D., Dow, B., and Crosby, J. (2009, Mar 28). Hidden Wounds Panel Discussion. VINFIN Annual Film Festival . Boston, MA.
- D'Olympia, J., White, J., Simkewicz, A., Morse, C., and Esty, E. (2008, Jun 5). Effective Outreach to OIF/OEF Veterans. Counselor Training: War Trauma and Treatment Strategies. Mystic, CT: Department of VeteransmAffairs.
- D'Olympia, J., Lashua, P., Smith, P. (2007, May 17). Military History: Female Global War on Terrorism Veterans. Counselors Training: Uniting Systems to Meet Veterans Readjustment Issues. Lake Placid, NY: Department of Veterans Affairs.
- D'Olympia, J., Porche, A., and Russell, M. (2007, May 16). Innovative and Experiential Group Treatment: Reading Group, Anger Management, and Art Therapy. Counseling Training: Uniting Systems to Meet Veterans Readjustment Issues. Lake Placid, NY: Department of Veterans Affairs.
- D'Olympia, J, Sepulveda, Hannon, T.,., Armstead, R., Smith, W., White, H., et al. (2007, May 11). Post Traumatic Stress- The Science, Treatment, Social and Political Implications. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; a Working Conference in Honor of Erwin R. Parson. Boston, MA
- D'Olympia, J. (2007, Apr 5). Readjustment and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Massachusetts Statewide Veterans Conference. Marlborough, MA.
- D’Olympia, J. (2007, Mar 20). Iraq War: The Experience of the Female Soldier. Medical Continuing Education at Providence VA Medical Center.
- D'Olympia, J., Garrett, J., Sheets, J., and Simkewicz, A. (2006, Jun 22). Global War on Terror: Identifying Veteran and Family Issues. Counselor Training. Meeting the Challenge: Accomplishing the Vet Center Mission with OEF/OIF Veterans. Lake Placid, NY: Department of Veterans Affairs.
Concurrent Leadership, Service and Professional Activities
- Massachusetts Governors Counsel to Prevent Suicide in Military, Veterans and their Families 2022-Present
- Board Member Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) 2022-Present
- Canton Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse Committee 2022-2023
Prior Experience
Department of Veterans Affairs, Boston, MA
Readjustment Counseling Service, 20-40 hours per week. December 2005-April 2013
- Provided 3,160 hours of individual, family, and group counseling to over 800 different military and veteran clients over the course of approximately 4,000 visits
Military Family Counselor, 20 hours per week, April 2011-May 2013
- Provided family and couples therapy to military families in a community setting
- Coordinated care with individual counselors, family members, doctors, and other providers
- Organized and facilitated a region wide consultation group for Vet Center family counselors which meet weekly over the phone to discuss evolving complex veteran family cases
Readjustment Counselor, 40 hours per week, October 2007-April 2011
- Provided short- and long-term counseling to adults across the lifespan in a community setting
- Specialization in treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and mood disorders
- Organized and presented training, consultation and supervision including continuing education presentations for 250 counselors and team leaders across New England
- Consulted with doctors, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and social workers about complex treatment of veterans with trauma, bereavement, homelessness, and substance use disorders
- Organized and facilitated opportunities for veterans and their families to participate in alternative therapeutic activities including hiking, martial arts, yoga, and adaptive sports
- Facilitated anger management therapy groups
- Facilitated anxiety management therapy groups
OEF and OIF Outreach Specialist and Counselor, 40 hours per week, November 2005-October 2007
- Provided individual and group counseling to veterans and their families in a community mental healthcare setting, including weekly team meetings and group consultation
- Presented 1,400 plus hours of public speaking to returning veterans, families, and providers
- Facilitated connection between the Massachusetts National Guard and Vet Centers in Region 1A to require 100% direct contact between Vet Center and soldiers and airmen returning from war
Westover Air Reserve Base, Chicopee, MA
Intelligence Officer, Captain, United Sates Air Force Reserves, 5 hours per week,
May 2006-August 2009
- Directed intelligence training for over 350 aircrew and military personnel
- Developed training program to prepare professionals for worldwide operations
United States Air Force Special Operations Command, Hurlburt Field, FL
Intelligence Officer, Captain, United States Air Force, 40-60 hours per week, June
2000-April 2005
- Researched, analyzed, and disseminated intelligence products in support of worldwide Special Operations
- Developed, organized, and conducted weekly professional training program
- Devised and produced 40-hour new member orientation training program
- Designed training program for 500 Special Operations personnel located at eight worldwide sites
Learn more about Dr. D'Olympia here
Professional Affiliations
- American Psychological Association, Division 19
- American Psychological Association
- Massachusetts MEntal Health Counselors Association